From fc37cc4a02ed13d1a73b941a9f80975600fd1b99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Foerster Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 20:20:14 +0200 Subject: Normalize all line terminators --- src/Common/Resource.h | 422 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 211 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-) (limited to 'src/Common/Resource.h') diff --git a/src/Common/Resource.h b/src/Common/Resource.h index 8755f6c3..3eca197e 100644 --- a/src/Common/Resource.h +++ b/src/Common/Resource.h @@ -1,211 +1,211 @@ -//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} -// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. -// Used by Common.rc -// -#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_ICON 501 -#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_VOL_ICON 502 -#define IDD_BENCHMARK_DLG 503 -#define IDD_MOUNT_OPTIONS 504 -#define IDD_KEYFILES 505 -#define IDR_LANGUAGE 506 -#define IDI_TRUECRYPT 507 -#define IDD_ABOUT_DLG 508 -#define IDD_COMMANDHELP_DLG 509 -#define IDD_RAWDEVICES_DLG 510 -#define IDC_HOMEPAGE 511 -#define IDR_COMMON_RSRC_HEADER 512 -#define IDD_LANGUAGE 513 -#define IDD_CIPHER_TEST_DLG 514 -#define IDR_LICENSE 515 -#define IDD_AUXILIARY_DLG 516 -#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_BKG 517 -#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_96DPI 518 -#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_288DPI 519 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR 520 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_AES 521 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT 522 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH 523 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_DECOMPRESSOR 524 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER 525 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_AES 526 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SERPENT 527 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_TWOFISH 528 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR 529 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_AES 530 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT 531 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH 532 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER 533 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_AES 534 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SERPENT 535 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_TWOFISH 536 -#define IDD_TOKEN_PASSWORD 537 -#define IDD_TOKEN_KEYFILES 538 -#define IDD_NEW_TOKEN_KEYFILE 539 -#define IDD_RANDOM_POOL_ENRICHMENT 540 -#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_MOUNTED_ICON 541 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SHA2 542 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_AES_SHA2 543 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT_SHA2 544 -#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH_SHA2 545 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SHA2 546 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_AES_SHA2 547 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SERPENT_SHA2 548 -#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_TWOFISH_SHA2 549 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SHA2 550 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_AES_SHA2 551 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT_SHA2 552 -#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH_SHA2 553 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SHA2 554 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_AES_SHA2 555 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SERPENT_SHA2 556 -#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_TWOFISH_SHA2 557 -#define IDC_HW_AES_LABEL_LINK 5000 -#define IDC_HW_AES 5001 -#define IDC_PARALLELIZATION_LABEL_LINK 5002 -#define IDC_PARALLELIZATION 5003 -#define IDT_TOKEN_PASSWORD 5004 -#define IDC_PRINT 5005 -#define IDC_KEY 5006 -#define IDC_PLAINTEXT 5007 -#define IDC_CIPHERTEXT 5008 -#define IDC_INFO_BOX_TEXT 5009 -#define IDC_SECONDARY_KEY 5010 -#define IDD_TEXT_INFO_DIALOG_BOX_DLG 5011 -#define IDC_TEST_DATA_UNIT_NUMBER 5012 -#define IDD_KEYFILE_GENERATOR 5013 -#define IDC_CIPHER 5014 -#define IDD_MULTI_CHOICE_DLG 5015 -#define IDC_TEST_BLOCK_NUMBER 5016 -#define IDD_STATIC_MODELESS_WAIT_DLG 5017 -#define IDC_POOL_CONTENTS 5018 -#define IDC_PRF_ID 5019 -#define IDC_KEY_SIZE 5020 -#define IDC_PLAINTEXT_SIZE 5021 -#define IDC_REDTICK 5022 -#define IDC_TESTS_MESSAGE 5023 -#define IDC_RESET 5024 -#define IDC_AUTO 5025 -#define IDC_DECRYPT 5026 -#define IDT_TEST_KEY 5027 -#define IDT_TEST_PLAINTEXT 5028 -#define IDT_PRF 5029 -#define IDT_XTS_MODE 5030 -#define IDT_TEST_CIPHERTEXT 5031 -#define IDT_KEY 5032 -#define IDT_PLAINTEXT 5033 -#define IDC_ENCRYPT 5034 -#define IDT_KEY_UNIT 5035 -#define IDT_CIPHER 5036 -#define IDT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE_UNIT 5037 -#define IDC_DEVICELIST 5038 -#define IDT_TEST_BLOCK_NUMBER 5039 -#define IDT_SECONDARY_KEY 5040 -#define IDC_PERFORM_BENCHMARK 5041 -#define IDT_TEST_DATA_UNIT_NUMBER 5042 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_HIDVOL_PROT 5043 -#define IDC_KEYLIST 5044 -#define IDC_ABOUT_BKG 5045 -#define IDT_ABOUT_VERSION 5046 -#define IDT_BOX_BENCHMARK_INFO 5047 -#define IDC_ABOUT_CREDITS 5048 -#define IDT_SORT_METHOD 5049 -#define IDC_MOUNT_READONLY 5050 -#define IDC_MOUNT_REMOVABLE 5051 -#define IDC_PROTECT_HIDDEN_VOL 5052 -#define IDC_COMMANDHELP_TEXT 5053 -#define IDC_USE_EMBEDDED_HEADER_BAK 5054 -#define IDC_MOUNT_SYSENC_PART_WITHOUT_PBA 5055 -#define IDT_HIDDEN_PROT_PASSWD 5056 -#define IDC_RESULTS 5057 -#define IDC_KEYADD 5058 -#define IDC_KEYREMOVE 5059 -#define IDC_KEYREMOVEALL 5060 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_ENABLE 5061 -#define IDT_HIDDEN_VOL_PROTECTION 5062 -#define IDC_ADD_KEYFILE_PATH 5063 -#define IDC_BENCHMARK_BUFFER_SIZE 5064 -#define IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_MO 5065 -#define IDC_GENERATE_KEYFILE 5066 -#define IDC_BENCHMARK_SORT_METHOD 5067 -#define IDC_PASSWORD_PROT_HIDVOL 5068 -#define IDT_BUFFER_SIZE 5069 -#define IDC_LANGLIST 5070 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_ENABLE_HIDVOL_PROT 5071 -#define IDT_KEYFILES_NOTE 5072 -#define IDT_KEYFILE_WARNING 5073 -#define IDT_KEYFILE_GENERATOR_NOTE 5074 -#define IDC_GENERATE_AND_SAVE_KEYFILE 5075 -#define IDT_POOL_CONTENTS 5076 -#define IDC_GET_LANG_PACKS 5077 -#define IDT_LANGPACK_AUTHORS 5078 -#define IDC_LANGPACK_CREDITS 5079 -#define IDC_LANGPACK_VERSION 5080 -#define IDT_ACTIVE_LANG_PACK 5081 -#define IDC_DISPLAY_POOL_CONTENTS 5082 -#define IDC_XTS_MODE_ENABLED 5083 -#define IDC_MULTI_CHOICE_MSG 5084 -#define IDC_CHOICE1 5085 -#define IDC_CHOICE5 5086 -#define IDC_CHOICE2 5087 -#define IDC_CHOICE3 5088 -#define IDC_CHOICE4 5089 -#define IDC_CHOICE6 5090 -#define IDC_CHOICE7 5091 -#define IDC_CHOICE8 5092 -#define IDC_CHOICE9 5093 -#define IDC_CHOICE10 5094 -#define IDC_MC_DLG_HR1 5095 -#define IDC_MC_DLG_HR2 5096 -#define IDC_LINK_HIDVOL_PROTECTION_INFO 5097 -#define IDC_LINK_KEYFILES_INFO 5098 -#define IDC_TEXTUAL_LOGO_IMG 5099 -#define IDC_ASPECT_RATIO_CALIBRATION_BOX 5100 -#define IDC_ABOUT_LOGO_AREA 5101 -#define IDC_TOKEN_PASSWORD 5102 -#define IDC_TOKEN_FILE_LIST 5103 -#define IDC_TOKEN_FILES_ADD 5104 -#define IDC_EXPORT 5105 -#define IDC_DELETE 5106 -#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYFILE 5107 -#define IDC_SELECTED_TOKEN 5108 -#define IDT_SECURITY_TOKEN 5109 -#define IDT_TOKEN_KEYFILE_NAME 5110 -#define IDC_TOKEN_KEYFILE_NAME 5111 -#define IDT_TOKEN_PASSWORD_INFO 5112 -#define IDT_RANDOM_POOL_ENRICHMENT_NOTE 5113 -#define IDC_CONTINUE 5114 -#define IDT_ABOUT_RELEASE 5115 -#define IDT_STATIC_MODELESS_WAIT_DLG_INFO 5116 -#define IDT_NUMBER_KEYFILES 5117 -#define IDC_NUMBER_KEYFILES 5118 -#define IDT_KEYFILES_BASE_NAME 5119 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_BASE_NAME 5120 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_SIZE 5121 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_RANDOM_SIZE 5122 -#define IDT_KEYFILES_SIZE 5123 -#define IDD_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG 5124 -#define IDT_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG_INFO 5125 -#define IDC_WAIT_PROGRESS_BAR 5126 -#define IDC_PKCS5_PRF_ID 5127 -#define IDT_PKCS5_PRF 5128 -#define IDT_PIM 5129 -#define IDC_PIM 5130 -#define IDC_PIM_HELP 5131 -#define IDC_PIM_ENABLE 5132 -#define IDC_VOLUME_LABEL 5133 -#define IDT_VOLUME_LABEL 5134 -#define IDC_KEYFILES_TRY_EMPTY_PASSWORD 5135 -#define IDC_ENTROPY_BAR 5136 -#define IDT_ENTROPY_BAR 5137 - -// Next default values for new objects -// -#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED -#ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS -#define _APS_NO_MFC 1 -#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 558 -#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 -#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 5138 -#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 -#endif -#endif +//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} +// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. +// Used by Common.rc +// +#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_ICON 501 +#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_VOL_ICON 502 +#define IDD_BENCHMARK_DLG 503 +#define IDD_MOUNT_OPTIONS 504 +#define IDD_KEYFILES 505 +#define IDR_LANGUAGE 506 +#define IDI_TRUECRYPT 507 +#define IDD_ABOUT_DLG 508 +#define IDD_COMMANDHELP_DLG 509 +#define IDD_RAWDEVICES_DLG 510 +#define IDC_HOMEPAGE 511 +#define IDR_COMMON_RSRC_HEADER 512 +#define IDD_LANGUAGE 513 +#define IDD_CIPHER_TEST_DLG 514 +#define IDR_LICENSE 515 +#define IDD_AUXILIARY_DLG 516 +#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_BKG 517 +#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_96DPI 518 +#define IDB_TEXTUAL_LOGO_288DPI 519 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR 520 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_AES 521 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT 522 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH 523 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_DECOMPRESSOR 524 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER 525 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_AES 526 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SERPENT 527 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_TWOFISH 528 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR 529 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_AES 530 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT 531 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH 532 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER 533 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_AES 534 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SERPENT 535 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_TWOFISH 536 +#define IDD_TOKEN_PASSWORD 537 +#define IDD_TOKEN_KEYFILES 538 +#define IDD_NEW_TOKEN_KEYFILE 539 +#define IDD_RANDOM_POOL_ENRICHMENT 540 +#define IDI_TRUECRYPT_MOUNTED_ICON 541 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SHA2 542 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_AES_SHA2 543 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT_SHA2 544 +#define IDR_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH_SHA2 545 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SHA2 546 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_AES_SHA2 547 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_SERPENT_SHA2 548 +#define IDR_BOOT_LOADER_TWOFISH_SHA2 549 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SHA2 550 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_AES_SHA2 551 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_SERPENT_SHA2 552 +#define IDR_RESCUE_BOOT_SECTOR_TWOFISH_SHA2 553 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SHA2 554 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_AES_SHA2 555 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_SERPENT_SHA2 556 +#define IDR_RESCUE_LOADER_TWOFISH_SHA2 557 +#define IDC_HW_AES_LABEL_LINK 5000 +#define IDC_HW_AES 5001 +#define IDC_PARALLELIZATION_LABEL_LINK 5002 +#define IDC_PARALLELIZATION 5003 +#define IDT_TOKEN_PASSWORD 5004 +#define IDC_PRINT 5005 +#define IDC_KEY 5006 +#define IDC_PLAINTEXT 5007 +#define IDC_CIPHERTEXT 5008 +#define IDC_INFO_BOX_TEXT 5009 +#define IDC_SECONDARY_KEY 5010 +#define IDD_TEXT_INFO_DIALOG_BOX_DLG 5011 +#define IDC_TEST_DATA_UNIT_NUMBER 5012 +#define IDD_KEYFILE_GENERATOR 5013 +#define IDC_CIPHER 5014 +#define IDD_MULTI_CHOICE_DLG 5015 +#define IDC_TEST_BLOCK_NUMBER 5016 +#define IDD_STATIC_MODELESS_WAIT_DLG 5017 +#define IDC_POOL_CONTENTS 5018 +#define IDC_PRF_ID 5019 +#define IDC_KEY_SIZE 5020 +#define IDC_PLAINTEXT_SIZE 5021 +#define IDC_REDTICK 5022 +#define IDC_TESTS_MESSAGE 5023 +#define IDC_RESET 5024 +#define IDC_AUTO 5025 +#define IDC_DECRYPT 5026 +#define IDT_TEST_KEY 5027 +#define IDT_TEST_PLAINTEXT 5028 +#define IDT_PRF 5029 +#define IDT_XTS_MODE 5030 +#define IDT_TEST_CIPHERTEXT 5031 +#define IDT_KEY 5032 +#define IDT_PLAINTEXT 5033 +#define IDC_ENCRYPT 5034 +#define IDT_KEY_UNIT 5035 +#define IDT_CIPHER 5036 +#define IDT_PLAINTEXT_SIZE_UNIT 5037 +#define IDC_DEVICELIST 5038 +#define IDT_TEST_BLOCK_NUMBER 5039 +#define IDT_SECONDARY_KEY 5040 +#define IDC_PERFORM_BENCHMARK 5041 +#define IDT_TEST_DATA_UNIT_NUMBER 5042 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_HIDVOL_PROT 5043 +#define IDC_KEYLIST 5044 +#define IDC_ABOUT_BKG 5045 +#define IDT_ABOUT_VERSION 5046 +#define IDT_BOX_BENCHMARK_INFO 5047 +#define IDC_ABOUT_CREDITS 5048 +#define IDT_SORT_METHOD 5049 +#define IDC_MOUNT_READONLY 5050 +#define IDC_MOUNT_REMOVABLE 5051 +#define IDC_PROTECT_HIDDEN_VOL 5052 +#define IDC_COMMANDHELP_TEXT 5053 +#define IDC_USE_EMBEDDED_HEADER_BAK 5054 +#define IDC_MOUNT_SYSENC_PART_WITHOUT_PBA 5055 +#define IDT_HIDDEN_PROT_PASSWD 5056 +#define IDC_RESULTS 5057 +#define IDC_KEYADD 5058 +#define IDC_KEYREMOVE 5059 +#define IDC_KEYREMOVEALL 5060 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_ENABLE 5061 +#define IDT_HIDDEN_VOL_PROTECTION 5062 +#define IDC_ADD_KEYFILE_PATH 5063 +#define IDC_BENCHMARK_BUFFER_SIZE 5064 +#define IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_MO 5065 +#define IDC_GENERATE_KEYFILE 5066 +#define IDC_BENCHMARK_SORT_METHOD 5067 +#define IDC_PASSWORD_PROT_HIDVOL 5068 +#define IDT_BUFFER_SIZE 5069 +#define IDC_LANGLIST 5070 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_ENABLE_HIDVOL_PROT 5071 +#define IDT_KEYFILES_NOTE 5072 +#define IDT_KEYFILE_WARNING 5073 +#define IDT_KEYFILE_GENERATOR_NOTE 5074 +#define IDC_GENERATE_AND_SAVE_KEYFILE 5075 +#define IDT_POOL_CONTENTS 5076 +#define IDC_GET_LANG_PACKS 5077 +#define IDT_LANGPACK_AUTHORS 5078 +#define IDC_LANGPACK_CREDITS 5079 +#define IDC_LANGPACK_VERSION 5080 +#define IDT_ACTIVE_LANG_PACK 5081 +#define IDC_DISPLAY_POOL_CONTENTS 5082 +#define IDC_XTS_MODE_ENABLED 5083 +#define IDC_MULTI_CHOICE_MSG 5084 +#define IDC_CHOICE1 5085 +#define IDC_CHOICE5 5086 +#define IDC_CHOICE2 5087 +#define IDC_CHOICE3 5088 +#define IDC_CHOICE4 5089 +#define IDC_CHOICE6 5090 +#define IDC_CHOICE7 5091 +#define IDC_CHOICE8 5092 +#define IDC_CHOICE9 5093 +#define IDC_CHOICE10 5094 +#define IDC_MC_DLG_HR1 5095 +#define IDC_MC_DLG_HR2 5096 +#define IDC_LINK_HIDVOL_PROTECTION_INFO 5097 +#define IDC_LINK_KEYFILES_INFO 5098 +#define IDC_TEXTUAL_LOGO_IMG 5099 +#define IDC_ASPECT_RATIO_CALIBRATION_BOX 5100 +#define IDC_ABOUT_LOGO_AREA 5101 +#define IDC_TOKEN_PASSWORD 5102 +#define IDC_TOKEN_FILE_LIST 5103 +#define IDC_TOKEN_FILES_ADD 5104 +#define IDC_EXPORT 5105 +#define IDC_DELETE 5106 +#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYFILE 5107 +#define IDC_SELECTED_TOKEN 5108 +#define IDT_SECURITY_TOKEN 5109 +#define IDT_TOKEN_KEYFILE_NAME 5110 +#define IDC_TOKEN_KEYFILE_NAME 5111 +#define IDT_TOKEN_PASSWORD_INFO 5112 +#define IDT_RANDOM_POOL_ENRICHMENT_NOTE 5113 +#define IDC_CONTINUE 5114 +#define IDT_ABOUT_RELEASE 5115 +#define IDT_STATIC_MODELESS_WAIT_DLG_INFO 5116 +#define IDT_NUMBER_KEYFILES 5117 +#define IDC_NUMBER_KEYFILES 5118 +#define IDT_KEYFILES_BASE_NAME 5119 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_BASE_NAME 5120 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_SIZE 5121 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_RANDOM_SIZE 5122 +#define IDT_KEYFILES_SIZE 5123 +#define IDD_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG 5124 +#define IDT_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG_INFO 5125 +#define IDC_WAIT_PROGRESS_BAR 5126 +#define IDC_PKCS5_PRF_ID 5127 +#define IDT_PKCS5_PRF 5128 +#define IDT_PIM 5129 +#define IDC_PIM 5130 +#define IDC_PIM_HELP 5131 +#define IDC_PIM_ENABLE 5132 +#define IDC_VOLUME_LABEL 5133 +#define IDT_VOLUME_LABEL 5134 +#define IDC_KEYFILES_TRY_EMPTY_PASSWORD 5135 +#define IDC_ENTROPY_BAR 5136 +#define IDT_ENTROPY_BAR 5137 + +// Next default values for new objects +// +#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED +#ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS +#define _APS_NO_MFC 1 +#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 558 +#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 +#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 5138 +#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 +#endif +#endif -- cgit v1.2.3 From 11716ed2dacbb104f8f59867fe66f2c0a6984291 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Foerster Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 22:16:32 +0200 Subject: Remove trailing whitespace --- src/Common/Resource.h | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) (limited to 'src/Common/Resource.h') diff --git a/src/Common/Resource.h b/src/Common/Resource.h index 3eca197e..03d42664 100644 --- a/src/Common/Resource.h +++ b/src/Common/Resource.h @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ #define IDT_ENTROPY_BAR 5137 // Next default values for new objects -// +// #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 -- cgit v1.2.3