/* Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "Platform.h" #include "Bios.h" #include "BootConsoleIo.h" #include "BootDefs.h" #include "BootDiskIo.h" #include "BootDebug.h" #ifdef TC_BOOT_TRACING_ENABLED void InitDebugPort () { __asm { mov dx, TC_DEBUG_PORT mov ah, 1 int 0x17 mov dx, TC_DEBUG_PORT mov ah, 0xe2 int 0x17 } } void WriteDebugPort (byte dataByte) { __asm { mov al, dataByte mov dx, TC_DEBUG_PORT mov ah, 0 int 0x17 } } #endif // TC_BOOT_TRACING_ENABLED #ifdef TC_BOOT_DEBUG_ENABLED extern "C" void PrintDebug (uint32 debugVal) { Print (debugVal); PrintEndl(); } void PrintVal (const char *message, const uint32 value, bool newLine, bool hex) { Print (message); Print (": "); if (hex) PrintHex (value); else Print (value); if (newLine) PrintEndl(); } void PrintVal (const char *message, const uint64 &value, bool newLine, bool hex) { Print (message); Print (": "); PrintHex (value); if (newLine) PrintEndl(); } void PrintHexDump (byte *mem, size_t size, uint16 *memSegment) { const size_t width = 16; for (size_t pos = 0; pos < size; ) { for (int pass = 1; pass <= 2; ++pass) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < width && pos < size; ++i) { byte dataByte; if (memSegment) { __asm { push es mov si, ss:memSegment mov es, ss:[si] mov si, ss:mem add si, pos mov al, es:[si] mov dataByte, al pop es } pos++; } else dataByte = mem[pos++]; if (pass == 1) { PrintHex (dataByte); PrintChar (' '); } else PrintChar (IsPrintable (dataByte) ? dataByte : '.'); } if (pass == 1) { pos -= i; PrintChar (' '); } } PrintEndl (); } } void PrintHexDump (uint16 memSegment, uint16 memOffset, size_t size) { PrintHexDump ((byte *) memOffset, size, &memSegment); } #endif // TC_BOOT_DEBUG_ENABLED #ifdef TC_BOOT_STACK_CHECKING_ENABLED extern "C" char end[]; static void PrintStackInfo () { uint16 spReg; __asm mov spReg, sp Print ("Stack: "); Print (TC_BOOT_LOADER_STACK_TOP - spReg); Print ("/"); Print (TC_BOOT_LOADER_STACK_TOP - (uint16) end); } void CheckStack () { uint16 spReg; __asm mov spReg, sp if (*(uint32 *) end != 0x12345678UL || spReg < (uint16) end) { __asm cli __asm mov sp, TC_BOOT_LOADER_STACK_TOP PrintError ("Stack overflow"); TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } } void InitStackChecker () { *(uint32 *) end = 0x12345678UL; PrintStackInfo(); PrintEndl(); } #endif // TC_BOOT_STACK_CHECKING_ENABLED