:: :: Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is :: Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed :: by the TrueCrypt License 3.0. :: :: Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) :: and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX :: and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is :: contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source :: code distribution packages. :: :: Usage: BuildDriver <-build|-rebuild|-clean> <-release|-debug> <-x86|-x64> [dir2] ... @echo off set TC_ARG_CMD=%~1 shift set TC_ARG_TYPE=%~1 shift set TC_ARG_ARCH=%~1 shift :: Windows Driver Kit build number set TC_WINDDK_BUILD=7600.16385.1 :: Check for spaces in the current directory path cd | find " " >NUL: if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: MS Build does not support building of projects stored in a path containing spaces. >&2 exit /B 1 ) :: Build options set TC_C_DEFINES=-D_WIN32 -DTC_WINDOWS_DRIVER set TC_C_FLAGS=-nologo -I.. set TC_C_WARNING_LEVEL=-W4 set TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS=-wd4057 -wd4100 -wd4127 -wd4152 -wd4201 -wd4701 -wd4702 -wd4706 set TC_LIBRARIAN_FLAGS=-nologo set TC_LINKER_FLAGS=-nologo set TC_TEST_SIGN=0 :: Windows Driver Kit root set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\WinDDK\%TC_WINDDK_BUILD% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%WINDDK_ROOT%\%TC_WINDDK_BUILD% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%WINDDK_ROOT% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Windows Driver Development Kit not found in the default directory. Set WINDDK_ROOT environment variable to point to your Windows DDK installation directory. >&2 exit /B 1 :ddk_found :: CPU architecture if "%TC_ARG_ARCH%"=="-x64" ( set TC_BUILD_ARCH=x64 WNET set TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR=amd64 set TC_ARCH=x64 set TC_ARCH_SUFFIX=-x64 set TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS=%TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS% -wd4328 -wd4366 set TC_LINKER_FLAGS=%TC_LINKER_FLAGS% -LTCG if defined TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_NAME set TC_TEST_SIGN=1 ) else ( set TC_BUILD_ARCH=WXP set TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR=i386 set TC_ARCH=x86 set TC_ARCH_SUFFIX= ) :: Build type if "%TC_ARG_TYPE%"=="-debug" ( set TC_BUILD_TYPE=chk set TC_C_DEFINES=%TC_C_DEFINES% -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG set TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR=_driver_debug set TC_COPY_DIR="..\Debug" ) else ( set TC_BUILD_TYPE=fre set TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR=_driver_release set TC_COPY_DIR="..\Release" set TC_TEST_SIGN=0 ) :: WDK environment pushd . call %TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv %TC_WINDDK_ROOT% %TC_BUILD_TYPE% %TC_BUILD_ARCH% no_oacr || exit /B %errorlevel% popd if "%TC_ARG_ARCH%"=="-x64" ( @call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%VCVarsQueryRegistry.bat" 32bit No64bit @set "PATH=%VSINSTALLDIR%Common7\IDE;%VSINSTALLDIR%VC\bin\amd64;%PATH%" ) else ( @call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%VCVarsQueryRegistry.bat" No32bit 64bit @set "PATH=PATH=%VSINSTALLDIR%Common7\IDE;%VSINSTALLDIR%VC\bin;%PATH%" ) :: Build if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-rebuild" (set TC_BUILD_OPTS=-c -Z) pushd . :build_dirs if "%~1"=="" goto done cd /D "%~1" || exit /B %errorlevel% if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-clean" ( rd /s /q obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR% 2>NUL: rd /q obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR% 2>NUL: ) else ( set USER_C_FLAGS=%TC_C_FLAGS% %TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS% -FAcs -Fa%~1\obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR%\ set MSC_WARNING_LEVEL=%TC_C_WARNING_LEVEL% set C_DEFINES=%TC_C_DEFINES% set RCOPTIONS=/I %MFC_INC_PATH% set LIBRARIAN_FLAGS=%TC_LIBRARIAN_FLAGS% set LINKER_FLAGS=%TC_LINKER_FLAGS% set BUILD_ALT_DIR=%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR% build %TC_BUILD_OPTS% -w -nmake /S -nmake /C 2>build_errors.log 1>&2 if errorlevel 1 ( type build_errors.log type build_errors_asm.log 2>NUL: exit /B 1 ) del /q build_errors.log build_errors_asm.log build%BUILD_ALT_DIR%.* 2>NUL: ) shift goto build_dirs :done popd if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-clean" exit /B 0 md "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files" >NUL: 2>NUL: copy /B /Y obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR%\veracrypt.sys "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files\veracrypt%TC_ARCH_SUFFIX%.sys" >NUL: if errorlevel 1 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Cannot copy target. >&2 exit /B 1 ) if %TC_TEST_SIGN% equ 1 ( signtool sign /s "%TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_STORE%" /n "%TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_NAME%" "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files\veracrypt%TC_ARCH_SUFFIX%.sys" >NUL: if errorlevel 1 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Cannot test-sign target. >&2 exit /B 1 ) ) exit /B 0