path: root/Translations/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Translations/')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index a30d6253..a2f3bbdc 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <localization prog-version= "1.26">
+ <localization prog-version= "1.26.10">
<language langid="ca" name="Català" en-name="Catalan" version="0.1.0" translators="CESICAT, Centre de Seguretat de la Informació de Catalunya" />
<font lang="ca" class="normal" size="11" face="default" />
<font lang="ca" class="bold" size="13" face="Arial" />
@@ -295,6 +295,7 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_NEW_PKCS5_PRF">PKCS-5 PRF:</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_PW_CACHE_OPTIONS">Recordar contrasenyes</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_SECURITY_OPTIONS">Opcions de seguretat</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_EMV_OPTIONS">EMV Options</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_TASKBAR_ICON">VeraCrypt en segon pla</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_TRAVELER_MOUNT">Volum VeraCrypt a muntar (ruta relativa al directori arrel del disc):</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_TRAVEL_INSERTION">Després d'inserir el disc de viatge: </entry>
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_KEYFILE_WARNING">ATENCIÓ: Si perd un fitxer de claus o si canvia algun dels seus primers 1024 kilobytes, serà impossible de muntar els volums que utilitzin aquest fitxer de claus!</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_KEY_UNIT">bits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_NUMBER_KEYFILES">Number of keyfiles:</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDT_KEYFILES_SIZE">Keyfiles size (in Bytes):</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_KEYFILES_SIZE">Keyfiles size:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_KEYFILES_BASE_NAME">Keyfiles base name:</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_LANGPACK_AUTHORS">Traduït per:</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDT_PLAINTEXT">Mida del text pla:</entry>
@@ -389,6 +390,7 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="ADMINISTRATOR">Administrador</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ADMIN_PRIVILEGES_DRIVER">Per carregar el controlador VeraCrypt és necessari que entri al sistema amb un compte amb privilegis d'administrador.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ADMIN_PRIVILEGES_WARN_DEVICES">Si us plau, tingui en compte que per xifrar/desxifrar/donar format a una partició/unitat és necessari que s'utilitzi un compte d'usuari amb privilegis d'administrador.\n\nAixò no s'aplica als volums de dispositiu.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="ADMIN_PRIVILEGES_WARN_MANAGE_VOLUME">Unable to activate fast file creation: Administrator privileges required.\nPlease relaunch the program as an Administrator to enable this feature.\n\nWould you like to proceed without fast file creation?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ADMIN_PRIVILEGES_WARN_HIDVOL">Per a crear un volum ocult és necessàri utilitzar un compte d'usuari amb privilegis d'administrador.\n\nVol continuar?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ADMIN_PRIVILEGES_WARN_NTFS">Tingui en compte que per donar format NTFS a un volum és necessàri utilitzar un compte d'usuari amb privilegis d'administrador.\n\nSense privilegis d'administrador pot donar format FAT al volum.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="AES_HELP">Un xifrat aprovat pel FIPS (el 1998 amb el nom de Rijndael) que està autoritzat pels departaments i les agències del govern dels EUA per protegir informació classificada fins al nivell de Top Secret. Clau de 256 bits, bloc de 128 bits, 14 rondes (AES-256). Treballa en mode XTS.</entry>
@@ -611,7 +613,7 @@
<entry lang="en" key="FAVORITE_PIM_CHANGED">This volume is registered as a System Favorite and its PIM was changed.\nDo you want VeraCrypt to automatically update the System Favorite configuration (administrator privileges required)?\n\nPlease note that if you answer no, you'll have to update the System Favorite manually.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SYS_PASSWORD_CHANGED_ASK_RESCUE_DISK">IMPORTANT: Si no ha destruït el disc de recuperació del VeraCrypt, la seva partició/unitat de sistema es podrà desxifrar utilitzant la contrasenya antiga (introduïnt el disc de ercuperació antic i la contrasenya antiga). Hauria de crear un nou disc de recuperació i destruïr l'antic.\n\nVol crear un nou disc de recuperació?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SYS_HKD_ALGO_CHANGED_ASK_RESCUE_DISK">Tingui en compte que el seu disc de recuperació encara utilitza l'algorisme anterior. Si considera que l'algorisme anterior és insegur, hauria de crear un nou disc de recuperació i destruïr l'antic.\n\nVol crear un nou disc de recuperació?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="KEYFILES_NOTE">Any kind of file (for example, .mp3, .jpg, .zip, .avi) may be used as a VeraCrypt keyfile. Note that VeraCrypt never modifies the keyfile contents. You can select more than one keyfile (the order does not matter). If you add a folder, all non-hidden files found in it will be used as keyfiles. Click 'Add Token Files' to select keyfiles stored on security tokens or smart cards (or to import keyfiles to security tokens or smart cards).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="KEYFILES_NOTE">Note that VeraCrypt never modifies the keyfile contents. You can select more than one keyfile (the order does not matter). If you add a folder, all non-hidden files found in it will be used as keyfiles. Click 'Add Token Files' to select keyfiles stored on security tokens or smart cards (or to import keyfiles to security tokens or smart cards).</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="KEYFILE_CHANGED">S'han afegit/eliminat el(s) fitxer(s) de claus.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="KEYFILE_EXPORTED">S'ha exportat el fitxer de claus.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="PKCS5_PRF_CHANGED">S'ha establert l'algorisme de derivació de la clau de capçalera.</entry>
@@ -938,7 +940,7 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="ENTER_HEADER_BACKUP_PASSWORD">Introdueixi la contrasenya de la capçalera guardada a la còpia de seguretat</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="KEYFILE_CREATED">El fitxer de claus s'ha creat amb èxit.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_INCORRECT_NUMBER">The number of keyfiles you supplied is invalid.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_INCORRECT_SIZE">The keyfile size must be comprized between 64 and 1048576 bytes.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_INCORRECT_SIZE">The keyfile size must be at least 64 bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_EMPTY_BASE_NAME">Please enter a name for the keyfile(s) to be generated</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_INVALID_BASE_NAME">The base name of the keyfile(s) is invalid</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS">The keyfile '%s' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it? The generation process will be stopped if you answer No.</entry>
@@ -1571,6 +1573,71 @@
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UPGRADE_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM">VeraCrypt cannot be upgraded because the system partition/drive was encrypted using an algorithm that is not supported anymore.\nPlease decrypt your system before upgrading VeraCrypt and then encrypt it again.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_TERMINALNOTFOUND">Supported terminal application could not be found, you need either xterm, konsole or gnome-terminal (with dbus-x11).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_MOUNT_NO_CACHE">Mount Without Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_INFO">:: VeraCrypt Expander ::\n\nExpand a VeraCrypt volume on the fly without reformatting\n\n\nAll kind of volumes (container files, disks and partitions) formatted with NTFS are supported. The only condition is that there must be enough free space on the host drive or host device of the VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo not use this software to expand an outer volume containing a hidden volume, because this destroys the hidden volume!\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_STEPSEXPAND">1. Select the VeraCrypt volume to be expanded\n2. Click the 'Mount' button</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_VOL_NAME">Volume: </entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_FILE_SYS">File system: </entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_CURRENT_SIZE">Current size: </entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_NEW_SIZE">New size: </entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_NEW_SIZE_BOX_TITLE">Enter new volume size</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_INIT_NEWSPACE">Fill new space with random data</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_QUICKEXPAND">Quick Expand</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_INIT_SPACE">Fill new space: </entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_FREE_SPACE">%s free space available on host drive</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_HELP_DEVICE">This is a device-based VeraCrypt volume.\n\nThe new volume size will be choosen automatically as the size of the host device.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_HELP_FILE">Please specify the new size of the VeraCrypt volume (must be at least %I64u KB larger than the current size).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="QUICK_EXPAND_WARNING">WARNING: You should use Quick Expand only in the following cases:\n\n1) The device where the file container is located contains no sensitive data and you do not need plausible deniability.\n2) The device where the file container is located has already been securely and fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to use Quick Expand?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_STATUS_TEXT">IMPORTANT: Move your mouse as randomly as possible within this window. The longer you move it, the better. This significantly increases the cryptographic strength of the encryption keys. Then click 'Continue' to expand the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_STATUS_TEXT_LEGACY">Click 'Continue' to expand the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_FINISH_ERROR">Error: volume expansion failed.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_FINISH_ABORT">Error: operation aborted by user.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_FINISH_OK">Finished. Volume successfully expanded.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_CANCEL_WARNING">Warning: Volume expansion is in progress!\n\nStopping now may result in a damaged volume.\n\nDo you really want to cancel?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_STARTING_STATUS">Starting volume expansion ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_HIDDEN_VOLUME_ERROR">An outer volume containing a hidden volume can't be expanded, because this destroys the hidden volume.\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_SYSTEM_VOLUME_ERROR">A VeraCrypt system volume can't be expanded.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_NO_FREE_SPACE">Not enough free space to expand the volume</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WARNING_FILE_CONTAINER_JUNK">Warning: The container file is larger than the VeraCrypt volume area. The data after the VeraCrypt volume area will be overwritten.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WARNING_FAT">Warning: The VeraCrypt volume contains a FAT file system!\n\nOnly the VeraCrypt volume itself will be expanded, but not the file system.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WARNING_EXFAT">Warning: The VeraCrypt volume contains an exFAT file system!\n\nOnly the VeraCrypt volume itself will be expanded, but not the file system.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WARNING_UNKNOWN_FS">Warning: The VeraCrypt volume contains an unknown or no file system!\n\nOnly the VeraCrypt volume itself will be expanded, the file system remains unchanged.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_ERROR_VOLUME_SIZE_TOO_SMALL">New volume size too small, must be at least %I64u kB larger than the current size.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_ERROR_VOLUME_SIZE_TOO_LARGE">New volume size too large, not enough space on host drive.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_ERROR_MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED">Maximum file size of %I64u MB on host drive exceeded.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_ERROR_QUICKEXPAND_PRIVILEGES">Error: Failed to get necessary privileges to enable Quick Expand!\nPlease uncheck Quick Expand option and try again.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_ERROR_MAX_VC_VOLUME_SIZE_EXCEEDED">Maximum VeraCrypt volume size of %I64u TB exceeded!\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FULL_FORMAT">Full Format</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FAST_CREATE">Fast Create</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_FAST_CREATE">WARNING: You should use Fast Create only in the following cases:\n\n1) The device contains no sensitive data and you do not need plausible deniability.\n2) The device has already been securely and fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to use Fast Create?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_EMV_SUPPORT">Enable EMV Support</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_APDU_INVALID">The APDU command sent to the card is not valid.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXTENDED_APDU_UNSUPPORTED">Extended APDU commands cannot be used with the current token.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SCARD_MODULE_INIT_FAILED">Error when loading the WinSCard / PCSC library.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_UNKNOWN_CARD_TYPE">The card in the reader is not a supported EMV card.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_SELECT_AID_FAILED">The AID of the card in the reader could not be selected.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_ICC_CERT_NOTFOUND">ICC Public Key Certificate was not found in the card.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_ISSUER_CERT_NOTFOUND">Issuer Public Key Certificate was not found in the card.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_CPLC_NOTFOUND">CLPC was not found in the EMV card.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_PAN_NOTFOUND">No Primary Account Number (PAN) found in the EMV card.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INVALID_EMV_PATH">EMV path is invalid.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EMV_KEYFILE_DATA_NOTFOUND">Unable to build a keyfile from the EMV card's data.\n\nOne of the following is missing:\n- ICC Public Key Certificate.\n- Issuer Public Key Certificate.\n- CPCL data.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD">No card in the reader.\n\nPlease make sure the card is correctly slotted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_EXTERNAL_FAILED">Windows command failed to format the volume as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS: Error 0x%.8X.\n\nFalling back to using Windows FormatEx API.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FORMATEX_API_FAILED">Windows FormatEx API failed to format the volume as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS.\n\nFailure status = %s.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WRITING_RANDOM_DATA">Writing random data to new space ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WRITING_ENCRYPTED_BACKUP">Writing re-encrypted backup header ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WRITING_ENCRYPTED_PRIMARY">Writing re-encrypted primary header ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_WIPING_OLD_HEADER">Wiping old backup header ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_MOUNTING_VOLUME">Mounting volume ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_UNMOUNTING_VOLUME">Unmounting volume ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXPANDER_EXTENDING_FILESYSTEM">Extending file system ...\n</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="PARTIAL_SYSENC_MOUNT_READONLY">Warning: The system partition you attempted to mount was not fully encrypted. As a safety measure to prevent potential corruption or unwanted modifications, volume '%s' was mounted as read-only.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_LINK_KEYFILES_EXTENSIONS_WARNING">Important information on using third-party file extensions</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_DISABLE_MEMORY_PROTECTION">Disable memory protection for Accessibility tools compatibility</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_MEMORY_PROTECTION_WARNING">WARNING: Disabling memory protection significantly reduces security. Enable this option ONLY if you rely on Accessibility tools, like Screen Readers, to interact with VeraCrypt's UI.</entry>
+ <entry lang="ca" key="LINUX_LANGUAGE">Idioma</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT_SYS_DEFAULT_LANG">Select system's default language</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_RESTART_FOR_LANGUAGE_CHANGE">For the language change to come into effect, VeraCrypt needs to be restarted.</entry>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="VeraCrypt">