/** @file This is DCS configuration, volume crypt Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov, Alex Kolotnikov Copyright (c) 2016. VeraCrypt, Mounir IDRASSI This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0). The full text of the license may be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/Tcdefs.h" #include "common/Endian.h" #include "common/Crypto.h" #include "common/Volumes.h" #include "common/Crc.h" #include "crypto/cpu.h" #include "DcsVeraCrypt.h" #include "BootCommon.h" #include "DcsCfg.h" PCRYPTO_INFO gAuthCryptInfo = NULL; PCRYPTO_INFO gHeaderCryptInfo = NULL; CHAR8 Header[512]; EFI_HANDLE SecRegionHandle = NULL; UINT64 SecRegionSector = 0; UINT8* SecRegionData = NULL; UINTN SecRegionSize = 0; UINTN SecRegionOffset = 0; PCRYPTO_INFO SecRegionCryptInfo = NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Crypt helpers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int AskEA() { int ea; CHAR16 name[128]; for (ea = EAGetFirst(); ea != 0; ea = EAGetNext(ea)) { EAGetName(name, ea, 1); OUT_PRINT(L"(%d) %s\n", ea, name); } ea = (int)AskUINTN(":", EAGetFirst()); return ea; } int AskMode(int ea) { int mode; for (mode = EAGetFirstMode(ea); mode != 0; mode = EAGetNextMode(ea, mode)) { EAGetModeName(ea, mode, 1); OUT_PRINT(L"(%d) %s\n", mode, EAGetModeName(ea, mode, 1)); } mode = (int)AskUINTN(":", EAGetFirstMode(ea)); return mode; } int AskPkcs5() { int pkcs5 = 1; Hash *hash; hash = HashGet(pkcs5); while (hash != NULL) { OUT_PRINT(L"(%d) %s\n", pkcs5, hash->Name); ++pkcs5; hash = HashGet(pkcs5); }; pkcs5 = (int)AskUINTN(":", gAuthHash); return pkcs5; } EFI_STATUS TryHeaderDecrypt( IN CHAR8* header, OUT PCRYPTO_INFO *rci, OUT PCRYPTO_INFO *rhci ) { int vcres; PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo; PCRYPTO_INFO headerCryptoInfo = NULL; if (rhci != NULL) { headerCryptoInfo = crypto_open(); } vcres = ReadVolumeHeader( gAuthBoot, header, &gAuthPassword, gAuthHash, gAuthPim, gAuthTc, &cryptoInfo, headerCryptoInfo); if (vcres != 0) { ERR_PRINT(L"Authorization failed. Wrong password, PIM or hash. Decrypt error(%x)\n", vcres); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } OUT_PRINT(L"%H" L"Success\n" L"%N", vcres); OUT_PRINT(L"Start %lld length %lld\nVolumeSize %lld\nhiddenVolumeSize %lld\nflags 0x%x\n", cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value, (uint64)cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value, cryptoInfo->VolumeSize, cryptoInfo->HeaderFlags ); if(rci != NULL) *rci = cryptoInfo; if (rhci != NULL) *rhci = headerCryptoInfo; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS ChangePassword( IN OUT CHAR8* header ) { Password newPassword; Password confirmPassword; EFI_STATUS res; PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo, ci; int vcres; res = RndPreapare(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Rnd: %r\n", res); return res; } if (gAuthPasswordMsg == NULL) { VCAuthAsk(); } res = TryHeaderDecrypt(header, &cryptoInfo, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; if (AskConfirm("Change pwd[N]?", 1)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } do { ZeroMem(&newPassword, sizeof(newPassword)); ZeroMem(&confirmPassword, sizeof(newPassword)); VCAskPwd(AskPwdNew, &newPassword); VCAskPwd(AskPwdConfirm, &confirmPassword); if (newPassword.Length == confirmPassword.Length) { if (CompareMem(newPassword.Text, confirmPassword.Text, confirmPassword.Length) == 0) { break; } } if (AskConfirm("Password mismatch, retry?", 1)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } while (TRUE); vcres = CreateVolumeHeaderInMemory( gAuthBoot, header, cryptoInfo->ea, cryptoInfo->mode, &newPassword, cryptoInfo->pkcs5, gAuthPim, cryptoInfo->master_keydata, &ci, cryptoInfo->VolumeSize.Value, cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeSize, cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value, cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value, gAuthTc ? 0 : cryptoInfo->RequiredProgramVersion, cryptoInfo->HeaderFlags, cryptoInfo->SectorSize, FALSE); if (vcres != 0) { ERR_PRINT(L"header create error(%x)\n", vcres); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS CreateVolumeHeader( IN OUT CHAR8* header, OUT PCRYPTO_INFO *rci, IN UINT64 defaultVS, IN UINT64 defaultESS, IN UINT64 defaultESE ) { INT32 vcres; int mode = 0; int ea = 0; int pkcs5 = 0; UINT64 encSectorStart = defaultESS; UINT64 encSectorEnd = defaultESE; UINT64 hiddenVolumeSize = 0; UINT64 VolumeSize = defaultVS; UINT32 HeaderFlags = 0; int8 master_keydata[MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE]; if (!RandgetBytes(master_keydata, MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE, FALSE)) { ERR_PRINT(L"No randoms\n"); return EFI_CRC_ERROR; } if (gAuthPasswordMsg == NULL) { VCAuthAsk(); } ea = AskEA(); mode = AskMode(ea); pkcs5 = AskPkcs5(); encSectorStart = AskUINT64("encryption start (sector):", encSectorStart); encSectorEnd = AskUINT64("encryption end (sector):", encSectorEnd); VolumeSize = AskUINT64("volume total (sectors):", VolumeSize); hiddenVolumeSize = AskUINT64("hidden volume total (sectors):", hiddenVolumeSize); gAuthBoot = AskConfirm("Boot mode[N]?", 1); HeaderFlags = (UINT32)AskUINTN("flags:", gAuthBoot ? TC_HEADER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_SYSTEM : 0); vcres = CreateVolumeHeaderInMemory( gAuthBoot, Header, ea, mode, &gAuthPassword, pkcs5, gAuthPim, master_keydata, rci, VolumeSize << 9, hiddenVolumeSize << 9, encSectorStart << 9, (encSectorEnd - encSectorStart + 1) << 9, VERSION_NUM, HeaderFlags, 512, FALSE); if (vcres != 0) { ERR_PRINT(L"Header error %d\n", vcres); return EFI_CRC_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } UINT8 AskChoice( CHAR8* prompt, CHAR8* choice, UINT8 visible) { CHAR16 buf[2]; UINTN len = 0; UINT8 ret = 0; UINT8 *pos = choice; while (ret == 0) { pos = choice; OUT_PRINT(L"%a", prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, visible); while (*pos != 0 && ret == 0) { if (buf[0] == *pos) { ret = *pos; break; } pos++; } } return ret; } UINT8 AskARI() { return AskChoice("[a]bort [r]etry [i]gnore?", "aArRiI", 1); } UINTN gScndTotal = 0; UINTN gScndCurrent = 0; VOID AddSecondsDelta() { EFI_STATUS res; EFI_TIME time; UINTN secs; UINTN secsDelta; res = gST->RuntimeServices->GetTime(&time, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return; secs = (UINTN)time.Second + ((UINTN)time.Minute) * 60 + ((UINTN)time.Hour) * 60 * 60; if (gScndTotal == 0 && gScndCurrent == 0) { gScndCurrent = secs; return; } if (secs > gScndCurrent) { secsDelta = secs - gScndCurrent; } else { secsDelta = 24 * 60 * 60 - gScndCurrent; secsDelta += secs; } gScndCurrent = secs; gScndTotal += secsDelta; } VOID RangeCryptProgress( IN UINT64 size, IN UINT64 remains, IN UINT64 pos, IN UINT64 remainsOnStart ) { UINTN percent; percent = (UINTN)(100 * (size - remains) / size); OUT_PRINT(L"%H%d%%%N (%llds %llds) ", percent, pos, remains); AddSecondsDelta(); if (gScndTotal > 10) { UINT64 doneBpS = (remainsOnStart - remains) * 512 / gScndTotal; if (doneBpS > 1024 * 1024) { OUT_PRINT(L"%lldMB/s", doneBpS / (1024 * 1024)); } else if (doneBpS > 1024) { OUT_PRINT(L"%lldKB/s", doneBpS / 1024); } else { OUT_PRINT(L"%lldB/s", doneBpS); } if (doneBpS > 0) { OUT_PRINT(L"(ETA: %lldm)", (remains * 512 / doneBpS) / 60); } } OUT_PRINT(L" \r"); } #define CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS 50*1024*2 EFI_STATUS RangeCrypt( IN EFI_HANDLE disk, IN UINT64 start, IN UINT64 size, IN UINT64 enSize, IN PCRYPTO_INFO info, IN BOOL encrypt, IN PCRYPTO_INFO headerInfo, IN UINT64 headerSector ) { EFI_STATUS res; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *io; UINT8* buf; UINT64 remains; UINT64 remainsOnStart; UINT64 pos; UINTN rd; io = EfiGetBlockIO(disk); if (!io) { ERR_PRINT(L"no block IO\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } buf = MEM_ALLOC(CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS << 9); if (!buf) { ERR_PRINT(L"no memory for buffer\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (encrypt) { remains = size - enSize; pos = start + enSize; } else { remains = enSize; rd = (UINTN)((remains > CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS) ? CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS : remains); pos = start + enSize - rd; } remainsOnStart = remains; // Start second gScndTotal = 0; gScndCurrent = 0; do { rd = (UINTN)((remains > CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS) ? CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS : remains); RangeCryptProgress(size, remains, pos, remainsOnStart); // Read do { res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, pos, rd << 9, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { UINT8 ari; ERR_PRINT(L"Read error: %r\n", res); ari = AskARI(); switch (ari) { case 'I': case 'i': res = EFI_SUCCESS; break; case 'A': case 'a': goto error; case 'R': case 'r': default: if (rd > 1) rd >>= 1; break; } } } while (EFI_ERROR(res)); // Crypt if (encrypt) { EncryptDataUnits(buf, (UINT64_STRUCT*)&pos, (UINT32)(rd), info); } else { DecryptDataUnits(buf, (UINT64_STRUCT*)&pos, (UINT32)(rd), info); } // Write do { res = io->WriteBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, pos, rd << 9, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { UINT8 ari; ERR_PRINT(L"Write error: %r\n", res); ari = AskARI(); switch (ari) { case 'I': case 'i': res = EFI_SUCCESS; break; case 'A': case 'a': goto error; case 'R': case 'r': default: break; } } } while (EFI_ERROR(res)); if (encrypt) { pos += rd; } else { pos -= rd; } remains -= rd; // Update header if (headerInfo != NULL) { res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, headerSector, 512, buf); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { UINT32 headerCrc32; UINT64 encryptedAreaLength; UINT8* headerData; if (encrypt) { encryptedAreaLength = (size - remains) << 9; } else { encryptedAreaLength = remains << 9; } DecryptBuffer(buf + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerInfo); if (GetHeaderField32(buf, TC_HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC) == 0x56455241) { headerData = buf + TC_HEADER_OFFSET_ENCRYPTED_AREA_LENGTH; mputInt64(headerData, encryptedAreaLength); headerCrc32 = GetCrc32(buf + TC_HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC, TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC - TC_HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC); headerData = buf + TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC; mputLong(headerData, headerCrc32); EncryptBuffer(buf + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerInfo); res = io->WriteBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, headerSector, 512, buf); } else { res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; } } if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Header update: %r\n", res); } } // Check ESC { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; res = gBS->CheckEvent(gST->ConIn->WaitForKey); if(!EFI_ERROR(res)) { gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(gST->ConIn, &key); if (key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC) { if (AskConfirm("\n\rStop?", 1)) { res = EFI_NOT_READY; goto error; } } } } } while (remains > 0); RangeCryptProgress(size, remains, pos, remainsOnStart); OUT_PRINT(L"\nDone"); error: OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); MEM_FREE(buf); return res; } EFI_STATUS VolumeEncrypt( IN UINTN index ) { EFI_STATUS res; EFI_HANDLE hDisk; int vcres; UINT64 headerSector; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; // Write header res = CreateVolumeHeaderOnDisk(index, NULL, &hDisk, &headerSector); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } // Verify header io = EfiGetBlockIO(hDisk); if (!io) { ERR_PRINT(L"can not get block IO\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, headerSector, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Read error %r(%x)\n", res, res); return res; } res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, &gHeaderCryptInfo); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } // Encrypt range vcres = AskConfirm("Encrypt?", 1); if (!vcres) { ERR_PRINT(L"Encryption stoped\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } res = RangeCrypt(hDisk, gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->VolumeSize.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo, TRUE, gHeaderCryptInfo, headerSector); crypto_close(gAuthCryptInfo); crypto_close(gHeaderCryptInfo); return res; } EFI_STATUS VolumeDecrypt( IN UINTN index) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; EFI_STATUS res; EFI_LBA vhsector; BioPrintDevicePath(index); io = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[index]); if (!io) { ERR_PRINT(L"can not get block IO\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (gAuthPasswordMsg == NULL) { VCAuthAsk(); } vhsector = AskUINT64("header sector:", gAuthBoot? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : 0); res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, vhsector, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Read error %r(%x)\n", res, res); return res; } res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, &gHeaderCryptInfo); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } if (!AskConfirm("Decrypt?", 1)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Decryption stoped\n"); res = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } res = RangeCrypt(gBIOHandles[index], gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->VolumeSize.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo, FALSE, gHeaderCryptInfo, vhsector); error: crypto_close(gHeaderCryptInfo); crypto_close(gAuthCryptInfo); return res; } EFI_STATUS VolumeChangePassword( IN UINTN index ) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; EFI_STATUS res; EFI_LBA vhsector; BioPrintDevicePath(index); io = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[index]); if (io == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L" No BIO protocol\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } vhsector = gAuthBoot ? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : 0; vhsector = AskUINT64("sector:", vhsector); res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, vhsector, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Read error %r(%x)\n", res, res); return res; } res = ChangePassword(Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; if (AskConfirm("Save[N]?", 1)) { res = io->WriteBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, vhsector, 512, Header); ERR_PRINT(L"Header saved: %r\n", res); } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OS Rescue ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS OSDecrypt() { EFI_STATUS res; UINTN disk; BOOLEAN doDecrypt = FALSE; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; if (gAuthPasswordMsg == NULL) { VCAuthAsk(); } for (disk = 0; disk < gBIOCount; ++disk) { if (EfiIsPartition(gBIOHandles[disk])) continue; io = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[disk]); if (io == NULL) continue; res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, 62, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; BioPrintDevicePath(disk); res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, &gHeaderCryptInfo); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; doDecrypt = TRUE; break; } if (doDecrypt) { if (!AskConfirm("Decrypt?", 1)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Decryption stoped\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } res = RangeCrypt(gBIOHandles[disk], gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->VolumeSize.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value >> 9, gAuthCryptInfo, FALSE, gHeaderCryptInfo, 62); crypto_close(gHeaderCryptInfo); crypto_close(gAuthCryptInfo); } else { res = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } return res; } CHAR16* sOSKeyBackup = L"EFI\\VeraCrypt\\svh_bak"; // dirty import from GptEdit extern DCS_DISK_ENTRY_DISKID DeDiskId; EFI_STATUS OSBackupKeyLoad( UINTN *DiskOS ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINT8 *restoreData = NULL; UINTN restoreDataSize; UINTN disk; UINTN diskOS; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; UINT64 startUnit = 0; INTN deListHdrIdOk; if (gAuthPasswordMsg == NULL) { VCAuthAsk(); } res = FileLoad(NULL, sOSKeyBackup, &SecRegionData, &SecRegionSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res) || SecRegionSize < 512) { SecRegionSize = 0; MEM_FREE(SecRegionData); } if (SecRegionSize == 0) { res = PlatformGetAuthData(&SecRegionData, &SecRegionSize, &SecRegionHandle); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { SecRegionSize = 0; } } if (SecRegionSize == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Try decrypt/locate header (in file or on removable flash) do { CopyMem(Header, SecRegionData + SecRegionOffset, 512); res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { SecRegionOffset += 128 * 1024; if (SecRegionOffset > SecRegionSize) { MEM_FREE(SecRegionData); SecRegionOffset = 0; res = PlatformGetAuthData(&SecRegionData, &SecRegionSize, &SecRegionHandle); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } restoreDataSize = (SecRegionSize - SecRegionOffset >= 128 * 1024)? 128 * 1024 : SecRegionSize - SecRegionOffset; restoreData = SecRegionData + SecRegionOffset; } while (EFI_ERROR(res)); // Parse DE list if present SetMem(&DeDiskId.GptID, sizeof(DeDiskId.GptID), 0x55); SetMem(&DeDiskId.MbrID, sizeof(DeDiskId.MbrID), 0x55); if (restoreDataSize >= 1024) { deListHdrIdOk = CompareMem(restoreData + 512, &gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID, sizeof(gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID)); if (deListHdrIdOk != 0) { DecryptDataUnits(restoreData + 512, (UINT64_STRUCT *)&startUnit, (UINT32)(restoreDataSize >> 9) - 1, gAuthCryptInfo); deListHdrIdOk = CompareMem(restoreData + 512, &gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID, sizeof(gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID)); if (deListHdrIdOk != 0) { res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } } res = DeListParseSaved(restoreData); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) goto error; } // Search and list all disks diskOS = 999; for (disk = 0; disk < gBIOCount; ++disk) { if (EfiIsPartition(gBIOHandles[disk])) continue; io = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[disk]); if (io == NULL) continue; res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, 0, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; BioPrintDevicePath(disk); if (DeDiskId.MbrID == *(uint32 *)(Header + 0x1b8)) { res = io->ReadBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, 1, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) continue; if (CompareMem(&DeDiskId.GptID, &((EFI_PARTITION_TABLE_HEADER*)Header)->DiskGUID, sizeof(DeDiskId.GptID)) == 0) { diskOS = disk; OUT_PRINT(L"%H[found]%N"); } } OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); } diskOS = AskUINTN("Select disk:", diskOS); if (diskOS >= gBIOCount) { res = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } if (EfiIsPartition(gBIOHandles[diskOS])) { res = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } *DiskOS = diskOS; return EFI_SUCCESS; error: MEM_FREE(SecRegionData); return res; } EFI_STATUS OSRestoreKey() { EFI_STATUS res; UINTN disk; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* io; res = OSBackupKeyLoad(&disk); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; if (!AskConfirm("Restore?", 1)) { res = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } io = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[disk]); if (io == NULL) { res = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } res = io->WriteBlocks(io, io->Media->MediaId, 62, 512, SecRegionData + SecRegionOffset); error: MEM_FREE(SecRegionData); return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wipe ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS BlockRangeWipe( IN EFI_HANDLE h, IN UINT64 start, IN UINT64 end ) { EFI_STATUS res; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; VOID* buf; UINT64 remains; UINT64 pos; UINTN rd; bio = EfiGetBlockIO(h); if (bio == 0) { ERR_PRINT(L"No block device"); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } res = RndPreapare(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Rnd: %r\n", res); return res; } EfiPrintDevicePath(h); OUT_PRINT(L"\nSectors [%lld, %lld]", start, end); if (AskConfirm(", Wipe data?", 1) == 0) return EFI_NOT_READY; buf = MEM_ALLOC(CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS << 9); if (!buf) { ERR_PRINT(L"can not get buffer\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } remains = end -start + 1; pos = start; do { rd = (UINTN)((remains > CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS) ? CRYPT_BUF_SECTORS : remains); if (!RandgetBytes(buf, (UINT32)(rd << 9), FALSE)) { ERR_PRINT(L"No randoms. Wipe stopped.\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; MEM_FREE(buf); return res; } res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, pos, rd << 9, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Write error: %r\n", res); MEM_FREE(buf); return res; } pos += rd; remains -= rd; OUT_PRINT(L"%lld %lld \r", pos, remains); } while (remains > 0); OUT_PRINT(L"\nDone\n", pos, remains); MEM_FREE(buf); return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DCS authorization check ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS IntCheckVolume( UINTN index ) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* pBio; EFI_STATUS res; EFI_LBA vhsector; BioPrintDevicePath(index); pBio = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[index]); if (pBio == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L" No BIO protocol\n"); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } vhsector = gAuthBoot ? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : 0; res = pBio->ReadBlocks(pBio, pBio->Media->MediaId, vhsector, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L" %r(%x)\n", res, res); return res; } res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, NULL); if (res != 0) { if (gAuthBoot == 0) { OUT_PRINT(L"Try hidden..."); res = pBio->ReadBlocks(pBio, pBio->Media->MediaId, TC_VOLUME_HEADER_SIZE / 512, 512, Header); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L" %r(%x)\n", res, res); return res; } res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, NULL); } } return res; } VOID DisksAuthCheck() { UINTN i; if (BioIndexStart >= gBIOCount) return; i = BioIndexStart; do { IntCheckVolume(i); ++i; } while ((i < gBIOCount) && (i <= BioIndexEnd)); } VOID TestAuthAsk() { VCAuthAsk(); } EFI_STATUS CreateVolumeHeaderOnDisk( IN UINTN index, OUT VOID **pinfo, OUT EFI_HANDLE *phDisk, OUT UINT64 *sector ) { EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; EFI_STATUS res; UINT64 encSectorStart = 0; UINT64 encSectorEnd = 0; UINT64 VolumeSize = 0; PCRYPTO_INFO ci = 0; EFI_LBA vhsector; EFI_HANDLE hDisk = NULL; HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH hdp; BOOLEAN isPart; BioPrintDevicePath(index); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); isPart = EfiIsPartition(gBIOHandles[index]); if (isPart) { res = EfiGetPartDetails(gBIOHandles[index], &hdp, &hDisk); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { encSectorEnd = hdp.PartitionSize - encSectorStart - 256; VolumeSize = hdp.PartitionSize; } } res = CreateVolumeHeader(Header, &ci, VolumeSize, encSectorStart, encSectorEnd); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } if (isPart && gAuthBoot) { OUT_PRINT(L"Boot drive to save is selected. \n"); EfiPrintDevicePath(hDisk); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); } else { hDisk = gBIOHandles[index]; } bio = EfiGetBlockIO(hDisk); if (bio == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L"No BIO protocol\n"); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } vhsector = AskUINT64("save to sector:", gAuthBoot ? 62 : 0); if (AskConfirm("Save [N]?", 1)) { res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, vhsector, 512, Header); ERR_PRINT(L"Write: %r\n", res); } if (phDisk != NULL) *phDisk = hDisk; if (pinfo != NULL) { *pinfo = ci; } else { crypto_close(ci); } if (sector != NULL)*sector = vhsector; return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USB ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINTN UsbIndex = 0; void UsbIoPrintDevicePath(UINTN uioIndex) { CHAR8* id = NULL; OUT_PRINT(L"%V%d%N ", uioIndex); EfiPrintDevicePath(gUSBHandles[uioIndex]); UsbGetId(gUSBHandles[uioIndex], &id); if (id != NULL) { UINT32 rud; rud = (UINT32)GetCrc32((unsigned char*)id, (int)AsciiStrLen(id)); OUT_PRINT(L" -(%d) %a", rud, id); MEM_FREE(id); } } void UsbIoPrintDevicePaths(CHAR16* msg) { UINTN i; OUT_PRINT(msg); for (i = 0; i < gUSBCount; ++i) { UsbIoPrintDevicePath(i); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); } } VOID PrintUsbList() { InitUsb(); UsbIoPrintDevicePaths(L"%HUSB IO handles%N\n"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set DcsInt parameters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID UpdateDcsBoot() { EFI_STATUS res; HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH dpVolme; EFI_HANDLE hDisk; if (BioIndexStart >= gBIOCount) { // Delete var res = EfiSetVar(DCS_BOOT_STR, &gEfiDcsVariableGuid, NULL, 0, 0); } else { // Set var EFI_DEVICE_PATH *DevicePath; UINTN len; BioPrintDevicePath(BioIndexStart); res = EfiGetPartDetails(gBIOHandles[BioIndexStart], &dpVolme, &hDisk); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { OUT_PRINT(L" %r\n", res); return; } DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle(hDisk); len = GetDevicePathSize(DevicePath); // res = EfiSetVar(DCS_BOOT_STR, NULL, DevicePath, len, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS); res = FileSave(NULL, DCS_BOOT_STR, DevicePath, len); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { OUT_PRINT(L" %r\n", res); return; } else { OUT_PRINT(L"Boot:"); EfiPrintDevicePath(hDisk); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); } } OUT_PRINT(L" %r\n", res); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Security region ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINTN gSecRigonCount = 0; EFI_STATUS SecRigionMark() { UINT32 crc; EFI_STATUS res; DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK* adm; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; res = PlatformGetIDCRC(gBIOHandles[BioIndexStart], &crc); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"CRC: %r\n", res); return res; } adm = (DCS_AUTH_DATA_MARK*)MEM_ALLOC(512); if (adm == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L"no memory\n"); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } adm->AuthDataSize = (UINT32)gSecRigonCount; adm->PlatformCrc = crc; res = gBS->CalculateCrc32(&adm->PlatformCrc, sizeof(*adm) - 4, &adm->HeaderCrc); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"CRC: %r\n", res); return res; } bio = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[BioIndexStart]); if (bio == NULL) { MEM_FREE(adm); ERR_PRINT(L"No block IO"); return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 61, 512, adm); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Write: %r\n", res); } MEM_FREE(adm); return res; } EFI_STATUS SecRigionWipe() { EFI_STATUS res; CHAR8* buf; UINTN i; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; buf = MEM_ALLOC(128 * 1024); if (buf == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L"no memory\n"); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } bio = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[BioIndexStart]); if (bio == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L"No block IO"); res = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto error; } if (!RandgetBytes(buf, 512, FALSE)) { ERR_PRINT(L"No randoms\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } // Wipe mark res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 61, 512, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Write: %r\n", res); goto error; } // Wipe region for (i = 0; i < gSecRigonCount; ++i) { if (!RandgetBytes(buf, 128 * 1024, FALSE)) { ERR_PRINT(L"No randoms\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 62 + i * (128 * 1024 / 512), 128 * 1024, buf); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Write: %r\n", res); goto error; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; error: MEM_FREE(buf); return res; } EFI_STATUS SecRigionAdd( IN UINTN regIdx ) { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL* bio; UINT8* regionData; UINTN regionSize; INTN deListHdrIdOk; res = FileLoad(NULL, (CHAR16*)DcsDiskEntrysFileName, ®ionData, ®ionSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Load %s: %r\n", DcsDiskEntrysFileName, res); return res; } deListHdrIdOk = CompareMem(regionData + 512, &gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID, sizeof(gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID)); if (deListHdrIdOk == 0) { ERR_PRINT(L"GPT has to be encrypted\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } bio = EfiGetBlockIO(gBIOHandles[BioIndexStart]); if (bio == NULL) { ERR_PRINT(L"No block IO"); res = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto error; } res = bio->WriteBlocks(bio, bio->Media->MediaId, 62 + regIdx * (128 * 1024 / 512), regionSize, regionData); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Write: %r\n", res); goto error; } error: MEM_FREE(regionData); return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GPT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS GptCryptFile( IN BOOLEAN crypt ) { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; UINT64 startUnit = 0; UINT8* regionData; UINTN regionSize; INTN deListHdrIdOk; res = FileLoad(NULL, (CHAR16*)DcsDiskEntrysFileName, ®ionData, ®ionSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Load %s: %r\n", DcsDiskEntrysFileName, res); return res; } deListHdrIdOk = CompareMem(regionData + 512, &gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID, sizeof(gDcsDiskEntryListHeaderID)); if ((deListHdrIdOk != 0) && crypt) { ERR_PRINT(L"Already encrypted\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } if ((deListHdrIdOk == 0) && !crypt) { ERR_PRINT(L"Already decrypted\n"); res = EFI_CRC_ERROR; goto error; } DetectX86Features(); CopyMem(Header, regionData, sizeof(Header)); res = TryHeaderDecrypt(Header, &gAuthCryptInfo, NULL); if(EFI_ERROR(res)){ goto error; } startUnit = 0; if (crypt) { EncryptDataUnits(regionData + 512, (UINT64_STRUCT *)&startUnit, (UINT32)(regionSize >> 9) - 1, gAuthCryptInfo); } else { DecryptDataUnits(regionData + 512, (UINT64_STRUCT *)&startUnit, (UINT32)(regionSize >> 9) - 1, gAuthCryptInfo); } res = FileSave(NULL, (CHAR16*)DcsDiskEntrysFileName, regionData, regionSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"Save %s: %r\n", DcsDiskEntrysFileName, res); goto error; } error: MEM_FREE(regionData); return res; } EFI_STATUS GptEdit( IN UINTN index ) { EFI_PARTITION_ENTRY* part = &GptMainEntrys[index]; /// /// Null-terminated name of the partition. /// CHAR16 PartitionName[36]; UINTN len; while (!GptAskGUID("type (msr, data, wre, efi, del or guid)\n\r:", &part->PartitionTypeGUID)); if (CompareMem(&part->PartitionTypeGUID, &gEfiPartTypeUnusedGuid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0) { ZeroMem(part, sizeof(*part)); GptSqueze(); GptSort(); GptSyncMainAlt(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } while (!GptAskGUID("id\n\r:", &part->UniquePartitionGUID)); part->StartingLBA = AskUINT64("StartingLBA:", part->StartingLBA); part->EndingLBA = AskUINT64("EndingLBA:", part->EndingLBA); part->Attributes = AskHexUINT64("Attributes\n\r:", part->Attributes); OUT_PRINT(L"[%s]\n\r:", part->PartitionName); GetLine(&len, PartitionName, NULL, sizeof(PartitionName) / 2 - 1, 1); if (len != 0) { CopyMem(&part->PartitionName, PartitionName, sizeof(PartitionName)); } GptSqueze(); GptSort(); GptSyncMainAlt(); return EFI_SUCCESS; }