From 0539a49c663c13982b4e5b461ab22675df46688b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mounir IDRASSI Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 17:21:30 +0200 Subject: Language XML files: Add new fields. --- Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.cs.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.da.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.el.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.fa.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.ja.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.ka.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.ko.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.nn.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/ | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml | 8 ++++++++ Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml | 8 ++++++++ 37 files changed, 296 insertions(+) (limited to 'Translations') diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 2604dbc9..7dcd8c23 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ لم يمكن التأكد من نجاح عملية تصدير قرص الإنقاذ\n\nإذا قمت بتصدير قرص الإنقاذ على وسيط ملحق فيرجى نزعه ثم إدخاله مرة أخرى. إذا لم يجد ذلك فعليك باستخدام وسيط ملحق آخر أو تطبيق آخر لضغط الملفات\n\nإذا حاولت التحقق من إنشاء قرص الإنقاذ لمفتاح رئيسي آخر أو كلمة سر أخرى, فيرجى ملاحظ أن عملية التحقق ستفشل دائما. لإنشاء قرص إنقاذ جديد فينبغي تهيئته على البيئة الحالية, اختر 'النظام' > 'إنشاء قرص الإنقاذ'. صورة قرص الإنقاذ تم إنشاؤها وحفظها على الملف:\n%s\n\nالآن تحتاج تصديره على وسيط ملحق مهيأ بصيغة FAT/FAT32.\n\nمهم: لاحظ أن تطبيق فك الضغط يجب أن يفك الملف على جذر الوسيط الملحق. على سبيل المثال، لو كان الوسيط الملحق هو E: فإنه يلزم فك الضغط على المجلد E:\\EFI.\n\nبعد إنشاء قرص الإنقاذ، اختر 'النظام' > 'التحقق من قرص الإنقاذ' للتحقق من إنشائه بنجاح استخدم سطح مكتب مؤمن لإدخال كلمة السر + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 7713f283..e0f1c47a 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index b37143cd..d6a28053 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 1fc6ab4e..16dfba5e 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.cs.xml b/Translations/Language.cs.xml index cde11ba9..5c52329b 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.cs.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.cs.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Není možné ověřit, že záchranný disk byl správně rozbalen.\n\nByl-li rozbalen záchranný disk na zařízení USB, vyjměte a znovu zasuňte zařízení USB a klikněte na tlačítko "Další". Pokud to nepomůže, zkuste jiné zařízení USB a/nebo jiný program pro práci s archívem *zip.\n\nZkoušel-li jste ověřit záchranný disk vytvořený pro jiný master key, heslo, zařízení, atd., uvědomte si, že kontrola bude vždy neúspěšná. Pro vytvoření nového záchranného disku plně kompatibilního s vaším současnou konfigurací, vyberte možnost v nabídce "Systém > Vytvořit záchranný disk". Obraz záchranného disku byl vytvořen a uložen v tomto souboru:\n%s\n\nNyní stačí rozbalit obraz na zařízení USB, které je naformátováno jako FAT/FAT32.\n\nDŮLEŽITÉ: Uvědomte si, že soubor *.zip musí být rozbalen přímo do hlavního adresáře zařízení USB. Například, pokud je písmeno jednotky USB "E:", tak rozbalení souboru *.zip by mělo vytvořit adresář E:\\EFI na zařízení USB.\n\nJakmile vytvoříte záchranný disk, vyberte nabídku "Systém > Ověřit záchranný disk" a tím si ověříte jestli byl správně vytvořen. Použít zabezpečenou plochu pro zadávání hesla + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.da.xml b/Translations/Language.da.xml index a0f7509a..5fe8b988 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.da.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.da.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 7daf15ff..c5e7ea8f 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Kann nicht bestätigen, ob der Rettungsdatenträger korrekt entpackt wurde.\n\nWenn Sie das Rettungsdatenträger-Abbild auf einen USB-Stick entpackt haben, werfen Sie ihn bitte aus und stecken Sie ihn wieder ein; anschließend versuchen Sie es erneut. Wenn dies nicht hilft, versuchen Sie es bitte mit einer anderen ZIP-Software und/oder Medium.\n\nWenn Sie für einen anderen Hauptschlüssel, Passwort, Salz, usw. versucht haben, den VeraCrypt-Rettungsdatenträger zu bestätigen, beachten Sie bitte, dass ein solcher Rettungsdatenträger immer durch diese Überprüfung fallen wird. Um einen neuen, mit Ihrer aktuellen Konfiguration vollständig kompatiblen Rettungsdatenträger zu erstellen, wählen Sie 'System' > 'Rettungsdatenträger erstellen' aus. Das Rettungsdatenträger-Abbild wurde erstellt und in dieser Datei gespeichert:\n%s\n\nJetzt müssen Sie das Rettungsdatenträger-Abbild auf einen mit FAT/FAT32-formatierten USB-Stick entpacken.\n\nWICHTIG: Beachten Sie, dass die ZIP-Datei direkt in das Stammverzeichnis des USB-Sticks entpackt werden muss. Zum Beispiel, wenn der Laufwerksbuchstabe des USB-Sticks E: ist, sollte das Entpacken der ZIP-Datei einen Ordner E:\\EFI auf dem USB-Stick erstellen.\n\nNachdem Sie den Rettungsdatenträger erstellt haben, wählen Sie 'System' > 'Rettungsdatenträger überprüfen' aus, um zu bestätigen, dass er korrekt erstellt wurde. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.el.xml b/Translations/Language.el.xml index a39913f4..6b2f8879 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.el.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.el.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 48dc5745..7e241ad6 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index d959e2ea..1a2fef8e 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index a3c79e0f..a4a47a6a 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.fa.xml b/Translations/Language.fa.xml index 76364d26..cbcf69c6 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.fa.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.fa.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 7ac468dd..add418cc 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 45bfd505..1583a59d 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Impossible de vérifier que le disque de secours a été correctement décompressé.\n\nSi vous avez décompressé le disque de secours dans une clef USB, éjectez-la et réinsérez-la puis essayez à nouveau. Si cela n'aide pas, essayez un autre logiciel de ZIP ou une autre clef USB.\n\nSi vous essayez de vérifier un disque de secours créé pour une clé principale différente, un mot de passe différent, etc... dans ce cas la vérification échouera à tous les coups. Pour créer un nouveau disque de secours totalement compatible avec votre configuration actuelle, sélectionnez 'Système' > 'Créer un disque de secours'. L'image ZIP du disque de secours a été créée et stockée dans le fichier : \n%s\n\nMainteant vous avez besoin de la décompresser dans une clef USB formattée en FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT : Le fichier ZIP doit être décompressé directement à la racine de la clef USB. Par exemple, si la lettre E: est attribuée à la clef USB, alors la décompression du fichier zip devrait créer un répertoire E:\\EFI sur la clef USB.\n\nAprès avoir créer le disque de secours, sélectionnez « Système » > « Vérifier le disque de secours » pour vérifier qu'il a été créé correctement. Utiliser le Bureau Sécurisé pour la demande de mot de passe + La taille du volume spécifiée en ligne de commande n'est pas compatible avec ReFS. + Modifier la configuration du chargeur de démarrage + Afficher les détails de la platforme EFI + Fichier de configuration du chargeur de démarrage + Détails de la platforme EFI + AVERTISSEMENT : Les utilisateurs novices ne devraient pas modifier manuellement le fichier de configuration du chargeur de démarrage.\n\nContinuer ? + ATTENTION: échec de la validation du format XML du fichier de configuration du chargeur de démarrage. Merci de vérifier vos modifications. + Options Avancées diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 74bb468f..2e4d0dac 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 4994ef00..e2275e2e 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index f2cc0331..33a799f9 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.ja.xml b/Translations/Language.ja.xml index 304a7242..06a7162a 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ja.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ja.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.ka.xml b/Translations/Language.ka.xml index b6d0ef39..803f14dd 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ka.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ka.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.ko.xml b/Translations/Language.ko.xml index 0f447d2f..03a971c0 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ko.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ko.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 810a5f7d..6a70c4d8 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 13d55295..57ad3b28 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1416,6 +1416,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 4dc83a7b..c6e89260 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.nn.xml b/Translations/Language.nn.xml index 1df5014e..0ce1d659 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.nn.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.nn.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index ed71c1b9..177bdfcf 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Nie można zweryfikować poprawności wypakowania płyty ratunkowej.\n\nJeżeli wypakowałeś płytę ratunkową, proszę wysunąć i raz jeszcze wsunąć pamięć USB, kliknąć Dalej i spróbować ponownie. Jeżeli to nie pomoże, proszę wypróbować inną pamięć USB albo/i inny program obsługujący ZIP lub inny nośnik\n\nIJeżeli próbowałeś zweryfikować płytę ratunkową VeraCrypt stworzoną dla innego klucza głównego, hasła, soli itd., proszę pamiętać, że taka płyta ratunkową zawsze nie przejdzie weryfikacji. Aby stworzyć nową płytę ratunkową w pełni kompatybilną z bieżącą konfiguracją, wybierz 'System' > 'Utwórz płytę ratunkową'. Obraz płyty ratunkowej został stworzony i jest przechowywany w tym pliku:\n%s\n\nTeraz musisz wypakować go na pamięć USB, która jest sformatowana jako FAT/FAT32.\n\nWAŻNE: Pamiętaj, że plik ZIP musi być wypakowany bezpośrednio do głównego folderu pamięci USB. Na przykład, jeżeli litera napędu pamięci USB to E:, wtedy wypakowany plik ZIP powinien stworzyć folder E:\\EFI na pamięci USB.\n\nPo stworzeniu płyty ratunkowej wybierz 'System' > 'Sprawdź płytę ratunkową', aby zweryfikować poprawność jej stworzenia. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index f0964603..21908efa 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index b436bfa8..ccc7a18d 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Невозможно проверить правильность распаковки диска восстановления.\n\nЕсли вы его уже распаковали на USB-флэшку, выньте её и снова вставьте; затем повторите попытку. Если это не поможет, используйте другую Zip-программу и/или носитель.\n\nЕсли вы пытались проверить диск восстановления VeraCrypt, созданный с другим мастер-ключом, паролем, солью и т.д., учтите, что проверка такого диска будет всегда выдавать ошибку. Чтобы создать новый диск восстановления, полностью совместимый с текущей конфигурацией, выберите 'Система' > 'Создать диск восстановления'. Образ диска восстановления создан и сохранён в этом файле:\n%s\n\nСейчас нужно распаковать образ диска на USB-флэшку, отформатированную в FAT/FAT32.\n\nВАЖНО: Zip-файл необходимо распаковать в корневую папку USB-флэшки. Например, если флэшка имеет букву E:, то при распаковке Zip-файла на USB-флэшке должна быть создана папка E:\\EFI.\n\nПосле создания диска восстановления выберите 'Система' > 'Проверить диск восстановления', чтобы убедиться, что диск создан правильно. Безопасный рабочий стол при вводе пароля + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 8734348e..5f72b5e9 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 271ef091..ba17cf3b 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index d0faa4fb..806449d3 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 808e63ec..83b3d92a 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 11947b0f..ce19a62b 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 49abaf96..9d47e1d9 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 1881d9c9..082dbf06 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml index 0cac9f28..a917f646 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml index afb6b842..26da5aec 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml index fc3863ab..e51b69da 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml @@ -1414,6 +1414,14 @@ Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry + The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. + Edit Boot Loader Configuration + Display EFI Platform Information + Boot Loader Configuration File + EFI Platform Information + WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? + WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. + Advanced Options -- cgit v1.2.3