path: root/src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp
diff options
authorDavid Foerster <>2016-05-10 20:20:14 +0200
committerDavid Foerster <>2016-05-10 20:20:14 +0200
commitfc37cc4a02ed13d1a73b941a9f80975600fd1b99 (patch)
treead9e5ac81111402b5c47dc06944cc5243824c4b5 /src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp
parent98b04198c6ea5bc07cca50956809068adf1fea82 (diff)
Normalize all line terminators
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp')
1 files changed, 1269 insertions, 1269 deletions
diff --git a/src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp b/src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp
index 275c5762..24acd23f 100644
--- a/src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp
+++ b/src/Boot/Windows/BootMain.cpp
@@ -1,1269 +1,1269 @@
- Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
- Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
- by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
- Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
- and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
- and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
- contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
- code distribution packages.
-#include "Crc.h"
-#include "Crypto.h"
-#include "Password.h"
-#include "Volumes.h"
-#include "Platform.h"
-#include "Bios.h"
-#include "BootConfig.h"
-#include "BootMain.h"
-#include "BootDefs.h"
-#include "BootCommon.h"
-#include "BootConsoleIo.h"
-#include "BootDebug.h"
-#include "BootDiskIo.h"
-#include "BootEncryptedIo.h"
-#include "BootMemory.h"
-#include "BootStrings.h"
-#include "IntFilter.h"
-static void InitScreen ()
- ClearScreen();
- const char *title =
- " VeraCrypt Boot Loader "
- " VeraCrypt Rescue Disk "
- Print (title);
- PrintRepeatedChar ('\xDC', TC_BIOS_MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE);
- if (CustomUserMessage[0])
- {
- PrintEndl();
- Print (CustomUserMessage);
- }
- PrintEndl (2);
-static void PrintMainMenu ()
- if (PreventBootMenu)
- return;
- Print (" Keyboard Controls:\r\n");
- Print (" [F5] Hide/Show Password and PIM\r\n");
- Print (" [Esc] ");
- ? "Boot Non-Hidden System (Boot Manager)"
- : "Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)");
- Print ("Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)");
- Print ("\r\n [F8] "); Print ("Repair Options");
- PrintEndl (3);
-static bool IsMenuKey (byte scanCode)
- return scanCode == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR;
- return false;
-static bool AskYesNo (const char *message)
- Print (message);
- Print ("? (y/n): ");
- while (true)
- {
- switch (GetKeyboardChar())
- {
- case 'y':
- case 'Y':
- case 'z':
- case 'Z':
- Print ("y\r\n");
- return true;
- case 'n':
- case 'N':
- Print ("n\r\n");
- return false;
- default:
- Beep();
- }
- }
-static int AskSelection (const char *options[], size_t optionCount)
- for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; ++i)
- {
- Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] ");
- Print (options[i]);
- PrintEndl();
- }
- Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n");
- Print ("To select, press 1-9: ");
- char str;
- while (true)
- {
- if (GetString (&str, 1) == 0)
- return 0;
- if (str >= '1' && str <= optionCount + '0')
- return str - '0';
- Beep();
- PrintBackspace();
- }
-static byte AskPassword (Password &password, int& pim)
- size_t pos = 0;
- byte scanCode;
- byte asciiCode;
- byte hidePassword = 1;
- pim = 0;
- Print ("Enter password");
- Print (PreventNormalSystemBoot ? " for hidden system:\r\n" : ": ");
- while (true)
- {
- asciiCode = GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
- switch (scanCode)
- {
- password.Length = pos;
- Print ("\r");
- if (!PreventNormalSystemBoot)
- Print ("Enter password: ");
- pos = 0;
- while (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
- {
- pos++;
- if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
- PrintChar ('*');
- else
- PrintCharAtCursor ('*');
- }
- ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
- PrintEndl();
- break;
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
- PrintBackspace();
- else
- PrintCharAtCursor (' ');
- --pos;
- }
- continue;
- case TC_BIOS_KEY_F5:
- hidePassword ^= 0x01;
- continue;
- default:
- if (scanCode == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC || IsMenuKey (scanCode))
- {
- burn (password.Text, sizeof (password.Text));
- ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
- PrintEndl();
- return scanCode;
- }
- }
- if (TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER == scanCode)
- break;
- if (!IsPrintable (asciiCode) || pos == MAX_PASSWORD)
- {
- Beep();
- continue;
- }
- password.Text[pos++] = asciiCode;
- if (hidePassword) asciiCode = '*';
- if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
- PrintChar (asciiCode);
- else
- PrintCharAtCursor (asciiCode);
- }
- if (PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart != -1)
- {
- pim = (int) PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart;
- // reset stored PIM value to allow requesting PIM next time in case the stored value is wrong
- PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- pos = 0;
- Print ("PIM: ");
- while (true)
- {
- asciiCode = GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
- switch (scanCode)
- {
- Print ("\rPIM: ");
- pos =0;
- while (pos < MAX_PIM)
- {
- PrintChar ('*');
- pos++;
- }
- ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
- PrintEndl();
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- if (pos < MAX_PIM)
- PrintBackspace();
- else
- PrintCharAtCursor (' ');
- --pos;
- pim /= 10;
- }
- continue;
- case TC_BIOS_KEY_F5:
- hidePassword ^= 0x01;
- continue;
- default:
- if (scanCode == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC || IsMenuKey (scanCode))
- {
- burn (password.Text, sizeof (password.Text));
- ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
- PrintEndl();
- return scanCode;
- }
- }
- if (!IsDigit (asciiCode) || pos == MAX_PIM)
- {
- Beep();
- continue;
- }
- pim = 10*pim + (asciiCode - '0');
- pos++;
- if (hidePassword) asciiCode = '*';
- if (pos < MAX_PIM)
- PrintChar (asciiCode);
- else
- PrintCharAtCursor (asciiCode);
- }
- }
-static void ExecuteBootSector (byte drive, byte *sectorBuffer)
- Print ("Booting...\r\n");
- CopyMemory (sectorBuffer, 0x0000, 0x7c00, TC_LB_SIZE);
- BootStarted = true;
- uint32 addr = 0x7c00;
- __asm
- {
- cli
- mov dl, drive // Boot drive
- mov dh, 0
- xor ax, ax
- mov si, ax
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ss, ax
- mov sp, 0x7c00
- sti
- jmp cs:addr
- }
-static bool OpenVolume (byte drive, Password &password, int pim, CRYPTO_INFO **cryptoInfo, uint32 *headerSaltCrc32, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden)
- int volumeType;
- bool hiddenVolume;
- uint64 headerSec;
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- for (volumeType = 1; volumeType <= 2; ++volumeType)
- {
- hiddenVolume = (volumeType == 2);
- if (hiddenVolume)
- {
- if (skipHidden || PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != drive || PartitionFollowingActive.SectorCount <= ActivePartition.SectorCount)
- continue;
- headerSec = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector + TC_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET / TC_LB_SIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (skipNormal)
- continue;
- headerSec.HighPart = 0;
- }
- if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSec, 1) != BiosResultSuccess)
- continue;
- if (ReadVolumeHeader (!hiddenVolume, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, pim, cryptoInfo, nullptr) == ERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- // Prevent opening a non-system hidden volume
- if (hiddenVolume && !((*cryptoInfo)->HeaderFlags & TC_HEADER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_SYSTEM))
- {
- crypto_close (*cryptoInfo);
- continue;
- }
- if (headerSaltCrc32)
- *headerSaltCrc32 = GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, PKCS5_SALT_SIZE);
- break;
- }
- }
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- return volumeType != 3;
-static bool CheckMemoryRequirements ()
- uint16 codeSeg;
- __asm mov codeSeg, cs
- {
- PrintErrorNoEndl ("BIOS reserved too much memory: ");
- uint16 memFree;
- __asm
- {
- push es
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ax, es:[0x413]
- mov memFree, ax
- pop es
- }
- Print (memFree);
- PrintEndl();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static bool MountVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden)
- BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
- int incorrectPasswordCount = 0, pim = 0;
- EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments));
- // Open volume header
- while (true)
- {
- exitKey = AskPassword (bootArguments->BootPassword, pim);
- if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER)
- return false;
- Print ("Verifying password...");
- if (OpenVolume (BootDrive, bootArguments->BootPassword, pim, &BootCryptoInfo, &bootArguments->HeaderSaltCrc32, skipNormal, skipHidden))
- {
- Print ("OK\r\n");
- break;
- }
- Print ("Warning: Caps Lock is on.\r\n");
- Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n");
- if (++incorrectPasswordCount == 4)
- {
- Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged.\r\n"
- "If so, use 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n");
- Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged. Boot your\r\n"
- "VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and select 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n");
- }
- }
- // Setup boot arguments
- bootArguments->BootLoaderVersion = VERSION_NUM;
- bootArguments->CryptoInfoOffset = (uint16) BootCryptoInfo;
- bootArguments->CryptoInfoLength = sizeof (*BootCryptoInfo);
- bootArguments->Flags = (((uint32)pim) << 16);
- if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
- bootArguments->HiddenSystemPartitionStart = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
- if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent)
- TC_SET_BOOT_ARGUMENTS_SIGNATURE (bootArguments->Signature);
- // Setup virtual encrypted partition
- if (BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.HighPart != 0 || BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.LowPart != 0)
- {
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = BootDrive;
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
- PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo = EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
- HiddenVolumeStartSector = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector;
- HiddenVolumeStartSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount - 1;
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
- }
- else
- {
- // Drive not encrypted
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE;
- }
- return true;
-static bool GetSystemPartitions (byte drive)
- size_t partCount;
- if (!GetActivePartition (drive))
- return false;
- // Find partition following the active one
- GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition);
- // If there is an extra boot partition, use the partitions following it.
- // The real boot partition is determined in BootEncryptedDrive().
- if (ActivePartition.SectorCount.HighPart == 0 && ActivePartition.SectorCount.LowPart <= TC_MAX_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE
- && PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
- {
- ExtraBootPartitionPresent = true;
- ActivePartition = PartitionFollowingActive;
- GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition);
- }
- return true;
-static byte BootEncryptedDrive ()
- BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
- byte exitKey;
- BootCryptoInfo = NULL;
- if (!GetSystemPartitions (BootDrive))
- goto err;
- if (!MountVolume (BootDrive, exitKey, PreventNormalSystemBoot, false))
- return exitKey;
- if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ())
- goto err;
- if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
- {
- EncryptedVirtualPartition = ActivePartition;
- bootArguments->DecoySystemPartitionStart = ActivePartition.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
- }
- if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent && !GetActivePartition (BootDrive))
- goto err;
- if (ReadWriteMBR (false, ActivePartition.Drive) != BiosResultSuccess)
- goto err;
- bootArguments->BootDriveSignature = *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 0x1b8);
- if (!InstallInterruptFilters())
- goto err;
- bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 = GetCrc32 ((byte *) bootArguments, (byte *) &bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 - (byte *) bootArguments);
- while (true)
- {
- // Execute boot sector of the active partition
- if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, ActivePartition.Drive, ActivePartition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- if (*(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 510) != 0xaa55)
- {
- GetKeyboardChar();
- }
- ExecuteBootSector (ActivePartition.Drive, SectorBuffer);
- }
- GetKeyboardChar();
- }
- if (BootCryptoInfo)
- {
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- BootCryptoInfo = NULL;
- }
- EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE;
- EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments));
- byte scanCode;
- GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
- return scanCode;
-static void BootMenu ()
- BiosResult result;
- Partition partitions[16];
- Partition bootablePartitions[9];
- size_t partitionCount;
- size_t bootablePartitionCount = 0;
- for (byte drive = TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE; drive <= TC_LAST_BIOS_DRIVE; ++drive)
- {
- if (GetDrivePartitions (drive, partitions, array_capacity (partitions), partitionCount, false, nullptr, true) == BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < partitionCount; ++i)
- {
- const Partition &partition = partitions[i];
- result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, partition.StartSector, 1);
- if (result == BiosResultSuccess && *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + TC_LB_SIZE - 2) == 0xaa55)
- {
- // Windows writes boot loader on all NTFS/FAT filesytems it creates and, therefore,
- // NTFS/FAT partitions must have the boot indicator set to be considered bootable.
- if (!partition.Active
- && (*(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x5346544e // 'NTFS'
- || *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x41465845 && SectorBuffer[7] == 'T' // 'exFAT'
- || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 54) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[56] == 'T' // 'FAT'
- || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 82) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[84] == 'T'))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Bootable sector found
- if (bootablePartitionCount < array_capacity (bootablePartitions))
- bootablePartitions[bootablePartitionCount++] = partition;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (bootablePartitionCount < 1)
- {
- GetKeyboardChar();
- return;
- }
- char partChar;
- while (true)
- {
- InitScreen();
- Print ("Bootable Partitions:\r\n");
- PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 20);
- Print ("\r\n");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < bootablePartitionCount; ++i)
- {
- const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[i];
- Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] ");
- Print ("Drive: "); Print (partition.Drive - TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE);
- Print (", Partition: "); Print (partition.Number + 1);
- Print (", Size: "); PrintSectorCountInMB (partition.SectorCount); PrintEndl();
- }
- if (bootablePartitionCount == 1)
- {
- // There's only one bootable partition so we'll boot it directly instead of showing boot manager
- partChar = '1';
- }
- else
- {
- Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n");
- Print ("Press 1-9 to select partition: ");
- if (GetString (&partChar, 1) == 0)
- return;
- PrintEndl();
- if (partChar < '1' || partChar > '0' + bootablePartitionCount)
- {
- Beep();
- continue;
- }
- }
- const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[partChar - '0' - 1];
- if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, partition.Drive, partition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- ExecuteBootSector (partition.Drive, SectorBuffer);
- }
- }
-static bool CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey)
- bool status = false;
- uint64 sectorsRemaining;
- uint64 sectorOffset;
- sectorOffset.LowPart = 0;
- sectorOffset.HighPart = 0;
- int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS
- int statCount = 0;
- if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ())
- goto err;
- if (!GetSystemPartitions (drive))
- goto err;
- if (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
- // Check if BIOS can read the last sector of the hidden system
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, PartitionFollowingActive.Drive, PartitionFollowingActive.EndSector - (TC_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE - 2), 1) != BiosResultSuccess
- || GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, sizeof (SectorBuffer)) != OuterVolumeBackupHeaderCrc)
- {
- PrintErrorNoEndl ("Your BIOS does not support large drives");
- Print (IsLbaSupported (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive) ? " due to a bug" : "\r\n- Enable LBA in BIOS");
- PrintEndl();
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- goto err;
- }
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, true, false))
- return false;
- sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount;
- if (!(sectorsRemaining == ActivePartition.SectorCount))
- InitScreen();
- Print ("\r\nCopying system to hidden volume. To abort, press Esc.\r\n\r\n");
- while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0)
- {
- if (EscKeyPressed())
- {
- Print ("\rIf aborted, copying will have to start from the beginning (if attempted again).\r\n");
- if (AskYesNo ("Abort"))
- break;
- }
- if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount)
- fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart;
- if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, ActivePartition.StartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- Print ("To fix bad sectors: 1) Terminate 2) Encrypt and decrypt sys partition 3) Retry\r\n");
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- goto err;
- }
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i)
- {
- uint64 s = PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo + sectorOffset + i;
- EncryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo);
- }
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, HiddenVolumeStartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- goto err;
- }
- sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount;
- sectorOffset = sectorOffset + fragmentSectorCount;
- if (!(statCount++ & 0xf))
- {
- Print ("\rRemaining: ");
- PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining);
- }
- }
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0)
- {
- status = true;
- Print ("\rCopying completed.");
- }
- PrintEndl (2);
- goto ret;
- exitKey = TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC;
- GetKeyboardChar();
- EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments));
- return status;
-static void DecryptDrive (byte drive)
- byte exitKey;
- if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, false, true))
- return;
- BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
- bool headerUpdateRequired = false;
- uint64 sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1 - EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
- uint64 sector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1;
- int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS
- int statCount = 0;
- bool skipBadSectors = false;
- Print ("\r\nUse only if Windows cannot start. Decryption under Windows is much faster\r\n"
- "(in VeraCrypt, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt').\r\n\r\n");
- if (!AskYesNo ("Decrypt now"))
- {
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- goto ret;
- }
- if (EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
- {
- // Drive already decrypted
- sectorsRemaining.HighPart = 0;
- sectorsRemaining.LowPart = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- Print ("\r\nTo safely interrupt and defer decryption, press Esc.\r\n"
- "WARNING: You can turn off power only after you press Esc.\r\n\r\n");
- }
- while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0)
- {
- if (EscKeyPressed())
- break;
- if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount)
- fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart;
- sector = sector - fragmentSectorCount;
- if (!(statCount++ & 0xf))
- {
- Print ("\rRemaining: ");
- PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining);
- }
- if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) == BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i)
- {
- uint64 s = sector + i;
- DecryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo);
- }
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) != BiosResultSuccess && !skipBadSectors)
- goto askBadSectorSkip;
- }
- else if (!skipBadSectors)
- goto askBadSectorSkip;
- sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount;
- headerUpdateRequired = true;
- continue;
- if (!AskYesNo ("Skip all bad sectors"))
- break;
- skipBadSectors = true;
- sector = sector + fragmentSectorCount;
- fragmentSectorCount = 1;
- }
- crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
- if (headerUpdateRequired)
- {
- Print ("\rUpdating header...");
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- uint64 headerSector;
- headerSector.HighPart = 0;
- headerSector.LowPart = TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR;
- // Update encrypted area size in volume header
- CRYPTO_INFO *headerCryptoInfo = crypto_open();
- while (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess);
- if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &bootArguments->BootPassword, (int) (bootArguments->Flags >> 16), NULL, headerCryptoInfo) == 0)
- {
- DecryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo);
- uint64 encryptedAreaLength = sectorsRemaining << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
- for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_ENCRYPTED_AREA_LENGTH + i] = (byte) encryptedAreaLength.LowPart;
- encryptedAreaLength = encryptedAreaLength >> 8;
- }
- for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC + i] = (byte) headerCrc32;
- headerCrc32 >>= 8;
- }
- EncryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo);
- }
- crypto_close (headerCryptoInfo);
- while (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess);
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- Print ("Done!\r\n");
- }
- if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0)
- Print ("\rDrive decrypted.\r\n");
- else
- Print ("\r\nDecryption deferred.\r\n");
- GetKeyboardChar();
- EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments));
-static void RepairMenu ()
- DriveGeometry bootLoaderDriveGeometry;
- if (GetDriveGeometry (BootLoaderDrive, bootLoaderDriveGeometry, true) != BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- // Some BIOSes may fail to get the geometry of an emulated floppy drive
- bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Cylinders = 80;
- bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Heads = 2;
- bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Sectors = 18;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- InitScreen();
- Print ("Available "); Print ("Repair Options"); Print (":\r\n");
- PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 25);
- PrintEndl();
- enum
- {
- RestoreNone = 0,
- DecryptVolume,
- RestoreTrueCryptLoader,
- RestoreVolumeHeader,
- RestoreOriginalSystemLoader
- };
- static const char *options[] = { "Permanently decrypt system partition/drive", "Restore VeraCrypt Boot Loader", "Restore key data (volume header)", "Restore original system loader" };
- int selection = AskSelection (options,
- (BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISK_ORIG_SYS_LOADER) ? array_capacity (options) : array_capacity (options) - 1);
- PrintEndl();
- switch (selection)
- {
- case RestoreNone:
- return;
- case DecryptVolume:
- DecryptDrive (BootDrive);
- continue;
- case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader:
- if (!AskYesNo ("Is the system partition/drive decrypted"))
- {
- Print ("Please decrypt it first.\r\n");
- GetKeyboardChar();
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- bool writeConfirmed = false;
- BiosResult result;
- uint64 sector;
- sector.HighPart = 0;
- ChsAddress chs;
- byte mbrPartTable[TC_LB_SIZE - TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE];
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- for (int i = (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader ? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : TC_MBR_SECTOR);
- {
- sector.LowPart = i;
- if (selection == RestoreOriginalSystemLoader)
- else if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader)
- // The backup medium may be a floppy-emulated bootable CD. The emulation may fail if LBA addressing is used.
- // Therefore, only CHS addressing can be used.
- LbaToChs (bootLoaderDriveGeometry, sector, chs);
- sector.LowPart = i;
- if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR)
- {
- // Read current partition table
- result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1);
- if (result != BiosResultSuccess)
- goto err;
- memcpy (mbrPartTable, SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, sizeof (mbrPartTable));
- }
- result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, BootLoaderDrive, chs, 1);
- if (result != BiosResultSuccess)
- goto err;
- if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR)
- {
- // Preserve current partition table
- memcpy (SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, mbrPartTable, sizeof (mbrPartTable));
- }
- // Volume header
- {
- if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader)
- continue;
- if (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader)
- {
- while (true)
- {
- bool validHeaderPresent = false;
- uint32 masterKeyScheduleCrc;
- Password password;
- int pim;
- byte exitKey = AskPassword (password, pim);
- if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER)
- goto abort;
- CRYPTO_INFO *cryptoInfo;
- CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, TC_LB_SIZE);
- ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- // Restore volume header only if the current one cannot be used
- if (OpenVolume (TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, password, pim, &cryptoInfo, nullptr, false, true))
- {
- validHeaderPresent = true;
- masterKeyScheduleCrc = GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks));
- crypto_close (cryptoInfo);
- }
- AcquireSectorBuffer();
- CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE);
- if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, pim, &cryptoInfo, nullptr) == 0)
- {
- if (validHeaderPresent)
- {
- if (masterKeyScheduleCrc == GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks)))
- {
- Print ("Original header preserved.\r\n");
- goto err;
- }
- Print ("WARNING: Drive 0 contains a valid header!\r\n");
- }
- crypto_close (cryptoInfo);
- break;
- }
- Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!writeConfirmed && !AskYesNo ("Modify drive 0"))
- goto abort;
- writeConfirmed = true;
- if (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess)
- goto err;
- }
- switch (selection)
- {
- case RestoreTrueCryptLoader:
- Print ("VeraCrypt Boot Loader");
- break;
- case RestoreVolumeHeader:
- Print ("Header");
- break;
- case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader:
- Print ("System loader");
- break;
- }
- Print (" restored.\r\n");
-err: GetKeyboardChar();
-abort: ReleaseSectorBuffer();
- }
-#ifndef DEBUG
-extern "C" void _acrtused () { } // Required by linker
-void main ()
- __asm mov BootLoaderDrive, dl
- __asm mov BootSectorFlags, dh
- InitDebugPort();
- InitStackChecker();
- ReadBootSectorUserConfiguration();
-#elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES)
- EnableHwEncryption (!(BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISABLE_HW_ENCRYPTION));
- InitVideoMode();
- InitScreen();
- // Determine boot drive
- BootDrive = BootLoaderDrive;
- if (BootDrive < TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE)
- // Query boot drive geometry
- if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess)
- {
- Print ("- Connect system drive to (SATA) port 1\r\n");
- GetKeyboardChar();
- }
- else
- BootDriveGeometryValid = true;
- }
- else
- BootDriveGeometryValid = true;
- // Check whether the user is not using the Rescue Disk to create a hidden system
- if (ReadWriteMBR (false, BootDrive, true) == BiosResultSuccess
- && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 6) == 0x61726556
- && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 10) == 0x70797243
- {
- PrintError ("It appears you are creating a hidden OS.");
- if (AskYesNo ("Is this correct"))
- {
- Print ("Please remove the Rescue Disk from the drive and restart.");
- while (true);
- }
- }
- // Main menu
- while (true)
- {
- byte exitKey;
- InitScreen();
- // Hidden system setup
- byte hiddenSystemCreationPhase = BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE;
- if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase != TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_NONE)
- {
- PreventNormalSystemBoot = true;
- PrintMainMenu();
- if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase == TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_CLONING)
- {
- if (CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (BootDrive, exitKey))
- {
- UpdateBootSectorConfiguration (BootLoaderDrive);
- }
- else if (exitKey == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC)
- goto bootMenu;
- else
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- PrintMainMenu();
- exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive();
- PrintMainMenu();
- exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive();
- if (exitKey == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR)
- {
- RepairMenu();
- continue;
- }
- if (!PreventBootMenu)
- BootMenu();
- }
+ Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
+ Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
+ by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
+ Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
+ and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
+ and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
+ contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
+ code distribution packages.
+#include "Crc.h"
+#include "Crypto.h"
+#include "Password.h"
+#include "Volumes.h"
+#include "Platform.h"
+#include "Bios.h"
+#include "BootConfig.h"
+#include "BootMain.h"
+#include "BootDefs.h"
+#include "BootCommon.h"
+#include "BootConsoleIo.h"
+#include "BootDebug.h"
+#include "BootDiskIo.h"
+#include "BootEncryptedIo.h"
+#include "BootMemory.h"
+#include "BootStrings.h"
+#include "IntFilter.h"
+static void InitScreen ()
+ ClearScreen();
+ const char *title =
+ " VeraCrypt Boot Loader "
+ " VeraCrypt Rescue Disk "
+ Print (title);
+ PrintRepeatedChar ('\xDC', TC_BIOS_MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE);
+ if (CustomUserMessage[0])
+ {
+ PrintEndl();
+ Print (CustomUserMessage);
+ }
+ PrintEndl (2);
+static void PrintMainMenu ()
+ if (PreventBootMenu)
+ return;
+ Print (" Keyboard Controls:\r\n");
+ Print (" [F5] Hide/Show Password and PIM\r\n");
+ Print (" [Esc] ");
+ ? "Boot Non-Hidden System (Boot Manager)"
+ : "Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)");
+ Print ("Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)");
+ Print ("\r\n [F8] "); Print ("Repair Options");
+ PrintEndl (3);
+static bool IsMenuKey (byte scanCode)
+ return scanCode == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR;
+ return false;
+static bool AskYesNo (const char *message)
+ Print (message);
+ Print ("? (y/n): ");
+ while (true)
+ {
+ switch (GetKeyboardChar())
+ {
+ case 'y':
+ case 'Y':
+ case 'z':
+ case 'Z':
+ Print ("y\r\n");
+ return true;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ Print ("n\r\n");
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Beep();
+ }
+ }
+static int AskSelection (const char *options[], size_t optionCount)
+ for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; ++i)
+ {
+ Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] ");
+ Print (options[i]);
+ PrintEndl();
+ }
+ Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n");
+ Print ("To select, press 1-9: ");
+ char str;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (GetString (&str, 1) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (str >= '1' && str <= optionCount + '0')
+ return str - '0';
+ Beep();
+ PrintBackspace();
+ }
+static byte AskPassword (Password &password, int& pim)
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ byte scanCode;
+ byte asciiCode;
+ byte hidePassword = 1;
+ pim = 0;
+ Print ("Enter password");
+ Print (PreventNormalSystemBoot ? " for hidden system:\r\n" : ": ");
+ while (true)
+ {
+ asciiCode = GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
+ switch (scanCode)
+ {
+ password.Length = pos;
+ Print ("\r");
+ if (!PreventNormalSystemBoot)
+ Print ("Enter password: ");
+ pos = 0;
+ while (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
+ {
+ pos++;
+ if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
+ PrintChar ('*');
+ else
+ PrintCharAtCursor ('*');
+ }
+ ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
+ PrintEndl();
+ break;
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
+ PrintBackspace();
+ else
+ PrintCharAtCursor (' ');
+ --pos;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case TC_BIOS_KEY_F5:
+ hidePassword ^= 0x01;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ if (scanCode == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC || IsMenuKey (scanCode))
+ {
+ burn (password.Text, sizeof (password.Text));
+ ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
+ PrintEndl();
+ return scanCode;
+ }
+ }
+ if (TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER == scanCode)
+ break;
+ if (!IsPrintable (asciiCode) || pos == MAX_PASSWORD)
+ {
+ Beep();
+ continue;
+ }
+ password.Text[pos++] = asciiCode;
+ if (hidePassword) asciiCode = '*';
+ if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD)
+ PrintChar (asciiCode);
+ else
+ PrintCharAtCursor (asciiCode);
+ }
+ if (PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart != -1)
+ {
+ pim = (int) PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart;
+ // reset stored PIM value to allow requesting PIM next time in case the stored value is wrong
+ PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo.LowPart = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pos = 0;
+ Print ("PIM: ");
+ while (true)
+ {
+ asciiCode = GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
+ switch (scanCode)
+ {
+ Print ("\rPIM: ");
+ pos =0;
+ while (pos < MAX_PIM)
+ {
+ PrintChar ('*');
+ pos++;
+ }
+ ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
+ PrintEndl();
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ if (pos < MAX_PIM)
+ PrintBackspace();
+ else
+ PrintCharAtCursor (' ');
+ --pos;
+ pim /= 10;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case TC_BIOS_KEY_F5:
+ hidePassword ^= 0x01;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ if (scanCode == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC || IsMenuKey (scanCode))
+ {
+ burn (password.Text, sizeof (password.Text));
+ ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer();
+ PrintEndl();
+ return scanCode;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IsDigit (asciiCode) || pos == MAX_PIM)
+ {
+ Beep();
+ continue;
+ }
+ pim = 10*pim + (asciiCode - '0');
+ pos++;
+ if (hidePassword) asciiCode = '*';
+ if (pos < MAX_PIM)
+ PrintChar (asciiCode);
+ else
+ PrintCharAtCursor (asciiCode);
+ }
+ }
+static void ExecuteBootSector (byte drive, byte *sectorBuffer)
+ Print ("Booting...\r\n");
+ CopyMemory (sectorBuffer, 0x0000, 0x7c00, TC_LB_SIZE);
+ BootStarted = true;
+ uint32 addr = 0x7c00;
+ __asm
+ {
+ cli
+ mov dl, drive // Boot drive
+ mov dh, 0
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov si, ax
+ mov ds, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov sp, 0x7c00
+ sti
+ jmp cs:addr
+ }
+static bool OpenVolume (byte drive, Password &password, int pim, CRYPTO_INFO **cryptoInfo, uint32 *headerSaltCrc32, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden)
+ int volumeType;
+ bool hiddenVolume;
+ uint64 headerSec;
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ for (volumeType = 1; volumeType <= 2; ++volumeType)
+ {
+ hiddenVolume = (volumeType == 2);
+ if (hiddenVolume)
+ {
+ if (skipHidden || PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != drive || PartitionFollowingActive.SectorCount <= ActivePartition.SectorCount)
+ continue;
+ headerSec = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector + TC_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET / TC_LB_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (skipNormal)
+ continue;
+ headerSec.HighPart = 0;
+ }
+ if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSec, 1) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ continue;
+ if (ReadVolumeHeader (!hiddenVolume, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, pim, cryptoInfo, nullptr) == ERR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ // Prevent opening a non-system hidden volume
+ if (hiddenVolume && !((*cryptoInfo)->HeaderFlags & TC_HEADER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_SYSTEM))
+ {
+ crypto_close (*cryptoInfo);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (headerSaltCrc32)
+ *headerSaltCrc32 = GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, PKCS5_SALT_SIZE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ return volumeType != 3;
+static bool CheckMemoryRequirements ()
+ uint16 codeSeg;
+ __asm mov codeSeg, cs
+ {
+ PrintErrorNoEndl ("BIOS reserved too much memory: ");
+ uint16 memFree;
+ __asm
+ {
+ push es
+ xor ax, ax
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ax, es:[0x413]
+ mov memFree, ax
+ pop es
+ }
+ Print (memFree);
+ PrintEndl();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool MountVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden)
+ BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
+ int incorrectPasswordCount = 0, pim = 0;
+ EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments));
+ // Open volume header
+ while (true)
+ {
+ exitKey = AskPassword (bootArguments->BootPassword, pim);
+ if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER)
+ return false;
+ Print ("Verifying password...");
+ if (OpenVolume (BootDrive, bootArguments->BootPassword, pim, &BootCryptoInfo, &bootArguments->HeaderSaltCrc32, skipNormal, skipHidden))
+ {
+ Print ("OK\r\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ Print ("Warning: Caps Lock is on.\r\n");
+ Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n");
+ if (++incorrectPasswordCount == 4)
+ {
+ Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged.\r\n"
+ "If so, use 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n");
+ Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged. Boot your\r\n"
+ "VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and select 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup boot arguments
+ bootArguments->BootLoaderVersion = VERSION_NUM;
+ bootArguments->CryptoInfoOffset = (uint16) BootCryptoInfo;
+ bootArguments->CryptoInfoLength = sizeof (*BootCryptoInfo);
+ bootArguments->Flags = (((uint32)pim) << 16);
+ if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
+ bootArguments->HiddenSystemPartitionStart = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
+ if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent)
+ TC_SET_BOOT_ARGUMENTS_SIGNATURE (bootArguments->Signature);
+ // Setup virtual encrypted partition
+ if (BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.HighPart != 0 || BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.LowPart != 0)
+ {
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = BootDrive;
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
+ PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo = EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
+ HiddenVolumeStartSector = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector;
+ HiddenVolumeStartSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount - 1;
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Drive not encrypted
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool GetSystemPartitions (byte drive)
+ size_t partCount;
+ if (!GetActivePartition (drive))
+ return false;
+ // Find partition following the active one
+ GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition);
+ // If there is an extra boot partition, use the partitions following it.
+ // The real boot partition is determined in BootEncryptedDrive().
+ if (ActivePartition.SectorCount.HighPart == 0 && ActivePartition.SectorCount.LowPart <= TC_MAX_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE
+ && PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
+ {
+ ExtraBootPartitionPresent = true;
+ ActivePartition = PartitionFollowingActive;
+ GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition);
+ }
+ return true;
+static byte BootEncryptedDrive ()
+ BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
+ byte exitKey;
+ BootCryptoInfo = NULL;
+ if (!GetSystemPartitions (BootDrive))
+ goto err;
+ if (!MountVolume (BootDrive, exitKey, PreventNormalSystemBoot, false))
+ return exitKey;
+ if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ())
+ goto err;
+ if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
+ {
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition = ActivePartition;
+ bootArguments->DecoySystemPartitionStart = ActivePartition.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
+ }
+ if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent && !GetActivePartition (BootDrive))
+ goto err;
+ if (ReadWriteMBR (false, ActivePartition.Drive) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ goto err;
+ bootArguments->BootDriveSignature = *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 0x1b8);
+ if (!InstallInterruptFilters())
+ goto err;
+ bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 = GetCrc32 ((byte *) bootArguments, (byte *) &bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 - (byte *) bootArguments);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // Execute boot sector of the active partition
+ if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, ActivePartition.Drive, ActivePartition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ if (*(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 510) != 0xaa55)
+ {
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ }
+ ExecuteBootSector (ActivePartition.Drive, SectorBuffer);
+ }
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ }
+ if (BootCryptoInfo)
+ {
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ BootCryptoInfo = NULL;
+ }
+ EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE;
+ EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments));
+ byte scanCode;
+ GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode);
+ return scanCode;
+static void BootMenu ()
+ BiosResult result;
+ Partition partitions[16];
+ Partition bootablePartitions[9];
+ size_t partitionCount;
+ size_t bootablePartitionCount = 0;
+ for (byte drive = TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE; drive <= TC_LAST_BIOS_DRIVE; ++drive)
+ {
+ if (GetDrivePartitions (drive, partitions, array_capacity (partitions), partitionCount, false, nullptr, true) == BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < partitionCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const Partition &partition = partitions[i];
+ result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, partition.StartSector, 1);
+ if (result == BiosResultSuccess && *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + TC_LB_SIZE - 2) == 0xaa55)
+ {
+ // Windows writes boot loader on all NTFS/FAT filesytems it creates and, therefore,
+ // NTFS/FAT partitions must have the boot indicator set to be considered bootable.
+ if (!partition.Active
+ && (*(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x5346544e // 'NTFS'
+ || *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x41465845 && SectorBuffer[7] == 'T' // 'exFAT'
+ || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 54) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[56] == 'T' // 'FAT'
+ || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 82) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[84] == 'T'))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Bootable sector found
+ if (bootablePartitionCount < array_capacity (bootablePartitions))
+ bootablePartitions[bootablePartitionCount++] = partition;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bootablePartitionCount < 1)
+ {
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ return;
+ }
+ char partChar;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ InitScreen();
+ Print ("Bootable Partitions:\r\n");
+ PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 20);
+ Print ("\r\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < bootablePartitionCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[i];
+ Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] ");
+ Print ("Drive: "); Print (partition.Drive - TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE);
+ Print (", Partition: "); Print (partition.Number + 1);
+ Print (", Size: "); PrintSectorCountInMB (partition.SectorCount); PrintEndl();
+ }
+ if (bootablePartitionCount == 1)
+ {
+ // There's only one bootable partition so we'll boot it directly instead of showing boot manager
+ partChar = '1';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n");
+ Print ("Press 1-9 to select partition: ");
+ if (GetString (&partChar, 1) == 0)
+ return;
+ PrintEndl();
+ if (partChar < '1' || partChar > '0' + bootablePartitionCount)
+ {
+ Beep();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[partChar - '0' - 1];
+ if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, partition.Drive, partition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ ExecuteBootSector (partition.Drive, SectorBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+static bool CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey)
+ bool status = false;
+ uint64 sectorsRemaining;
+ uint64 sectorOffset;
+ sectorOffset.LowPart = 0;
+ sectorOffset.HighPart = 0;
+ int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS
+ int statCount = 0;
+ if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ())
+ goto err;
+ if (!GetSystemPartitions (drive))
+ goto err;
+ if (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
+ // Check if BIOS can read the last sector of the hidden system
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, PartitionFollowingActive.Drive, PartitionFollowingActive.EndSector - (TC_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE - 2), 1) != BiosResultSuccess
+ || GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, sizeof (SectorBuffer)) != OuterVolumeBackupHeaderCrc)
+ {
+ PrintErrorNoEndl ("Your BIOS does not support large drives");
+ Print (IsLbaSupported (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive) ? " due to a bug" : "\r\n- Enable LBA in BIOS");
+ PrintEndl();
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ goto err;
+ }
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, true, false))
+ return false;
+ sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount;
+ if (!(sectorsRemaining == ActivePartition.SectorCount))
+ InitScreen();
+ Print ("\r\nCopying system to hidden volume. To abort, press Esc.\r\n\r\n");
+ while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0)
+ {
+ if (EscKeyPressed())
+ {
+ Print ("\rIf aborted, copying will have to start from the beginning (if attempted again).\r\n");
+ if (AskYesNo ("Abort"))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount)
+ fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart;
+ if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, ActivePartition.StartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ Print ("To fix bad sectors: 1) Terminate 2) Encrypt and decrypt sys partition 3) Retry\r\n");
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i)
+ {
+ uint64 s = PimValueOrHiddenVolumeStartUnitNo + sectorOffset + i;
+ EncryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo);
+ }
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, HiddenVolumeStartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount;
+ sectorOffset = sectorOffset + fragmentSectorCount;
+ if (!(statCount++ & 0xf))
+ {
+ Print ("\rRemaining: ");
+ PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining);
+ }
+ }
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0)
+ {
+ status = true;
+ Print ("\rCopying completed.");
+ }
+ PrintEndl (2);
+ goto ret;
+ exitKey = TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC;
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments));
+ return status;
+static void DecryptDrive (byte drive)
+ byte exitKey;
+ if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, false, true))
+ return;
+ BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET;
+ bool headerUpdateRequired = false;
+ uint64 sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1 - EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
+ uint64 sector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1;
+ int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS
+ int statCount = 0;
+ bool skipBadSectors = false;
+ Print ("\r\nUse only if Windows cannot start. Decryption under Windows is much faster\r\n"
+ "(in VeraCrypt, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt').\r\n\r\n");
+ if (!AskYesNo ("Decrypt now"))
+ {
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ if (EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE)
+ {
+ // Drive already decrypted
+ sectorsRemaining.HighPart = 0;
+ sectorsRemaining.LowPart = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print ("\r\nTo safely interrupt and defer decryption, press Esc.\r\n"
+ "WARNING: You can turn off power only after you press Esc.\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0)
+ {
+ if (EscKeyPressed())
+ break;
+ if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount)
+ fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart;
+ sector = sector - fragmentSectorCount;
+ if (!(statCount++ & 0xf))
+ {
+ Print ("\rRemaining: ");
+ PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining);
+ }
+ if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) == BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i)
+ {
+ uint64 s = sector + i;
+ DecryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo);
+ }
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) != BiosResultSuccess && !skipBadSectors)
+ goto askBadSectorSkip;
+ }
+ else if (!skipBadSectors)
+ goto askBadSectorSkip;
+ sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount;
+ headerUpdateRequired = true;
+ continue;
+ if (!AskYesNo ("Skip all bad sectors"))
+ break;
+ skipBadSectors = true;
+ sector = sector + fragmentSectorCount;
+ fragmentSectorCount = 1;
+ }
+ crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo);
+ if (headerUpdateRequired)
+ {
+ Print ("\rUpdating header...");
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ uint64 headerSector;
+ headerSector.HighPart = 0;
+ headerSector.LowPart = TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR;
+ // Update encrypted area size in volume header
+ CRYPTO_INFO *headerCryptoInfo = crypto_open();
+ while (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess);
+ if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &bootArguments->BootPassword, (int) (bootArguments->Flags >> 16), NULL, headerCryptoInfo) == 0)
+ {
+ DecryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo);
+ uint64 encryptedAreaLength = sectorsRemaining << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR;
+ for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_ENCRYPTED_AREA_LENGTH + i] = (byte) encryptedAreaLength.LowPart;
+ encryptedAreaLength = encryptedAreaLength >> 8;
+ }
+ for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC + i] = (byte) headerCrc32;
+ headerCrc32 >>= 8;
+ }
+ EncryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo);
+ }
+ crypto_close (headerCryptoInfo);
+ while (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess);
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ Print ("Done!\r\n");
+ }
+ if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0)
+ Print ("\rDrive decrypted.\r\n");
+ else
+ Print ("\r\nDecryption deferred.\r\n");
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments));
+static void RepairMenu ()
+ DriveGeometry bootLoaderDriveGeometry;
+ if (GetDriveGeometry (BootLoaderDrive, bootLoaderDriveGeometry, true) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ // Some BIOSes may fail to get the geometry of an emulated floppy drive
+ bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Cylinders = 80;
+ bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Heads = 2;
+ bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Sectors = 18;
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ InitScreen();
+ Print ("Available "); Print ("Repair Options"); Print (":\r\n");
+ PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 25);
+ PrintEndl();
+ enum
+ {
+ RestoreNone = 0,
+ DecryptVolume,
+ RestoreTrueCryptLoader,
+ RestoreVolumeHeader,
+ RestoreOriginalSystemLoader
+ };
+ static const char *options[] = { "Permanently decrypt system partition/drive", "Restore VeraCrypt Boot Loader", "Restore key data (volume header)", "Restore original system loader" };
+ int selection = AskSelection (options,
+ (BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISK_ORIG_SYS_LOADER) ? array_capacity (options) : array_capacity (options) - 1);
+ PrintEndl();
+ switch (selection)
+ {
+ case RestoreNone:
+ return;
+ case DecryptVolume:
+ DecryptDrive (BootDrive);
+ continue;
+ case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader:
+ if (!AskYesNo ("Is the system partition/drive decrypted"))
+ {
+ Print ("Please decrypt it first.\r\n");
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ bool writeConfirmed = false;
+ BiosResult result;
+ uint64 sector;
+ sector.HighPart = 0;
+ ChsAddress chs;
+ byte mbrPartTable[TC_LB_SIZE - TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE];
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ for (int i = (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader ? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : TC_MBR_SECTOR);
+ {
+ sector.LowPart = i;
+ if (selection == RestoreOriginalSystemLoader)
+ else if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader)
+ // The backup medium may be a floppy-emulated bootable CD. The emulation may fail if LBA addressing is used.
+ // Therefore, only CHS addressing can be used.
+ LbaToChs (bootLoaderDriveGeometry, sector, chs);
+ sector.LowPart = i;
+ if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR)
+ {
+ // Read current partition table
+ result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1);
+ if (result != BiosResultSuccess)
+ goto err;
+ memcpy (mbrPartTable, SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, sizeof (mbrPartTable));
+ }
+ result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, BootLoaderDrive, chs, 1);
+ if (result != BiosResultSuccess)
+ goto err;
+ if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR)
+ {
+ // Preserve current partition table
+ memcpy (SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, mbrPartTable, sizeof (mbrPartTable));
+ }
+ // Volume header
+ {
+ if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader)
+ continue;
+ if (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ bool validHeaderPresent = false;
+ uint32 masterKeyScheduleCrc;
+ Password password;
+ int pim;
+ byte exitKey = AskPassword (password, pim);
+ if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER)
+ goto abort;
+ CRYPTO_INFO *cryptoInfo;
+ CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, TC_LB_SIZE);
+ ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ // Restore volume header only if the current one cannot be used
+ if (OpenVolume (TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, password, pim, &cryptoInfo, nullptr, false, true))
+ {
+ validHeaderPresent = true;
+ masterKeyScheduleCrc = GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks));
+ crypto_close (cryptoInfo);
+ }
+ AcquireSectorBuffer();
+ CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE);
+ if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, pim, &cryptoInfo, nullptr) == 0)
+ {
+ if (validHeaderPresent)
+ {
+ if (masterKeyScheduleCrc == GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks)))
+ {
+ Print ("Original header preserved.\r\n");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ Print ("WARNING: Drive 0 contains a valid header!\r\n");
+ }
+ crypto_close (cryptoInfo);
+ break;
+ }
+ Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!writeConfirmed && !AskYesNo ("Modify drive 0"))
+ goto abort;
+ writeConfirmed = true;
+ if (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ switch (selection)
+ {
+ case RestoreTrueCryptLoader:
+ Print ("VeraCrypt Boot Loader");
+ break;
+ case RestoreVolumeHeader:
+ Print ("Header");
+ break;
+ case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader:
+ Print ("System loader");
+ break;
+ }
+ Print (" restored.\r\n");
+err: GetKeyboardChar();
+abort: ReleaseSectorBuffer();
+ }
+#ifndef DEBUG
+extern "C" void _acrtused () { } // Required by linker
+void main ()
+ __asm mov BootLoaderDrive, dl
+ __asm mov BootSectorFlags, dh
+ InitDebugPort();
+ InitStackChecker();
+ ReadBootSectorUserConfiguration();
+#elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES)
+ EnableHwEncryption (!(BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISABLE_HW_ENCRYPTION));
+ InitVideoMode();
+ InitScreen();
+ // Determine boot drive
+ BootDrive = BootLoaderDrive;
+ if (BootDrive < TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE)
+ // Query boot drive geometry
+ if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess)
+ {
+ Print ("- Connect system drive to (SATA) port 1\r\n");
+ GetKeyboardChar();
+ }
+ else
+ BootDriveGeometryValid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ BootDriveGeometryValid = true;
+ // Check whether the user is not using the Rescue Disk to create a hidden system
+ if (ReadWriteMBR (false, BootDrive, true) == BiosResultSuccess
+ && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 6) == 0x61726556
+ && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 10) == 0x70797243
+ {
+ PrintError ("It appears you are creating a hidden OS.");
+ if (AskYesNo ("Is this correct"))
+ {
+ Print ("Please remove the Rescue Disk from the drive and restart.");
+ while (true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Main menu
+ while (true)
+ {
+ byte exitKey;
+ InitScreen();
+ // Hidden system setup
+ byte hiddenSystemCreationPhase = BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE;
+ if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase != TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_NONE)
+ {
+ PreventNormalSystemBoot = true;
+ PrintMainMenu();
+ if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase == TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_CLONING)
+ {
+ if (CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (BootDrive, exitKey))
+ {
+ UpdateBootSectorConfiguration (BootLoaderDrive);
+ }
+ else if (exitKey == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC)
+ goto bootMenu;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ PrintMainMenu();
+ exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive();
+ PrintMainMenu();
+ exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive();
+ if (exitKey == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR)
+ {
+ RepairMenu();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!PreventBootMenu)
+ BootMenu();
+ }