/** @file EFI common library (helpers) Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov Copyright (c) 2016. VeraCrypt, Mounir IDRASSI This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0). The full text of the license may be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 **/ #ifndef __COMMONLIB_H__ #define __COMMONLIB_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check error ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern UINTN gCELine; #define CE(ex) gCELine = __LINE__; if(EFI_ERROR(res = ex)) goto err ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // defines ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FIELD_SIZEOF(t, f) (sizeof(((t*)0)->f)) #define FIELD_OFFSET(t, f) ((UINTN)(&((t*)0)->f)) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory procedures wrappers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MEM_ALLOC MemAlloc #define MEM_FREE MemFree #define MEM_REALLOC MemRealloc #define MEM_BURN(ptr,count) do { volatile char *burnPtr = (volatile char *)(ptr); UINTN burnCount = (UINTN) count; while (burnCount--) *burnPtr++ = 0; } while (0) VOID* MemAlloc( IN UINTN size ); VOID MemFree( IN VOID* ptr ); VOID* MemRealloc( IN UINTN OldSize, IN UINTN NewSize, IN VOID *OldBuffer OPTIONAL ); EFI_STATUS PrepareMemory( IN UINTN address, IN UINTN len, OUT VOID** mem ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handles ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS EfiGetHandles( IN EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE SearchType, IN EFI_GUID *Protocol, OPTIONAL IN VOID *SearchKey, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_HANDLE **Buffer, OUT UINTN *Count ); EFI_STATUS EfiGetStartDevice( OUT EFI_HANDLE* handle ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Print handle info ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID EfiPrintDevicePath( IN EFI_HANDLE handle ); VOID EfiPrintProtocols( IN EFI_HANDLE handle ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Block I/O ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* EfiGetBlockIO( IN EFI_HANDLE handle ); extern EFI_HANDLE* gBIOHandles; extern UINTN gBIOCount; EFI_STATUS InitBio(); BOOLEAN EfiIsPartition( IN EFI_HANDLE h ); EFI_STATUS EfiGetPartDetails( IN EFI_HANDLE h, OUT HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH* dpVolme, OUT EFI_HANDLE* hDisk ); EFI_STATUS EfiGetPartGUID( IN EFI_HANDLE h, OUT EFI_GUID* guid ); EFI_STATUS EfiFindPartByGUID( IN EFI_GUID* guid, OUT EFI_HANDLE* h ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bluetooth ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gBluetoothIoHandles; extern UINTN gBluetoothIoCount; extern EFI_HANDLE* gBluetoothHcHandles; extern UINTN gBluetoothHcCount; extern EFI_HANDLE* gBluetoothConfigHandles; extern UINTN gBluetoothConfigCount; EFI_STATUS InitBluetooth(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gTcgHandles; extern UINTN gTcgCount; extern EFI_HANDLE* gTcg2Handles; extern UINTN gTcg2Count; EFI_STATUS InitTcg(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USB ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gUSBHandles; extern UINTN gUSBCount; EFI_STATUS InitUsb(); EFI_STATUS UsbGetIO( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, OUT EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL** UsbIo ); EFI_STATUS UsbGetIOwithDescriptor( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, OUT EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL** UsbIo, OUT EFI_USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR* UsbDescriptor ); EFI_STATUS UsbGetId( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, OUT CHAR8** id ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Touch ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gTouchHandles; extern UINTN gTouchCount; extern int gTouchSimulate; extern EFI_ABSOLUTE_POINTER_PROTOCOL* gTouchPointer; extern UINT32 gTouchSimulateStep; EFI_STATUS InitTouch(); EFI_STATUS TouchGetIO( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, OUT EFI_ABSOLUTE_POINTER_PROTOCOL** io ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console I/O ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OUT_PRINT(format, ...) AttrPrintEx(-1,-1, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ERR_PRINT(format, ...) AttrPrintEx(-1,-1, L"%E" format L"%N" , ##__VA_ARGS__) VOID PrintBytes( IN UINT8* Data, IN UINT32 Size); EFI_STATUS ConsoleGetOutput( IN EFI_HANDLE handle, OUT EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL** io ); VOID FlushInput(); VOID FlushInputDelay( IN UINTN delay ); EFI_INPUT_KEY KeyWait( CHAR16* Prompt, UINTN mDelay, UINT16 scanCode, UINT16 unicodeChar); EFI_INPUT_KEY GetKey(void); VOID ConsoleShowTip( IN CHAR16* tip, IN UINTN delay); VOID GetLine( UINTN *length, CHAR16 *line, CHAR8 *asciiLine, UINTN line_max, UINT8 show); int AskAsciiString( CHAR8* prompt, CHAR8* str, UINTN max_len, UINT8 visible); int AskInt( CHAR8* prompt, UINT8 visible); UINT8 AskConfirm( CHAR8* prompt, UINT8 visible); UINT64 AskUINT64( IN char* prompt, IN UINT64 def); UINT64 AskHexUINT64( IN char* prompt, IN UINT64 def); UINTN AskUINTN( IN char* prompt, IN UINTN def); BOOLEAN AsciiHexToDigit( OUT UINT8 *b, IN CHAR8 *str ); BOOLEAN AsciiHexToByte( OUT UINT8 *b, IN CHAR8 *str ); BOOLEAN AsciiStrToGuid( OUT EFI_GUID *guid, IN CHAR8 *str ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menu ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef EFI_STATUS(*MENU_ACTION)(IN VOID *ctx); typedef struct _MENU_ITEM MENU_ITEM; typedef struct _MENU_ITEM { CHAR16 Text[128]; CHAR16 Select; MENU_ACTION Action; VOID* Context; MENU_ITEM *Next; } MENU_ITEM, *PMENU_ITEM; PMENU_ITEM DcsMenuAppend( IN PMENU_ITEM menu, IN CHAR16 *text, IN CHAR16 select, IN MENU_ACTION action, IN VOID* actionContext ); VOID DcsMenuPrint( IN PMENU_ITEM head ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Attribute print ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern BOOLEAN gShellReady; VOID SetShellAPI( IN VOID* shellProtocol, IN VOID* shellParametersProtocol ); /** Print at a specific location on the screen. This function will move the cursor to a given screen location and print the specified string. If -1 is specified for either the Row or Col the current screen location for BOTH will be used. If either Row or Col is out of range for the current console, then ASSERT. If Format is NULL, then ASSERT. In addition to the standard %-based flags as supported by UefiLib Print() this supports the following additional flags: %N - Set output attribute to normal %H - Set output attribute to highlight %E - Set output attribute to error %B - Set output attribute to blue color %V - Set output attribute to green color Note: The background color is controlled by the shell command cls. @param[in] Col the column to print at @param[in] Row the row to print at @param[in] Format the format string @param[in] ... The variable argument list. @return EFI_SUCCESS The printing was successful. @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The console device reported an error. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI AttrPrintEx( IN INT32 Col OPTIONAL, IN INT32 Row OPTIONAL, IN CONST CHAR16 *Format, ... ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console control ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gConsoleControlHandles; extern UINTN gConsoleControlCount; EFI_STATUS InitConsoleControl(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Beep ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_HANDLE* gSpeakerHandles; extern UINTN gSpeakerCount; extern EFI_GUID gSpeakerGuid; extern int gBeepEnabled; extern BOOLEAN gBeepControlEnabled; extern int gBeepDevice; extern int gBeepNumberDefault; extern int gBeepDurationDefault; extern int gBeepIntervalDefault; extern int gBeepToneDefault; EFI_STATUS InitSpeaker(); EFI_STATUS SpeakerBeep( IN UINT16 Tone, IN UINTN NumberOfBeeps, IN UINTN Duration, IN UINTN Interval ); EFI_STATUS SpeakerSelect( IN UINTN index ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Efi variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DCS_BOOT_STR L"DcsBoot" extern EFI_GUID gEfiDcsVariableGuid; EFI_STATUS EfiGetVar( IN CONST CHAR16* varName, IN EFI_GUID* varGuid, OUT VOID** varValue, OUT UINTN* varSize, OUT UINT32* varAttr ); EFI_STATUS EfiSetVar( IN CONST CHAR16* varName, IN EFI_GUID* varGuid, IN VOID* varValue, IN UINTN varSize, IN UINT32 varAttr ); EFI_STATUS BootOrderInsert( IN CHAR16 *OrderVarName, IN UINTN index, UINT16 value); EFI_STATUS BootOrderRemove( IN CHAR16 *OrderVarName, UINT16 value ); EFI_STATUS BootMenuItemCreate( IN CHAR16 *VarName, IN CHAR16 *Desc, IN EFI_HANDLE volumeHandle, IN CHAR16 *Path, IN BOOLEAN Reduced ); EFI_STATUS BootMenuItemRemove( IN CHAR16 *VarName ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern EFI_FILE* gFileRoot; extern EFI_HANDLE gFileRootHandle; extern EFI_HANDLE* gFSHandles; extern UINTN gFSCount; EFI_STATUS InitFS(); EFI_STATUS FileOpenRoot( IN EFI_HANDLE rootHandle, OUT EFI_FILE** rootFile); EFI_STATUS FileOpen( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* name, OUT EFI_FILE** file, IN UINT64 mode, IN UINT64 attributes ); EFI_STATUS FileClose( IN EFI_FILE* f); EFI_STATUS FileDelete( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* name ); EFI_STATUS FileRead( IN EFI_FILE* f, OUT VOID* data, IN OUT UINTN* bytes, IN OUT UINT64* position); EFI_STATUS FileWrite( IN EFI_FILE* f, IN VOID* data, IN OUT UINTN* bytes, IN OUT UINT64* position); UINTN FileAsciiPrint( IN EFI_FILE *f, IN CONST CHAR8 *format, ... ); EFI_STATUS FileGetInfo( IN EFI_FILE* f, OUT EFI_FILE_INFO** info, OUT UINTN* size ); EFI_STATUS FileGetSize( IN EFI_FILE* f, OUT UINTN* size ); EFI_STATUS FileLoad( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* name, OUT VOID** data, OUT UINTN* size ); EFI_STATUS FileSave( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* name, IN VOID* data, IN UINTN size ); EFI_STATUS FileExist( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* name ); EFI_STATUS FileRename( IN EFI_FILE* root, IN CHAR16* src, IN CHAR16* dst ); EFI_STATUS FileCopy( IN EFI_FILE* srcroot, IN CHAR16* src, IN EFI_FILE* dstroot, IN CHAR16* dst, IN UINTN bufSz ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exec ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS EfiExec( IN EFI_HANDLE deviceHandle, IN CHAR16* path ); EFI_STATUS ConnectAllEfi( VOID ); VOID EfiCpuHalt(); #endif