path: root/src/Common/BootEncryption.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Common/BootEncryption.h')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/src/Common/BootEncryption.h b/src/Common/BootEncryption.h
index a922d1fa..a89b2ec6 100644
--- a/src/Common/BootEncryption.h
+++ b/src/Common/BootEncryption.h
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
- Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
- Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
- by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
- Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
- and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
- and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
- contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
- code distribution packages.
-#ifndef TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
-#define TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
-#include "Tcdefs.h"
-#include "Dlgcode.h"
-#include "Exception.h"
-#include "Platform/PlatformBase.h"
-#include "Volumes.h"
-using namespace std;
-namespace VeraCrypt
- class File
- {
- public:
- File () : Elevated (false), FileOpen (false), FilePointerPosition(0), Handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), IsDevice(false), LastError(0) { }
- File (wstring path,bool readOnly = false, bool create = false);
- virtual ~File () { Close(); }
- void CheckOpened (const char* srcPos) { if (!FileOpen) { SetLastError (LastError); throw SystemException (srcPos);} }
- void Close ();
- DWORD Read (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
- void Write (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
- void SeekAt (int64 position);
- protected:
- bool Elevated;
- bool FileOpen;
- uint64 FilePointerPosition;
- HANDLE Handle;
- bool IsDevice;
- wstring Path;
- DWORD LastError;
- };
- class Device : public File
- {
- public:
- Device (wstring path,bool readOnly = false);
- virtual ~Device () {}
- };
- class Buffer
- {
- public:
- Buffer (size_t size) : DataSize (size)
- {
- DataPtr = new byte[size];
- if (!DataPtr)
- throw bad_alloc();
- }
- ~Buffer () { delete[] DataPtr; }
- byte *Ptr () const { return DataPtr; }
- size_t Size () const { return DataSize; }
- protected:
- byte *DataPtr;
- size_t DataSize;
- };
- struct Partition
- {
- wstring DevicePath;
- wstring MountPoint;
- size_t Number;
- wstring VolumeNameId;
- };
- typedef list <Partition> PartitionList;
-#pragma pack (push)
-#pragma pack(1)
- struct PartitionEntryMBR
- {
- byte BootIndicator;
- byte StartHead;
- byte StartCylSector;
- byte StartCylinder;
- byte Type;
- byte EndHead;
- byte EndSector;
- byte EndCylinder;
- uint32 StartLBA;
- uint32 SectorCountLBA;
- };
- struct MBR
- {
- byte Code[446];
- PartitionEntryMBR Partitions[4];
- uint16 Signature;
- };
-#pragma pack (pop)
- struct SystemDriveConfiguration
- {
- wstring DeviceKernelPath;
- wstring DevicePath;
- int DriveNumber;
- Partition DrivePartition;
- bool ExtraBootPartitionPresent;
- int64 InitialUnallocatedSpace;
- PartitionList Partitions;
- Partition SystemPartition;
- int64 TotalUnallocatedSpace;
- bool SystemLoaderPresent;
- };
- class BootEncryption
- {
- public:
- BootEncryption (HWND parent);
- ~BootEncryption ();
- enum FilterType
- {
- DriveFilter,
- VolumeFilter,
- DumpFilter
- };
- void SetParentWindow (HWND parent) { ParentWindow = parent; }
- void AbortDecoyOSWipe ();
- void AbortSetup ();
- void AbortSetupWait ();
- void CallDriver (DWORD ioctl, void *input = nullptr, DWORD inputSize = 0, void *output = nullptr, DWORD outputSize = 0);
- int ChangePassword (Password *oldPassword, int old_pkcs5, int old_pim, Password *newPassword, int pkcs5, int pim, int wipePassCount, HWND hwndDlg);
- void CheckDecoyOSWipeResult ();
- void CheckEncryptionSetupResult ();
- void CheckRequirements ();
- void CheckRequirementsHiddenOS ();
- void CopyFileAdmin (const wstring &sourceFile, const wstring &destinationFile);
- void CreateRescueIsoImage (bool initialSetup, const wstring &isoImagePath);
- void Deinstall (bool displayWaitDialog = false);
- void DeleteFileAdmin (const wstring &file);
- DecoySystemWipeStatus GetDecoyOSWipeStatus ();
- DWORD GetDriverServiceStartType ();
- unsigned int GetHiddenOSCreationPhase ();
- uint16 GetInstalledBootLoaderVersion ();
- void GetInstalledBootLoaderFingerprint (byte fingerprint[WHIRLPOOL_DIGESTSIZE + SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]);
- Partition GetPartitionForHiddenOS ();
- bool IsBootLoaderOnDrive (wchar_t *devicePath);
- BootEncryptionStatus GetStatus ();
- void GetVolumeProperties (VOLUME_PROPERTIES_STRUCT *properties);
- SystemDriveConfiguration GetSystemDriveConfiguration ();
- void Install (bool hiddenSystem);
- void InstallBootLoader (Device& device, bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false, int pim = -1);
- void InstallBootLoader (bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false);
- bool CheckBootloaderFingerprint (bool bSilent = false);
- void InvalidateCachedSysDriveProperties ();
- bool IsCDRecorderPresent ();
- bool IsHiddenSystemRunning ();
- bool IsPagingFileActive (BOOL checkNonWindowsPartitionsOnly);
- void PrepareHiddenOSCreation (int ea, int mode, int pkcs5);
- void PrepareInstallation (bool systemPartitionOnly, Password &password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim, const wstring &rescueIsoImagePath);
- void ProbeRealSystemDriveSize ();
- void ReadBootSectorConfig (byte *config, size_t bufLength, byte *userConfig = nullptr, string *customUserMessage = nullptr, uint16 *bootLoaderVersion = nullptr);
- uint32 ReadDriverConfigurationFlags ();
- void RegisterBootDriver (bool hiddenSystem);
- void RegisterFilterDriver (bool registerDriver, FilterType filterType);
- void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService);
- void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService, BOOL noFileHandling);
- void UpdateSystemFavoritesService ();
- void RenameDeprecatedSystemLoaderBackup ();
- bool RestartComputer (void);
- void InitialSecurityChecksForHiddenOS ();
- void RestrictPagingFilesToSystemPartition ();
- void SetDriverConfigurationFlag (uint32 flag, bool state);
- void SetDriverServiceStartType (DWORD startType);
- void SetHiddenOSCreationPhase (unsigned int newPhase);
- void StartDecryption (BOOL discardUnreadableEncryptedSectors);
- void StartDecoyOSWipe (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm);
- void StartEncryption (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm, bool zeroUnreadableSectors);
- bool SystemDriveContainsPartitionType (byte type);
- bool SystemDriveContainsExtendedPartition ();
- bool SystemDriveContainsNonStandardPartitions ();
- bool SystemPartitionCoversWholeDrive ();
- bool SystemDriveIsDynamic ();
- bool VerifyRescueDisk ();
- bool VerifyRescueDiskIsoImage (const wchar_t* imageFile);
- void WipeHiddenOSCreationConfig ();
- void WriteBootDriveSector (uint64 offset, byte *data);
- void WriteBootSectorConfig (const byte newConfig[]);
- void WriteBootSectorUserConfig (byte userConfig, const string &customUserMessage, int pim);
- void WriteLocalMachineRegistryDwordValue (wchar_t *keyPath, wchar_t *valueName, DWORD value);
- protected:
- static const uint32 RescueIsoImageSize = 1835008; // Size of ISO9660 image with bootable emulated 1.44MB floppy disk image
- void BackupSystemLoader ();
- void CreateBootLoaderInMemory (byte *buffer, size_t bufferSize, bool rescueDisk, bool hiddenOSCreation = false);
- void CreateVolumeHeader (uint64 volumeSize, uint64 encryptedAreaStart, Password *password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim);
- wstring GetSystemLoaderBackupPath ();
- uint32 GetChecksum (byte *data, size_t size);
- DISK_GEOMETRY GetDriveGeometry (int driveNumber);
- PartitionList GetDrivePartitions (int driveNumber);
- wstring GetRemarksOnHiddenOS ();
- wstring GetWindowsDirectory ();
- void RegisterFilter (bool registerFilter, FilterType filterType, const GUID *deviceClassGuid = nullptr);
- void RestoreSystemLoader ();
- void InstallVolumeHeader ();
- HWND ParentWindow;
- SystemDriveConfiguration DriveConfig;
- int SelectedEncryptionAlgorithmId;
- int SelectedPrfAlgorithmId;
- Partition HiddenOSCandidatePartition;
- byte *RescueIsoImage;
- bool DriveConfigValid;
- bool RealSystemDriveSizeValid;
- bool RescueVolumeHeaderValid;
- bool VolumeHeaderValid;
- };
-#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME L"Original System Loader"
-#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME_LEGACY L"Original System Loader.bak" // Deprecated to prevent removal by some "cleaners"
-#endif // TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
+ Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
+ Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
+ by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
+ Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
+ and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
+ and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
+ contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
+ code distribution packages.
+#ifndef TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
+#define TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
+#include "Tcdefs.h"
+#include "Dlgcode.h"
+#include "Exception.h"
+#include "Platform/PlatformBase.h"
+#include "Volumes.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace VeraCrypt
+ class File
+ {
+ public:
+ File () : Elevated (false), FileOpen (false), FilePointerPosition(0), Handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), IsDevice(false), LastError(0) { }
+ File (wstring path,bool readOnly = false, bool create = false);
+ virtual ~File () { Close(); }
+ void CheckOpened (const char* srcPos) { if (!FileOpen) { SetLastError (LastError); throw SystemException (srcPos);} }
+ void Close ();
+ DWORD Read (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
+ void Write (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
+ void SeekAt (int64 position);
+ protected:
+ bool Elevated;
+ bool FileOpen;
+ uint64 FilePointerPosition;
+ HANDLE Handle;
+ bool IsDevice;
+ wstring Path;
+ DWORD LastError;
+ };
+ class Device : public File
+ {
+ public:
+ Device (wstring path,bool readOnly = false);
+ virtual ~Device () {}
+ };
+ class Buffer
+ {
+ public:
+ Buffer (size_t size) : DataSize (size)
+ {
+ DataPtr = new byte[size];
+ if (!DataPtr)
+ throw bad_alloc();
+ }
+ ~Buffer () { delete[] DataPtr; }
+ byte *Ptr () const { return DataPtr; }
+ size_t Size () const { return DataSize; }
+ protected:
+ byte *DataPtr;
+ size_t DataSize;
+ };
+ struct Partition
+ {
+ wstring DevicePath;
+ wstring MountPoint;
+ size_t Number;
+ wstring VolumeNameId;
+ };
+ typedef list <Partition> PartitionList;
+#pragma pack (push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+ struct PartitionEntryMBR
+ {
+ byte BootIndicator;
+ byte StartHead;
+ byte StartCylSector;
+ byte StartCylinder;
+ byte Type;
+ byte EndHead;
+ byte EndSector;
+ byte EndCylinder;
+ uint32 StartLBA;
+ uint32 SectorCountLBA;
+ };
+ struct MBR
+ {
+ byte Code[446];
+ PartitionEntryMBR Partitions[4];
+ uint16 Signature;
+ };
+#pragma pack (pop)
+ struct SystemDriveConfiguration
+ {
+ wstring DeviceKernelPath;
+ wstring DevicePath;
+ int DriveNumber;
+ Partition DrivePartition;
+ bool ExtraBootPartitionPresent;
+ int64 InitialUnallocatedSpace;
+ PartitionList Partitions;
+ Partition SystemPartition;
+ int64 TotalUnallocatedSpace;
+ bool SystemLoaderPresent;
+ };
+ class BootEncryption
+ {
+ public:
+ BootEncryption (HWND parent);
+ ~BootEncryption ();
+ enum FilterType
+ {
+ DriveFilter,
+ VolumeFilter,
+ DumpFilter
+ };
+ void SetParentWindow (HWND parent) { ParentWindow = parent; }
+ void AbortDecoyOSWipe ();
+ void AbortSetup ();
+ void AbortSetupWait ();
+ void CallDriver (DWORD ioctl, void *input = nullptr, DWORD inputSize = 0, void *output = nullptr, DWORD outputSize = 0);
+ int ChangePassword (Password *oldPassword, int old_pkcs5, int old_pim, Password *newPassword, int pkcs5, int pim, int wipePassCount, HWND hwndDlg);
+ void CheckDecoyOSWipeResult ();
+ void CheckEncryptionSetupResult ();
+ void CheckRequirements ();
+ void CheckRequirementsHiddenOS ();
+ void CopyFileAdmin (const wstring &sourceFile, const wstring &destinationFile);
+ void CreateRescueIsoImage (bool initialSetup, const wstring &isoImagePath);
+ void Deinstall (bool displayWaitDialog = false);
+ void DeleteFileAdmin (const wstring &file);
+ DecoySystemWipeStatus GetDecoyOSWipeStatus ();
+ DWORD GetDriverServiceStartType ();
+ unsigned int GetHiddenOSCreationPhase ();
+ uint16 GetInstalledBootLoaderVersion ();
+ void GetInstalledBootLoaderFingerprint (byte fingerprint[WHIRLPOOL_DIGESTSIZE + SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]);
+ Partition GetPartitionForHiddenOS ();
+ bool IsBootLoaderOnDrive (wchar_t *devicePath);
+ BootEncryptionStatus GetStatus ();
+ void GetVolumeProperties (VOLUME_PROPERTIES_STRUCT *properties);
+ SystemDriveConfiguration GetSystemDriveConfiguration ();
+ void Install (bool hiddenSystem);
+ void InstallBootLoader (Device& device, bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false, int pim = -1);
+ void InstallBootLoader (bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false);
+ bool CheckBootloaderFingerprint (bool bSilent = false);
+ void InvalidateCachedSysDriveProperties ();
+ bool IsCDRecorderPresent ();
+ bool IsHiddenSystemRunning ();
+ bool IsPagingFileActive (BOOL checkNonWindowsPartitionsOnly);
+ void PrepareHiddenOSCreation (int ea, int mode, int pkcs5);
+ void PrepareInstallation (bool systemPartitionOnly, Password &password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim, const wstring &rescueIsoImagePath);
+ void ProbeRealSystemDriveSize ();
+ void ReadBootSectorConfig (byte *config, size_t bufLength, byte *userConfig = nullptr, string *customUserMessage = nullptr, uint16 *bootLoaderVersion = nullptr);
+ uint32 ReadDriverConfigurationFlags ();
+ void RegisterBootDriver (bool hiddenSystem);
+ void RegisterFilterDriver (bool registerDriver, FilterType filterType);
+ void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService);
+ void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService, BOOL noFileHandling);
+ void UpdateSystemFavoritesService ();
+ void RenameDeprecatedSystemLoaderBackup ();
+ bool RestartComputer (void);
+ void InitialSecurityChecksForHiddenOS ();
+ void RestrictPagingFilesToSystemPartition ();
+ void SetDriverConfigurationFlag (uint32 flag, bool state);
+ void SetDriverServiceStartType (DWORD startType);
+ void SetHiddenOSCreationPhase (unsigned int newPhase);
+ void StartDecryption (BOOL discardUnreadableEncryptedSectors);
+ void StartDecoyOSWipe (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm);
+ void StartEncryption (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm, bool zeroUnreadableSectors);
+ bool SystemDriveContainsPartitionType (byte type);
+ bool SystemDriveContainsExtendedPartition ();
+ bool SystemDriveContainsNonStandardPartitions ();
+ bool SystemPartitionCoversWholeDrive ();
+ bool SystemDriveIsDynamic ();
+ bool VerifyRescueDisk ();
+ bool VerifyRescueDiskIsoImage (const wchar_t* imageFile);
+ void WipeHiddenOSCreationConfig ();
+ void WriteBootDriveSector (uint64 offset, byte *data);
+ void WriteBootSectorConfig (const byte newConfig[]);
+ void WriteBootSectorUserConfig (byte userConfig, const string &customUserMessage, int pim);
+ void WriteLocalMachineRegistryDwordValue (wchar_t *keyPath, wchar_t *valueName, DWORD value);
+ protected:
+ static const uint32 RescueIsoImageSize = 1835008; // Size of ISO9660 image with bootable emulated 1.44MB floppy disk image
+ void BackupSystemLoader ();
+ void CreateBootLoaderInMemory (byte *buffer, size_t bufferSize, bool rescueDisk, bool hiddenOSCreation = false);
+ void CreateVolumeHeader (uint64 volumeSize, uint64 encryptedAreaStart, Password *password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim);
+ wstring GetSystemLoaderBackupPath ();
+ uint32 GetChecksum (byte *data, size_t size);
+ DISK_GEOMETRY GetDriveGeometry (int driveNumber);
+ PartitionList GetDrivePartitions (int driveNumber);
+ wstring GetRemarksOnHiddenOS ();
+ wstring GetWindowsDirectory ();
+ void RegisterFilter (bool registerFilter, FilterType filterType, const GUID *deviceClassGuid = nullptr);
+ void RestoreSystemLoader ();
+ void InstallVolumeHeader ();
+ HWND ParentWindow;
+ SystemDriveConfiguration DriveConfig;
+ int SelectedEncryptionAlgorithmId;
+ int SelectedPrfAlgorithmId;
+ Partition HiddenOSCandidatePartition;
+ byte *RescueIsoImage;
+ bool DriveConfigValid;
+ bool RealSystemDriveSizeValid;
+ bool RescueVolumeHeaderValid;
+ bool VolumeHeaderValid;
+ };
+#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME L"Original System Loader"
+#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME_LEGACY L"Original System Loader.bak" // Deprecated to prevent removal by some "cleaners"
+#endif // TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption