/** @file Platform Id based on SMBIOS structures Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov Copyright (c) 2016. VeraCrypt, Mounir IDRASSI This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0). The full text of the license may be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Library/CommonLib.h" SMBIOS_TABLE_ENTRY_POINT* gSmbTable = NULL; EFI_GUID* gSmbSystemUUID = NULL; // Universal unique ID CHAR8* gSmbSystemSerial = NULL; // System serial CHAR8* gSmbSystemSKU = NULL; // SKU number CHAR8* gSmbBaseBoardSerial = NULL; // Base board serial UINT64* gSmbProcessorID = NULL; // Processor ID UINTN gBioIndexAuth = 0; typedef struct _DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK { UINT32 HeaderCrc; UINT32 PlatformCrc; UINT32 AuthDataSize; UINT32 Reserved; } DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK; CHAR8* SMBIOSGetString(UINTN StringNumber, SMBIOS_STRUCTURE* smbtbl, CHAR8* lastAddr) { CHAR8* String; UINTN Index; String = ((UINT8*)smbtbl) + smbtbl->Length; for (Index = 1; Index <= StringNumber; Index++) { if (StringNumber == Index) { return String; } // // Skip string // while (*String != 0) { String++; if (String > lastAddr) { return NULL; } } String++; // if (*String == 0) { // return NULL; // } } return NULL; } /** * Get SMBIOS serial data */ EFI_STATUS SMBIOSGetSerials() { EFI_STATUS res; SMBIOS_STRUCTURE_POINTER pSMBIOS; CHAR8* pos = NULL; CHAR8* endOfTable; // Get SMBIOS tables pointer from System Configure table res = EfiGetSystemConfigurationTable(&gEfiSmbiosTableGuid, (VOID**)&gSmbTable); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } pSMBIOS.Raw = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)(gSmbTable->TableAddress); pos = pSMBIOS.Raw; endOfTable = pSMBIOS.Raw + gSmbTable->TableLength; do { SMBIOS_STRUCTURE* smbtbl = (SMBIOS_STRUCTURE*)pos; // System info if (smbtbl->Type == 1) { gSmbSystemUUID = (EFI_GUID*)&pos[8]; gSmbSystemSerial = SMBIOSGetString(4, smbtbl, endOfTable); gSmbSystemSKU = SMBIOSGetString(5, smbtbl, endOfTable); } // Base board if (smbtbl->Type == 2) { gSmbBaseBoardSerial = SMBIOSGetString(4, smbtbl, endOfTable); } // Processor if (smbtbl->Type == 4) { gSmbProcessorID = (UINT64*)&pos[8]; } pos += smbtbl->Length; while (((pos[0] != 0) || (pos[1] != 0)) && (pos < endOfTable)) pos++; pos += 2; } while (pos < endOfTable); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS PlatformGetID( IN EFI_HANDLE handle, OUT CHAR8 **id, OUT UINTN *idlength ) { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN idLen = 0; CHAR8* idBuf = NULL; CHAR8* handleSerial = NULL; UsbGetId(handle, &handleSerial); if (gSmbSystemUUID == NULL) SMBIOSGetSerials(); idLen += (gSmbSystemUUID == NULL) ? 0 : sizeof(*gSmbSystemUUID); idLen += (gSmbSystemSerial == NULL) ? 0 : AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbSystemSerial) + 1; idLen += (gSmbSystemSKU == NULL) ? 0 : AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbSystemSKU) + 1; idLen += (gSmbBaseBoardSerial == NULL) ? 0 : AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbBaseBoardSerial) + 1; idLen += (gSmbProcessorID == NULL) ? 0 : sizeof(*gSmbProcessorID); idLen += (handleSerial == NULL) ? 0 : AsciiStrLen((char*)handleSerial) + 1; idBuf = MEM_ALLOC(idLen); if (idBuf == NULL) { res = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto error; } *id = idBuf; *idlength = idLen; if (gSmbSystemUUID != NULL) { CopyMem(idBuf, gSmbSystemUUID, sizeof(*gSmbSystemUUID)); idBuf += sizeof(*gSmbSystemUUID); } if (gSmbSystemSerial != NULL) { UINTN ssz; ssz = AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbSystemSerial) + 1; CopyMem(idBuf, gSmbSystemSerial, ssz); idBuf += ssz; } if (gSmbSystemSKU != NULL) { UINTN ssz; ssz = AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbSystemSKU) + 1; CopyMem(idBuf, gSmbSystemSKU, ssz); idBuf += ssz; } if (gSmbBaseBoardSerial != NULL) { UINTN ssz; ssz = AsciiStrLen((char*)gSmbBaseBoardSerial) + 1; CopyMem(idBuf, gSmbBaseBoardSerial, ssz); idBuf += ssz; } if (gSmbProcessorID != NULL) { CopyMem(idBuf, gSmbProcessorID, sizeof(*gSmbProcessorID)); idBuf += sizeof(*gSmbProcessorID); } if (handleSerial != NULL) { UINTN ssz; ssz = AsciiStrLen((char*)handleSerial) + 1; CopyMem(idBuf, handleSerial, ssz); idBuf += ssz; MEM_FREE(handleSerial); } return res; error: MEM_FREE(handleSerial); MEM_FREE(idBuf); return res; } EFI_STATUS PlatformGetIDCRC( IN EFI_HANDLE handle, OUT UINT32 *crc32 ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINTN crcLen; CHAR8* crcBuf = NULL; res = PlatformGetID(handle, &crcBuf, &crcLen); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } res = gBS->CalculateCrc32(crcBuf, crcLen, crc32); MEM_FREE(crcBuf); return res; } EFI_STATUS PlatformGetAuthDataByType( OUT UINT8 **data, OUT UINTN *len, OUT EFI_HANDLE *secRegionHandle, IN BOOLEAN RemovableMedia) { EFI_STATUS res; UINT32 crc; CHAR8* buf = NULL; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK* mark = NULL; mark = (DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK*)MEM_ALLOC(512); for (; gBioIndexAuth < gBIOCount; ++gBioIndexAuth) { bio = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[gBioIndexAuth]); if (bio == NULL) continue; if(bio->Media->RemovableMedia != RemovableMedia) continue; res = bio->ReadBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 61, 512, mark); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; res = gBS->CalculateCrc32(&mark->PlatformCrc, sizeof(*mark) - 4, &crc); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; if( crc != mark->HeaderCrc) continue; res = PlatformGetIDCRC(gBIOHandles[gBioIndexAuth], &crc); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; if (crc != mark->PlatformCrc) continue; buf = MEM_ALLOC(mark->AuthDataSize * 1024 * 128); if (buf == NULL) continue; res = bio->ReadBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 62, mark->AuthDataSize * 1024 * 128, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { MEM_FREE(buf); continue; } *data = buf; *len = ((UINTN) mark->AuthDataSize) * 1024 * 128; *secRegionHandle = gBIOHandles[gBioIndexAuth]; return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } BOOLEAN gBioIndexAuthOnRemovable = TRUE; EFI_STATUS PlatformGetAuthData( OUT UINT8 **data, OUT UINTN *len, OUT EFI_HANDLE *secRegionHandle ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = PlatformGetAuthDataByType(data, len, secRegionHandle, gBioIndexAuthOnRemovable); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { if (gBioIndexAuthOnRemovable) { gBioIndexAuthOnRemovable = FALSE; gBioIndexAuth = 0; res = PlatformGetAuthDataByType(data, len, secRegionHandle, FALSE); } } return res; }