path: root/Translations/
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authorMounir IDRASSI <>2015-11-08 09:46:51 +0100
committerMounir IDRASSI <>2015-11-08 09:49:04 +0100
commit1c55894e1d7f6ad71aebd646e78d660d6864cad1 (patch)
tree8902117e467a5e168f8d46f63e9986de1540ee00 /Translations/
parent7322ebbc836c6c68f416e977a6edf07db42fd954 (diff)
Language XML files: harmonize XML language files ad solve few issues.
Diffstat (limited to 'Translations/')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index b6c30845..68f39f0c 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_BROWSE">О&amp;чиш...</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_DESKTOP_ICON">&amp; VeraCrypt Рабочий столда</control>
<control lang="en" key="IDC_DONATE">Donate now...</control>
- <control lang="uz" key="IDC_FILE_TYPE">'.tc' кенгайтмасини VeraCrypt билан келиштириш</control>
+ <control lang="uz" key="IDC_FILE_TYPE">'.hc' кенгайтмасини VeraCrypt билан келиштириш</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER">Иш охирида белгиланган жойни очиш</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_PROG_GROUP">&amp; VeraCrypt ни 'Пуск' га кўшиш</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_SYSTEM_RESTORE">Кайта тиклаш ну&amp;қтасини яратиш</control>
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_MOUNT_READONLY">Монтировать как том только для &amp;чтения</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_NEW_KEYFILES">Ключ.файлы...</control>
<control lang="en" key="IDC_OLD_PIM_HELP">(Empty or 0 for default iterations)</control>
- <control lang="en" key="IDC_PIM_HELP">(Empty or 0 for default iterations)</control>
+ <control lang="en" key="IDC_PIM_HELP">(Empty or 0 for default iterations)</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_PREF_BKG_TASK_ENABLE">Включено</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_PREF_CACHE_PASSWORDS">Кэшировать пароли в памяти</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_INACTIVE">Авторазмонтировать тома при неактивности в течение</control>
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
<control lang="uz" key="IDT_SECURITY_TOKEN">Токен:</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDT_SORT_METHOD">Сортировка:</control>
<control lang="en" key="IDT_STATIC_MODELESS_WAIT_DLG_INFO">Please wait. This process may take a long time...</control>
- <control lang="en" key="IDT_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG_INFO">Please wait...\nThis process may take a long time and VeraCrypt may become unresponsive.</control>
+ <control lang="en" key="IDT_STATIC_MODAL_WAIT_DLG_INFO">Please wait...\nThis process may take a long time and VeraCrypt may seem unresponsive.</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDT_TEST_BLOCK_NUMBER">Число блоков:</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDT_TEST_CIPHERTEXT">Зашифрованный текст (16-ричное)</control>
<control lang="uz" key="IDT_TEST_DATA_UNIT_NUMBER">Число единиц с данными (64-бит 16-ричное, размер единицы с данными - 512 байт)</control>
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="DISK_FREE_PB">На диске %hs свободно %.2f Пб</string>
<string lang="uz" key="DRIVELETTERS">Невозможно получить доступные буквы дисков.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="DRIVER_NOT_FOUND">ОШИБКА: Не найден драйвер VeraCrypt.\n\nСкопируйте файлы 'veracrypt.sys' и 'veracrypt-x64.sys' в папку, где находится программа VeraCrypt (файл VeraCrypt.exe).</string>
- <string lang="en" key="DRIVER_VERSION">Error: An incompatible version of the VeraCrypt driver is currently running.\n\nIf you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already installed, you must uninstall it first (or upgrade it using the VeraCrypt installer). To uninstall it, follow these steps: On Windows Vista or later, select 'Start Menu' &gt; Computer &gt; 'Uninstall or change a program' &gt; VeraCrypt &gt; Uninstall; on Windows XP, select 'Start Menu' &gt; Settings &gt; 'Control Panel' &gt; 'Add Or Remove Programs' &gt; VeraCrypt &gt; Remove.\n\nSimilarly, if you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already running in portable mode, you must restart the system first and then run only this new version.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="DRIVER_VERSION">Error: An incompatible version of the VeraCrypt driver is currently running.\n\nIf you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already installed, you must uninstall it first (or upgrade it using the VeraCrypt installer). To uninstall it, follow these steps: On Windows Vista or later, select 'Start Menu' > Computer > 'Uninstall or change a program' > VeraCrypt > Uninstall; on Windows XP, select 'Start Menu' > Settings > 'Control Panel' > 'Add Or Remove Programs' > VeraCrypt > Remove.\n\nSimilarly, if you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already running in portable mode, you must restart the system first and then run only this new version.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE">Ошибка инициализации шифра.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY">Ошибка: слабый или потенциально слабый ключ! Этот ключ не принят. Повторите попытку.</string>
<string lang="en" key="EXCEPTION_REPORT">A critical error has occurred and VeraCrypt must be terminated. If this is caused by a bug in VeraCrypt, we would like to fix it. To help us, you can send us an automatically generated error report containing the following items:\n\n- Program version\n- Operating system version\n- Type of CPU\n- VeraCrypt component name\n- Checksum of VeraCrypt executable\n- Symbolic name of dialog window\n- Error category\n- Error address\n- VeraCrypt call stack\n\nIf you select 'Yes', the following URL (which contains the entire error report) will be opened in your default Internet browser.\n\n%hs\n\nDo you want to send us the above error report?</string>
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="WIPE_FINISHED">Содержимое раздела/устройства успешно удалено (затёрто).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="WIPE_FINISHED_DECOY_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Содержимое раздела с исходной системой (клоном которой является скрытая система) успешно удалено (затёрто).</string>
<string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_VERSION_WARNING">Please make sure the version of Windows you are going to install (on the wiped partition) is the same as the version of Windows you are currently running. This is required due to the fact that both systems will share a common boot partition.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_FINISHED">The system partition/drive has been successfully encrypted.\n\nNote: If there are non-system VeraCrypt volumes that you need to have mounted automatically every time Windows starts, you can set it up by mounting each of them and selecting 'Favorites' &gt; 'Add Mounted Volume to System Favorites').</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_FINISHED">The system partition/drive has been successfully encrypted.\n\nNote: If there are non-system VeraCrypt volumes that you need to have mounted automatically every time Windows starts, you can set it up by mounting each of them and selecting 'Favorites' > 'Add Mounted Volume to System Favorites').</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_FINISHED">Системный раздел/диск успешно дешифрован.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">\n\nТом VeraCrypt создан и готов к использованию.\n\nЕсли вы хотите создать ещё один том VeraCrypt, нажмите кнопку 'Далее'. Иначе нажмите 'Выход'.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SYSENC_HIDDEN_VOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">\n\nСкрытый том VeraCrypt успешно создан (внутри него будет находиться скрытая операционная система).\n\nНажмите 'Далее' для продолжения.</string>
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">Внешний том создан и смонтирован как диск %hc:. Скопируйте в этот внешний том какие-нибудь осмысленно выглядящие файлы, которые на самом деле вам прятать НЕ нужно. Они понадобятся для демонстрации, если вас вынудят сообщить пароль от первого раздела позади системного, где будут расположены внешний том и скрытый том (со скрытой ОС). Вы сможете открыть пароль от этого внешнего тома, а существование скрытого тома (и скрытой ОС) останется в тайне.\n\nВАЖНО: Файлы, копируемые во внешний том, не должны занимать больше, чем %s. В противном случае на внешнем томе может оказаться недостаточно свободного места для скрытого тома (и вы не сможете продолжить). Когда закончите копирование, нажмите 'Далее' (не размонтируйте том).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Внешний том успешно создан и смонтирован как диск %hc:. В этот том сейчас следует скопировать какие-нибудь осмысленно выглядящие файлы, которые на самом деле вам прятать НЕ нужно, чтобы ввести в заблуждение неприятеля, если он вынудит вас сообщить пароль. В этом случае вы скажете только пароль для этого внешнего тома, но не для скрытого. Действительно ценные для вас файлы будут храниться в скрытом томе, создаваемом позже. Когда закончите копировать файлы, нажмите 'Далее'. Не размонтируйте этот том. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Нажатие 'Далее' запустит сканирование карты кластеров внешнего тома для выяснения размера непрерывной свободной области, конец которой станет концом тома. Этот участок будет приспособлен под скрытый том, т.е. именно им определяется его максимально возможный размер. Сканирование карты кластеров гарантирует, что никакие данные во внешнем томе не будут перезаписаны скрытым томом.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Содержимое внешнего тома</string>
- <string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nНа следующих экранах мастера установите параметры для внешнего тома (внутри которого затем будет создан скрытый том). </string>
+ <string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nНа следующих экранах мастера установите параметры для внешнего тома (внутри которого затем будет создан скрытый том).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nНа следующих этапах вы создадите так называемый внешний том VeraCrypt внутри первого раздела за системным разделом (как это было объяснено на одном из предыдущих этапов).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Внешний том</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">На следующих этапах потребуется установить параметры и пароль для скрытого тома, который будет содержать скрытую ОС. Примечание: для определения размера непрерывной незанятой области, окончание которой будет выровнено по концу внешнего тома, выполняется сканирование его карты кластеров. Эта область будет подогнана для скрытого тома, чтобы его границы не превышали максимально возможный размер. Максимально возможный размер скрытого тома определён и он гарантированно больше, чем у системного раздела (это необходимо, поскольку всё содержимое системного раздела должно быть скопировано в скрытый том). Т.е. никакие данные, находящиеся в данный момент во внешнем томе, не будут перезаписаны данными, записанными в область скрытого тома.</string>
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
<string lang="en" key="PIM_SMALL_WARNING">You have chosen a Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM) that is smaller than the default VeraCrypt value. Please note that if your password is not strong enough, this could lead to a weaker security.\n\nDo you confirm that you are using a strong password?</string>
<string lang="en" key="PIM_SYSENC_TOO_BIG">Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM) maximum value for system encryption is 65535.</string>
<string lang="en" key="PIM_TITLE">Volume PIM</string>
- <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWARNING: Hidden file(s) have been found in a keyfile search path. Such hidden files cannot be used as keyfiles. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove their 'Hidden' attribute (right-click each of them, select 'Properties', uncheck 'Hidden' and click OK). Note: Hidden files are visible only if the corresponding option is enabled (Computer &gt; Organize &gt; 'Folder and search options' &gt; View).</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWARNING: Hidden file(s) have been found in a keyfile search path. Such hidden files cannot be used as keyfiles. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove their 'Hidden' attribute (right-click each of them, select 'Properties', uncheck 'Hidden' and click OK). Note: Hidden files are visible only if the corresponding option is enabled (Computer > Organize > 'Folder and search options' > View).</string>
<string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_PROT_PASSWORD_US_KEYB_LAYOUT">If you are attempting to protect a hidden volume containing a hidden system, please make sure you are using the standard US keyboard layout when typing the password for the hidden volume. This is required due to the fact that the password needs to be typed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) where non-US Windows keyboard layouts are not available.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="FOUND_NO_PARTITION_W_DEFERRED_INPLACE_ENC">Не найдено ни одного несистемного тома с прерванной операцией шифрования и заголовком, для которого подходит указанный пароль и/или ключевые файлы.\n\nПроверьте, правильно ли указан пароль и/или ключевые файлы, и не используется ли раздел/том системой или приложениями (включая антивирусное ПО).</string>
<string lang="en" key="SELECTED_PARTITION_ALREADY_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition/device is already fully encrypted.\nHeader Flags = 0x%.8X</string>
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="WRONG_VOL_TYPE">VeraCrypt не может изменить пароль для чуждого ему тома.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SELECT_FREE_DRIVE">Выберите из списка незанятую букву диска.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SELECT_A_MOUNTED_VOLUME">Выберите в списке букв дисков смонтированный том.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="AMBIGUOUS_VOL_SELECTION">Two different mounted volumes are currently selected (one in the drive letter list and the other in the input field below the list).\n\nPlease choose the volume you wanted to select:</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="AMBIGUOUS_VOL_SELECTION">Warning: Two different volumes/devices are currently selected (the first is selected in the drive letter list and the second is selected in the input field below the drive letter list).\n\nPlease confirm your choice:</string>
<string lang="uz" key="CANT_CREATE_AUTORUN">Ошибка! Невозможно создать autorun.inf</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ERR_PROCESS_KEYFILE">Ошибка обработки ключевого файла.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ERR_PROCESS_KEYFILE_PATH">Ошибка обработки пути ключевого файла.</string>
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="INSTALL_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно установлена.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно обновлена.</string>
<string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string>
- <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_UPGRADE_FAILED">Failed to upgrade VeraCrypt!\n\nIMPORTANT: Before you shut down or restart the system, we strongly recommend that you use System Restore (Windows Start menu &gt; All programs &gt; Accessories &gt; System Tools &gt; System Restore) to restore your system to the restore point named 'VeraCrypt installation'. If System Restore is not available, you should try installing the original or the new version of VeraCrypt again before you shut down or restart the system.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_UPGRADE_FAILED">Failed to upgrade VeraCrypt!\n\nIMPORTANT: Before you shut down or restart the system, we strongly recommend that you use System Restore (Windows Start menu > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore) to restore your system to the restore point named 'VeraCrypt installation'. If System Restore is not available, you should try installing the original or the new version of VeraCrypt again before you shut down or restart the system.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="UNINSTALL_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно удалена.\n\nНажмите 'Готово', чтобы удалить инсталлятор VeraCrypt и папку %hs. Папка не будет удалена, если в ней содержатся какие-либо файлы, созданные не инсталлятором и не самой программой VeraCrypt.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="REMOVING_REG">Удаление записей VeraCrypt в реестре</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ADDING_REG">Добавление элемента в реестр</string>
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@
<string lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUMES_SAVED">System favorite volumes saved.\n\nTo enable mounting of system favorite volumes when the system starts, please select 'Settings' &gt; 'System Favorite Volumes' &gt; 'Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts'.</string>
<string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ADD_DRIVE_DEV_WARNING">The volume you are adding to favorites is neither a partition nor a dynamic volume. Therefore, VeraCrypt will be unable to mount this favorite volume if the device number changes.</string>
<string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ADD_PARTITION_TYPE_WARNING">The volume you are adding to favorites is a partition not recognized by Windows.\n\nVeraCrypt will be unable to mount this favorite volume if the device number changes. Please set the type of the partition to a type recognized by Windows (use the SETID command of the Windows 'diskpart' tool). Then add the partition to favorites again.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ARRIVAL_MOUNT_BACKGROUND_TASK_ERR">VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled or it is configured to exit when there are no mounted volumes (or VeraCrypt is running in portable mode). This may prevent your favorite volumes from being automatically mounted when devices hosting them get connected.\n\nNote: To enable the VeraCrypt Background Task, select Settings &gt; Preferences and check the 'Enabled' checkbox in the section 'VeraCrypt Background Task'.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ARRIVAL_MOUNT_BACKGROUND_TASK_ERR">VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled or it is configured to exit when there are no mounted volumes (or VeraCrypt is running in portable mode). This may prevent your favorite volumes from being automatically mounted when devices hosting them get connected.\n\nNote: To enable the VeraCrypt Background Task, select Settings > Preferences and check the 'Enabled' checkbox in the section 'VeraCrypt Background Task'.</string>
<string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ARRIVAL_MOUNT_NETWORK_PATH_ERR">A container stored in a remote filesystem shared over a network cannot be automatically mounted when its host device gets connected.</string>
<string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ARRIVAL_MOUNT_DEVICE_PATH_ERR">The device displayed below is neither a partition nor a dynamic volume. Therefore, the volume hosted on the device cannot be automatically mounted when the device gets connected.</string>
<string lang="en" key="FAVORITE_ARRIVAL_MOUNT_PARTITION_TYPE_ERR">Please set the type of the partition displayed below to a type recognized by Windows (use the SETID command of the Windows 'diskpart' tool). Then remove the partition from favorites and add it again. This will enable the volume hosted on the device to be automatically mounted when the device gets connected.</string>
@@ -998,8 +998,8 @@
<string lang="uz" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Буква диска: </string>
<string lang="uz" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Ошибка! Пароль должен содержать только символы стандартного набора ASCII.\n\nСимволы не из набора ASCII могут привести к невозможности монтирования тома при смене настроек в конфигурации системы.\n\nРазрешается использовать следующие символы:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</string>
<string lang="uz" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Внимание! Пароль содержит не-ASCII символы. Это может привести к невозможности монтирования тома при смене конфигурации системы.\n\nВам следует заменить все не-ASCII символы в пароле на символы ASCII. Для этого щёлкните на меню 'Тома' -&gt; 'Изменить пароль тома'.\n\nК символам ASCII относятся:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</string>
- <string lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.tc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</string>
- <string lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.tc') after you dismount the volume.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="HOMEPAGE">Домашняя страница</string>
<string lang="uz" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ВНИМАНИЕ: В системе не установлено ни одного пакета обновлений (Service Pack) Windows. Если в Windows XP не установлен Service Pack 1 (или новее), не следует выполнять запись на диски IDE объёмом более 128 Гб, иначе возможно повреждение данных (неважно, относятся они к тому VeraCrypt или нет). Это ограничение Windows, а не ошибка в VeraCrypt.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ВНИМАНИЕ: В системе не установлен пакет обновлений Windows Service Pack 3 (или новее). Если в Windows 2000 не установлен Service Pack 3 (или новее), не следует выполнять запись на диски IDE объёмом более 128 Гб, иначе возможно повреждение данных (неважно, относятся они к тому VeraCrypt или нет). Это ограничение Windows, а не ошибка в VeraCrypt. Кроме того, может потребоваться включить в реестре поддержку 48-бит адресации LBA; подробности см. на</string>
@@ -1101,13 +1101,13 @@
<string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_REINSTALL_WARNING">WARNING: During the process of creation of the hidden operating system, you will be required to fully reinstall the currently running system (in order to create a decoy system securely).\n\nNote: The currently running operating system and the entire content of the system partition will be copied to the hidden volume (in order to create the hidden system).\n\n\nAre you sure you will be able to install Windows using a Windows Setup medium (or using a service partition)?</string>
<string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_REQUIREMENTS">For security reasons, if the currently running operating system requires activation, it must be activated before proceeding. Note that the hidden operating system will be created by copying the content of the system partition to a hidden volume (so if this operating system is not activated, the hidden operating system will not be activated either). For more information, see the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide.\n\nImportant: Before proceeding, please make sure you have read the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide.\n\n\nDoes the currently running operating system meet the above condition?</string>
<string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_HIDDEN_OS_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION">Your system uses an extra boot partition. VeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition (decoy systems can be hibernated without any problems).\n\nPlease note that the boot partition would be shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.\n\n\nDo you want to continue? If you select 'No', instructions for removing the extra boot partition will be displayed.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_REMOVAL_INSTRUCTIONS">\nThe extra boot partition can be removed before installing Windows. To do so, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot your Windows installation disc.\n\n2) In the Windows installer screen, click 'Install now' &gt; 'Custom (advanced)'.\n\n3) Click 'Drive Options'.\n\n4) Select the main system partition and delete it by clicking 'Delete' and 'OK'.\n\n5) Select the 'System Reserved' partition, click 'Extend', and increase its size so that the operating system can be installed to it.\n\n6) Click 'Apply' and 'OK'.\n\n7) Install Windows on the 'System Reserved' partition.\n\n\nShould an attacker ask why you removed the extra boot partition, you can answer that you wanted to prevent any possible data leaks to the unencrypted boot partition.\n\nNote: You can print this text by clicking the 'Print' button below. If you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after removing the extra boot partition (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_REMOVAL_INSTRUCTIONS">\nThe extra boot partition can be removed before installing Windows. To do so, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot your Windows installation disc.\n\n2) In the Windows installer screen, click 'Install now' > 'Custom (advanced)'.\n\n3) Click 'Drive Options'.\n\n4) Select the main system partition and delete it by clicking 'Delete' and 'OK'.\n\n5) Select the 'System Reserved' partition, click 'Extend', and increase its size so that the operating system can be installed to it.\n\n6) Click 'Apply' and 'OK'.\n\n7) Install Windows on the 'System Reserved' partition.\n\n\nShould an attacker ask why you removed the extra boot partition, you can answer that you wanted to prevent any possible data leaks to the unencrypted boot partition.\n\nNote: You can print this text by clicking the 'Print' button below. If you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after removing the extra boot partition (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="GAP_BETWEEN_SYS_AND_HIDDEN_OS_PARTITION">Внимание! Между системным разделом и первым разделом за ним имеется нераспределённое место. После создания скрытой операционной системы вы не должны создавать в этой нераспределённой области никаких новых разделов. В противном случае скрытая ОС не сможет загрузиться (до тех пор, пока не будут удалены такие вновь созданные разделы).</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ALGO_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SYS_ENCRYPTION">В данный момент этот алгоритм для шифрования системы не поддерживается.</string>
<string lang="en" key="ALGO_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TRUECRYPT_MODE">This algorithm is not supported for TrueCrypt mode.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="PIM_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TRUECRYPT_MODE">PIM (Personal Iterations Multiplier) not supported for TrueCrypt mode.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="PIM_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TRUECRYPT_MODE">PIM (Personal Iterations Multiplier) not supported for TrueCrypt mode.</string>
<string lang="en" key="PIM_REQUIRE_LONG_PASSWORD">Password must contain 20 or more characters in order to use the specified PIM.\nShorter passwords can only be used if the PIM is 485 or greater.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PIM_REQUIRE_LONG_PASSWORD">Pre-boot authentication Password must contain 20 or more characters in order to use the specified PIM.\nShorter passwords can only be used if the PIM is 98 or greater.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PIM_REQUIRE_LONG_PASSWORD">Pre-boot authentication Password must contain 20 or more characters in order to use the specified PIM.\nShorter passwords can only be used if the PIM is 98 or greater.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="KEYFILES_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SYS_ENCRYPTION">В настоящий момент ключевые файлы для шифрования системы не поддерживаются.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="CANNOT_RESTORE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT">Внимание! VeraCrypt не может восстановить первоначальную раскладку клавиатуры. Это может привести к неправильному вводу пароля.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="CANT_CHANGE_KEYB_LAYOUT_FOR_SYS_ENCRYPTION">Ошибка! Невозможно установить раскладку клавиатуры для VeraCrypt в стандартную американскую (US).\n\nОбратите внимание, что пароль вводится ДО загрузки Windows, когда любые раскладки клавиатуры, отличающиеся от американской, ещё недоступны. Поэтому пароль всегда должен вводиться при стандартной американской раскладке.</string>
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="NOTE_CASCADE_FOR_SYS_ENCRYPTION">Если вы столкнулись с любой из ранее описанных проблем, дешифруйте раздел/диск (если он зашифрован), после чего попробуйте зашифровать его снова, используя не-каскадный Шифрлаш алгоритми (например, AES).</string>
<string lang="en" key="UPDATE_TC_IN_DECOY_OS_FIRST">WARNING: For safety and security reasons, you should update VeraCrypt on the decoy operating system before you update it on the hidden operating system.\n\nTo do so, boot the decoy system and run the VeraCrypt installer from within it. Then boot the hidden system and run the installer from within it as well.\n\nNote: The decoy system and the hidden system share a single boot loader. If you upgraded VeraCrypt only on the hidden system (but not on the decoy system), the decoy system would contain a VeraCrypt driver and VeraCrypt applications whose version numbers are different from the version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader. Such a discrepancy might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer.\n\n\nDo you want to continue?</string>
<string lang="uz" key="UPDATE_TC_IN_HIDDEN_OS_TOO">Номер версии загрузчика VeraCrypt, с помощью которого была загружена эта ОС, отличается от номера версии драйвера и приложений VeraCrypt, установленных в этой системе.\n\nВам следует запустить инсталлятор VeraCrypt (той же версии, что и у загрузчика VeraCrypt), чтобы обновить VeraCrypt в этой операционной системе.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="BOOT_LOADER_VERSION_DIFFERENT_FROM_DRIVER_VERSION">The version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader that booted this operating system is different from the version number of the VeraCrypt driver (and of the VeraCrypt applications) installed on this system. Note that older versions may contain bugs fixed in later versions.\n\nIf you did not boot from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should reinstall VeraCrypt or upgrade it to the latest stable version (the boot loader will be updated too).\n\nIf you booted from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should update it ('System' &gt; 'Create Rescue Disk').</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="BOOT_LOADER_VERSION_DIFFERENT_FROM_DRIVER_VERSION">The version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader that booted this operating system is different from the version number of the VeraCrypt driver (and of the VeraCrypt applications) installed on this system. Note that older versions may contain bugs fixed in later versions.\n\nIf you did not boot from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should reinstall VeraCrypt or upgrade it to the latest stable version (the boot loader will be updated too).\n\nIf you booted from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should update it ('System' > 'Create Rescue Disk').</string>
<string lang="uz" key="BOOT_LOADER_UPGRADE_OK">Загрузчик VeraCrypt обновлён.\n\nНастоятельно рекомендуется создать новый диск восстановления VeraCrypt (Rescue Disk), который будет содержать новую версию загрузчика VeraCrypt. Для этого после перезагрузки компьютера выберите меню 'Система' &gt; 'Создать диск восстановления'.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="BOOT_LOADER_UPGRADE_OK_HIDDEN_OS">Загрузчик VeraCrypt обновлён.\n\nНастоятельно рекомендуется загрузить обманную операционную систему и затем создать новый диск восстановления VeraCrypt (который будет содержать новую версию загрузчика VeraCrypt). Для этого выберите меню 'Система' &gt; 'Создать диск восстановления'.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="BOOT_LOADER_UPGRADE_FAILED">Ошибка обновления загрузчика VeraCrypt.</string>
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@
<string lang="uz" key="INVALID_TOKEN_KEYFILE_PATH">Путь к ключевому файлу токена безопасности неверен.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SECURITY_TOKEN_ERROR">Ошибка токена безопасности</string>
<string lang="uz" key="CKR_PIN_INCORRECT">Неверный пароль для токена безопасности.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' &gt; 'Keyfile Generator').</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</string>
<string lang="uz" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">Все открытые токен-сессии были закрыты.</string>
<string lang="uz" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Выберите ключевые файлы токена безопасности</string>
<string lang="uz" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Слот</string>
@@ -1305,8 +1305,8 @@
<string lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</string>
<string lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</string>
<string lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</string>
- <string lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</string>
- <string lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</string>
+ <string lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</string>
<string lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</string>
<string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</string>
<string lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_DISMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</string>