From a8651ac01420b337ea21ab6c7284c6d04c0330b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mounir IDRASSI Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 20:07:01 +0200 Subject: Language files: update XML language files with new fields --- Translations/ | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'Translations/') diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/ index 25432ff1..e39d15fd 100644 --- a/Translations/ +++ b/Translations/ @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ ВАЖНА: Хаатычна рухайце мышкай у гэтым акне. Чым даўжэй, тым лепш. Гэта значна павялічыць крыптатрываласць ключоў шыфравання. Затым націсніце 'Далей' для працягу. Пацвердзіце: Гатова + Drive letter: Алгарытм шыфравання Файлавая сістэма: Стварыць віртуальны зашыфраваны дыск усярэдзіне файла. Рэкамендуецца дасведчаным карыстачам. @@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ Create Hidden Operating System... Стварыць дыск узнаўлення... Стварыць новы том... + Permanently Decrypt... Прадвызначаныя ключавыя файлы... Default Mount Parameters... Donate now... @@ -489,7 +491,11 @@ \n\nТом VeraCrypt створаны і гатовы да выкарыстання. Калі вы жадаеце стварыць яшчэ адзін том VeraCrypt, націсніце кнопку 'Далей'. Інакш націсніце 'Выйсці'. \n\nThe hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created (the hidden operating system will reside within this hidden volume).\n\nClick Next to continue. Volume Fully Encrypted + Volume Fully Decrypted IMPORTANT: TO MOUNT THIS NEWLY CREATED VERACRYPT VOLUME AND TO ACCESS DATA STORED IN IT, CLICK 'Auto-Mount Devices' IN THE MAIN VERACRYPT WINDOW. After you enter the correct password (and/or supply correct keyfiles), the volume will be mounted to the drive letter you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window (and you will be able to access the encrypted data via the selected drive letter).\n\nPLEASE REMEMBER OR WRITE DOWN THE ABOVE STEPS. YOU MUST FOLLOW THEM WHENEVER YOU WANT TO MOUNT THE VOLUME AND ACCESS DATA STORED IN IT. Alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/volume, and click 'Mount'.\n\nThe partition/volume has been successfully encrypted (it contains a fully encrypted VeraCrypt volume now) and is ready for use. + The VeraCrypt volume has been successfully decrypted. + The VeraCrypt volume has been successfully decrypted.\n\nPlease select a drive letter that you wish to assign to the decrypted volume and then click Finish.\n\nIMPORTANT: Until a drive letter is assigned to the decrypted volume, you will not be able to access data stored on the volume. + Warning: To be able to access the decrypted data, a drive letter needs to be assigned to the decrypted volume. However, no drive letter is currently available.\n\nPlease vacate a drive letter (for example, by disconnecting a USB flash drive or external hard drive, etc.) and then click OK. Том VeraCrypt паспяхова створаны. Том створаны ВАЖНА: Хаатычна перасоўвайце мышку ў межах гэтага акна. Чым даўжэй, тым лепш. Гэта значна павялічыць крыптаўстойлівасць ключоў шыфравання. Затым націсніце 'Размеціць', каб стварыць том. @@ -548,6 +554,7 @@ Не атрымалася падлучыцца да драйвера прылад VeraCrypt. Калі драйвер не запушчаны, праца VeraCrypt немагчыма.\n\nЗ-за асаблівасцяў Windows для загрузкі драйвера спачатку можа запатрабавацца завяршэнне сеансу ці перазагрузка сістэмы. Памылка загрузкі/падрыхтоўкі шрыфтоў. The drive letter was not found or no drive letter was specified. + Error: Cannot assign drive letter.\n\nUntil a drive letter is assigned to the decrypted volume, you will not be able to access data stored on the volume.\n\nRetry? Літара дыска недаступна. Не абраны файл. Няма даступных літар дыскаў. @@ -567,6 +574,8 @@ УВАГА: Файл '%hs' ужо існуе!\n\nВАЖНА: VERACRYPT НЕ БУДЗЕ ШЫФРАВАЦЬ ГЭТЫ ФАЙЛ, ЁН ЯГО ВЫДАЛІЦЬ. Вы сапраўды жадаеце выдаліць гэты файл і замяніць яго новым кантэйнерам VeraCrypt? АСЦЯРОЖНА: УСЕ ДАДЗЕНЫЯ, ЯКІЯ УТРЫМОЎВАЕ %s '%hs'%s, БУДУЦЬ ЗНІШЧАНЫЯ (А НЕ ЗАШЫФРАВАНЫЯ)!\n\nВы настойваеце на фарматаванні? WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%hs'%s? + WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully decrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start decrypting the selected %s '%hs'%s? + WARNING: Please note that if power supply is suddenly interrupted while encrypting/decrypting existing data in place, or when the operating system crashes due to a software error or hardware malfunction while VeraCrypt is encrypting/decrypting existing data in place, portions of the data will be corrupted or lost. Therefore, before you start encrypting/decrypting, please make sure that you have backup copies of the files you want to encrypt/decrypt.\n\nDo you have such a backup? WARNING: Please note that if power supply is suddenly interrupted while encrypting existing data in place, or when the operating system crashes due to a software error or hardware malfunction while VeraCrypt is encrypting existing data in place, portions of the data will be corrupted or lost. Therefore, before you start encrypting, please make sure that you have backup copies of the files you want to encrypt.\n\nDo you have such a backup? CAUTION: ANY FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE PARTITION '%hs'%s (I.E. ON THE FIRST PARTITION BEHIND THE SYSTEM PARTITION) WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format? WARNING: THE SELECTED PARTITION CONTAINS A LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA! Any files stored on the partition will be erased and lost (they will NOT be encrypted)! @@ -584,6 +593,7 @@ Алгарытм вылічэння ключа загалоўка паспяхова ўсталяваны. Please enter the password and/or keyfile(s) for the non-system volume where you want to resume the process of in-place encryption.\n\n\nRemark: After you click Next, VeraCrypt will attempt to find all non-system volumes where the process of encryption has been interrupted and where the VeraCrypt volume header can be decrypted using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s). If more than one such volume is found, you will need to select one of them in the next step. Please select one of the listed volumes. The list contains every accessible non-system volume where the process of encryption has been interrupted and whose header could be decrypted using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s). + Please enter the password and/or keyfile(s) for the non-system VeraCrypt volume that you want to decrypt. It is very important that you choose a good password. You should avoid choosing one that contains only a single word that can be found in a dictionary (or a combination of 2, 3, or 4 such words). It should not contain any names or dates of birth. It should not be easy to guess. A good password is a random combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters, such as @ ^ = $ * + etc. We recommend choosing a password consisting of more than 20 characters (the longer, the better). The maximum possible length is 64 characters. Абярыце пароль для ўтоенага тома. Please choose a password for the hidden operating system (i.e. for the hidden volume). @@ -606,8 +616,12 @@ \n\nWARNING: Hidden file(s) have been found in a keyfile search path. Such hidden files cannot be used as keyfiles. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove their 'Hidden' attribute (right-click each of them, select 'Properties', uncheck 'Hidden' and click OK). Note: Hidden files are visible only if the corresponding option is enabled (Computer > Organize > 'Folder and search options' > View). If you are attempting to protect a hidden volume containing a hidden system, please make sure you are using the standard US keyboard layout when typing the password for the hidden volume. This is required due to the fact that the password needs to be typed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) where non-US Windows keyboard layouts are not available. VeraCrypt has not found any volume where non-system encryption has been interrupted and where the volume header can be decrypted using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s).\n\nPlease make sure the password and/or keyfile(s) are correct and that the partition/volume is not being used by the system or applications (including antivirus software). + The selected partition/device is already fully encrypted.\nHeader Flags = 0x%.8X + The selected partition/device is not using in-place encryption.\nHeader Flags = 0x%.8X \n\nNote: If you are attempting to mount a partition located on an encrypted system drive without pre-boot authentication or to mount the encrypted system partition of an operating system that is not running, you can do so by selecting 'System' > 'Mount Without Pre-Boot Authentication'. In this mode, you cannot mount a partition located on a drive whose portion is within the key scope of active system encryption.\n\nBefore you can mount this partition in this mode, you need to either boot an operating system installed on a different drive (encrypted or unencrypted) or boot an unencrypted operating system. + VeraCrypt cannot decrypt an individual partition on an entirely encrypted system drive (you can decrypt only the entire system drive). + Warning: As the drive contains the VeraCrypt Boot Loader, it may be an entirely encrypted system drive. If it is, please note that VeraCrypt cannot decrypt an individual partition on an entirely encrypted system drive (you can decrypt only the entire system drive). If that is the case, you will be able to continue now but you will receive the 'Incorrect password' error message later. < Назад Немагчыма паказаць спіс усталяваных у сістэме raw-прылад. Том '%hs' існуе і прызначаны толькі для чытання. Вы сапраўды жадаеце яго замяніць? @@ -707,11 +721,18 @@ For information on how to create and manage partitions, please refer to the documentation supplied with your operating system or contact your computer vendor's technical support team for assistance. Error: The currently running operating system is not installed on the boot partition (first Active partition). This is not supported. You indicated that you intend to store files larger than 4 GB in this VeraCrypt volume. However, you chose the FAT file system, on which files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored.\n\nAre you sure you want to format the volume as FAT? + Error: VeraCrypt does not support in-place decryption of legacy non-system volumes created by VeraCrypt 1.0b or earlier.\n\nNote: You can still decrypt files stored on the volume by copying/moving them to any unencrypted volume. + Error: VeraCrypt cannot in-place decrypt a hidden VeraCrypt volume.\n\nNote: You can still decrypt files stored on the volume by copying/moving them to any unencrypted volume. + Warning: Note that VeraCrypt cannot in-place decrypt a volume that contains a hidden VeraCrypt volume (the hidden volume would be overwritten with pseudorandom data).\n\nPlease confirm that the volume you are about to decrypt contains no hidden volume.\n\nNote: If the volume contains a hidden volume but you do not mind losing the hidden volume, you can select Proceed (the outer volume will be safely decrypted). + The volume does not contain any hidden volume. Proceed. + The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel. Памылка! Няма доступу да тома.\n\nПраверце, ці існуе гэты том, ці не змантаваны ён, ці не выкарыстоўваецца сістэмай або якой-небудзь праграмай, якой вы далі правы чытання/запісу гэтага тома, і ці не засцярожаны ён ад запісу. + Error: Cannot obtain volume properties. Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected. Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps. An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps. An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption of the partition.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. + An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible. Памылка! Немагчыма размантаваць вонкавы том.\n\nТом нельга размантаваць, калі ён утрымоўвае файлы ці тэчкі, што выкарыстоўваюцца якой-небудзь праграмай ці сістэмай.\n\nЗачыніце ўсе праграмы, якія могуць выкарыстоўваць файлы і тэчкі на гэтым томе, і націсніце 'Паўтор'. Памылка! Немагчыма атрымаць інфармацыю пра вонкавы том. Стварэнне тома спынена. Памылка! Няма доступу да вонкавага тома. Працяг стварэння тома немагчымы. @@ -796,7 +817,7 @@ VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding. Усталёўка не выкананая. Выдаленне не выканана. - Гэты дыстрыбутыўны пакет пашкоджаны. Загрузіце яго ізноў (пажадана з афіцыйнага сайта VeraCrypt - + Гэты дыстрыбутыўны пакет пашкоджаны. Загрузіце яго ізноў (пажадана з афіцыйнага сайта VeraCrypt - Немагчыма запісаць файл %hs Выманне Немагчыма прачытаць дадзеныя з дыстрыбутыва. @@ -983,6 +1004,7 @@ Выйсці? VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt. VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt. + Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'. Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. Жадаеце перапыніць і адкласці працэс шыфравання сістэмнага падзелу/дыска?\n\nНататка: пазней працэс можна будзе аднавіць з той кропкі, дзе ён быў прыпынены. Гэта можна зрабіць, напрыклад, абраўшы ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' > 'Працягнуць перапынены працэс'. Калі вы жадаеце канчаткова перапыніць працэс або зусім адмовіцца ад шыфравання, абярыце 'Сістэма' > 'Назаўсёды расшыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск'. Жадаеце перапыніць і адкласці працэс дэшыфравання сістэмнага падзелу/дыска?\n\nНататка: пазней працэс можна будзе аднавіць з той кропкі, дзе ён быў прыпынены. Гэта можна зрабіць, напрыклад, абраўшы ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' > 'Працягнуць перапынены працэс'. Калі вы жадаеце адмовіцца ад дэшыфравання (і пачаць шыфраванне), абярыце 'Сістэма' > 'Зашыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск'. @@ -992,6 +1014,7 @@ Error: Failed to start the process of wiping. Неадпаведнасць ухілена.\n\n\n(Калі вы паведамляеце пра датычную гэтага памылку, дадайце да сваёй справаздачы наступную тэхнічную інфармацыю: %hs) Error: Unexpected state.\n\n\n(If you report a bug in connection with this, please include the following technical information in the bug report:\n%hs) + There is no interrupted process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive to resume.\n\nNote: If you want to resume an interrupted process of encryption/decryption of a non-system partition/volume, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process'. Няма працэсу/задання для аднаўлення. УВАГА: Фонавы працэс VeraCrypt адключаны. Пры выхадзе з VeraCrypt вы не будзеце апавешчаныя аб прадухіленні пашкоджання ўтоенага тома.\n\nНататка: фонавы працэс можна закрыць у любы момант, пстрыкнуўшы правай кнопкай мышы на значку VeraCrypt у сістэмным латку і абраўшы 'Выйсці'.\n\nУключыць фонавы працэс VeraCrypt? Версія моўнага модуля: %s @@ -1126,6 +1149,7 @@ The pretest has been successfully completed.\n\nWARNING: Please note that if power supply is suddenly interrupted while encrypting existing data in place, or when the operating system crashes due to a software error or hardware malfunction while VeraCrypt is encrypting existing data in place, portions of the data will be corrupted or lost. Therefore, before you start encrypting, please make sure that you have backup copies of the files you want to encrypt. If you do not, please back up the files now (you can click Defer, back up the files, then run VeraCrypt again anytime, and select 'System' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' to start encrypting).\n\nWhen ready, click Encrypt to start encrypting. You can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of encryption or decryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down your computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped. To prevent slowdown when the system or applications write or read data from the system drive, VeraCrypt automatically waits until the data is written or read (see Status above) and then automatically continues encrypting or decrypting. \n\nYou can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of encryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down your computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. + \n\nYou can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of decryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down the computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point where it was stopped. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully decrypted. Hidden System Started Original System Windows creates (typically, without your knowledge or consent) various log files, temporary files, etc., on the system partition. It also saves the content of RAM to hibernation and paging files located on the system partition. Therefore, if an adversary analyzed files stored on the partition where the original system (of which the hidden system is a clone) resides, he might find out, for example, that you used the VeraCrypt wizard in the hidden-system-creation mode (which might indicate the existence of a hidden operating system on your computer).\n\nTo prevent such issues, VeraCrypt will, in the next steps, securely erase the entire content of the partition where the original system resides. Afterwards, in order to achieve plausible deniability, you will need to install a new system on the partition and encrypt it. Thus you will create the decoy system and the whole process of creation of the hidden operating system will be completed. @@ -1165,7 +1189,7 @@ In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning). Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now. Вы жадаеце адмяніць перад-тэст шыфравання сістэмы? - The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: + The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully). Сістэмны падзел/дыск зашыфраваны (часткова ці цалкам).\n\nПерш чым працягнуць, цалкам дэшыфруйце сістэмны падзел/дыск. Каб гэта зрабіць, абярыце ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'. When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version). @@ -1182,6 +1206,8 @@ You have selected the system partition/drive (or the boot partition), but the wizard mode you selected is suitable only for non-system partitions/drives.\n\nDo you want to set up pre-boot authentication (which means that you will need to enter your password each time before Windows boots/starts) and encrypt the system partition/drive? Вы сапраўды жадаеце назаўсёды дэшыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск? АСЦЯРОЖНА: Калі вы назаўсёды дэшыфруеце сістэмны падзел/дыск, дадзеныя на яго будуць запісвацца ў незашыфраваным выглядзе.\n\nВы сапраўды жадаеце назаўсёды дэшыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск? + Are you sure you want to permanently decrypt the following volume? + CAUTION: If you permanently decrypt the VeraCrypt volume, unencrypted data will be written to the disk.\n\nAre you really sure you want to permanently decrypt the selected volume? Warning: If you use a cascade of ciphers for system encryption, you may encounter the following issues:\n\n1) The VeraCrypt Boot Loader is larger than normal and, therefore, there is not enough space in the first drive track for a backup of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader. Hence, whenever it gets damaged (which often happens, for example, during inappropriately designed anti-piracy activation procedures of certain programs), you will need to use the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk to boot or to repair the VeraCrypt Boot Loader.\n\n2) On some computers, resuming from hibernation takes longer.\n\nThese potential issues can be prevented by choosing a non-cascade encryption algorithm (e.g. AES).\n\nAre you sure you want to use a cascade of ciphers? If you encounter any of the previously described problems, decrypt the partition/drive (if it is encrypted) and then try encrypting it again using a non-cascade encryption algorithm (e.g. AES). WARNING: For safety and security reasons, you should update VeraCrypt on the decoy operating system before you update it on the hidden operating system.\n\nTo do so, boot the decoy system and run the VeraCrypt installer from within it. Then boot the hidden system and run the installer from within it as well.\n\nNote: The decoy system and the hidden system share a single boot loader. If you upgraded VeraCrypt only on the hidden system (but not on the decoy system), the decoy system would contain a VeraCrypt driver and VeraCrypt applications whose version numbers are different from the version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader. Such a discrepancy might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer.\n\n\nDo you want to continue? @@ -1197,6 +1223,7 @@ Error: Content of one or more sectors on the disk cannot be read (probably due to a physical defect).\n\nThe process of in-place encryption can continue only when the sectors have been made readable again. VeraCrypt can attempt to make these sectors readable by writing zeros to the sectors (subsequently such all-zero blocks would be encrypted). However, note that any data stored in the unreadable sectors will be lost. If you want to avoid that, you can attempt to recover portions of the corrupted data using appropriate third-party tools.\n\nNote: In case of physically damaged sectors (as opposed to mere data corruption and checksum errors) most types of storage devices internally reallocate the sectors when data is attempted to be written to them (so the existing data in the damaged sectors may remain unencrypted on the drive).\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to write zeroes to unreadable sectors? Error: Content of one or more sectors on the disk cannot be read (probably due to a physical defect).\n\nTo be able to proceed with decryption, VeraCrypt will have to discard the content of the unreadable sectors (the content will be replaced with pseudorandom data). Please note that, before proceeding, you can attempt to recover portions of any corrupted data using appropriate third-party tools.\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to discard data in the unreadable sectors now? Note: VeraCrypt has replaced the content of %I64d unreadable sectors (%s) with encrypted all-zero plaintext blocks. + Note: VeraCrypt has replaced the content of %I64d unreadable sectors (%s) with pseudorandom data. Enter password/PIN for token '%s': In order to allow VeraCrypt to access a security token or smart card, you need to install a PKCS #11 software library for the token or smart card first. Such a library may be supplied with the device or it may be available for download from the website of the vendor or other third parties.\n\nAfter you install the library, you can either select it manually by clicking 'Select Library' or you can let VeraCrypt find and select it automatically by clicking 'Auto-Detect Library' (only the Windows system directory will be searched). Note: For the filename and location of the PKCS #11 library installed for your security token or smart card, please refer to the documentation supplied with the token, card, or third-party software.\n\nClick 'OK' to select the path and filename. -- cgit v1.2.3